ReactJS Vs VueJS

Nowadays, every business strives to produce a top-notch online solution quickly. The developers choose between various JavaScript libraries and frameworks and discuss which is better before putting it into practice. There are so many frameworks available in the field of web development.

This article will compare the two most popular front-end frameworks for building online applications React and Vue, to help you decide what technology you need.

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What Is React js?

React is a JavaScript library that is used to build mobile and web applications fast and interactive. It is an open-source, reusable component-based front-end library of JavaScript. React is a combination of HTML and JavaScript. It provides a robust and opinionated way to build modern applications.

Features of React.js

After explaining what React.js is, this part will cover its features.

  • JSX - JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript with react. It is used to describe how the UI should look. JSX comes with all the features of JavaScript.
  • Virtual Document Object Model (DOM) - This defines how documents are accessed and manipulated on a web page.
  • Performance - There are several ways to speed up the react application by using virtual DOM because it reduces the re-render time.
  • One-way data-binding - Information flows in one direction. React receives information through arguments and passes it by return values.
  • Extensions - React goes beyond simple UI and has many extensions for complete application support.
  • Debugging - Facebook created a small browser extension to make react debugging easier and faster.

What Is Vue JS?

A JavaScript framework called Vue is used to create user interfaces. It provides a declarative and component-based programming approach that enables you to quickly create user interfaces, regardless of how simple or difficult they can be.

  • It works on top of industry-standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • HTML apps can function thanks to Vue.js directives.
  • Built-in and user-defined directives are available in Vue.js.

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Features of VueJS

After explaining what Vue js is, this part will cover its features.

Virtual DOM

  • A virtual representation of the DOM is called virtual DOM.
  • A JavaScript object identical to the real DOM is constructed using virtual DOM. 
  • Every time a modification to the DOM is required, a new JavaScript object is formed, and the modifications are made. Later, the final changes are updated in the actual DOM after comparing the two JavaScript objects.

Data Binding

  • In VueJS, data binding comes with a binding directive called v-bind.
  • The data binding functionality assists in manipulating or assigning values to HTML attributes, changing the style, and assigning classes.


  • Components are independent elements with their own data logic and view.
  • One of VueJS's key features, components, enables the creation of unique elements that can be reused throughout HTML.

Event Handling

  • To listen to the events in VueJS, the DOM elements have a property called v-on.


  • When HTML elements are added, changed, or removed from the DOM, VueJS offers a variety of techniques to apply the transition. 
  • For the transition effect, an element must be wrapped in the built-in transition component of VueJS. 
  • The interface can be more interactive, and third-party animation libraries are simple to add.

Computing Properties

  • One of VueJS's key characteristics is its computing properties. 
  • Paying attention to the UI element changes and making appropriate calculations is beneficial. 
  • No further coding is required for this.


  • It provides HTML-based templates that connect the data from the Vue.js instance to the DOM. 
  • The templates are converted into simulated DOM Render functions. 
  • The template for render functions can be used by web developers, who can then swap out the template for the render function.


  • The built-in directives in VueJS can be used to carry out various front-end tasks, including v-if, v-else, v-show, v-on, v-bind, and v-model.


  • Vue-router is used to navigate between pages.
  • Regardless of how the URL route was updated, Vue offers an interface to adjust what is displayed on the page.

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Why Is Vue Better Than React JS?

  • Vue js makes it easier and faster to design web applications.
  • There is considerably better and more complete documentation for Vue.js.
  • It facilitates the straightforward creation of template-based apps.
  • HTML, JS, and CSS are used individually by VueJS. 
  • VueJS uses a template-based approach.
  • Vue js has considerably easier integration, syntax, and adaptability.

Why Is Vue Better Than React JS?

  • React has the added benefit of offering more API options than Virtual DOM.
  • React js gives developers more options when creating bigger, more complicated programs.
  • Testing is simpler in react.
  • Along with supporting web creation, this service provides superior technical assistance with more resources and information available.

Which Businesses Might Need to Choose React?

  • Early-stage startups that need fast feature development and validation campaigns on the market.
  • Companies that are looking to outsource their development. It is much easier to find a React developer compared to the one with Vue.js expertise.
  • Product-based companies will also require cross-platforming app development (React Native based on React technology, it will be a good fit).

Which Businesses Might Need to Choose Vue?

  • Companies that approach the market of web-based products.
  • Companies that are looking to implement a single flow in their development process.
  • Companies with no previous experience of using frameworks in their build process or those looking to leverage their proficiency with JavaScript.
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Next Steps

We hope this article on "React js Vs VueJS" has helped you better grasp how React and Vue work. VueJS is very easy to learn, making Vue.JS an excellent option for small and medium-sized businesses and any development company that wants to swiftly construct high-performance web apps with readable code, and React usually re-uses a single abstract component which makes it easier for the developers. React includes a method for transmitting data and states between components. You can easily provide state, props, and setState. React also takes care of state management and resets.

A full-stack development course would be useful if you want to become a front-end developer.

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Simplilearn is one of the world’s leading providers of online training for Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Data Science, IT, Software Development, and many other emerging technologies.

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