The Most Comprehensive Guide for Beginners to Know ‘What Is TypeScript’

Microsoft created and maintains the TypeScript programming language. It's a rigorous syntactical superset of JavaScript with the addition of optional static typing. TypeScript is a large-scale application development language that compiles JavaScript. Existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs because TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript.

If you’re wondering what is TypeScript, then don’t worry, you have come to the right place. This tutorial will help you understand what TypeScript is in detail.

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What Is TypeScript?


  • TypeScript is an object-oriented and strongly typed programming language which is a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript code is converted to JavaScript, which can be executed anywhere JavaScript is supported: In a browser, on Node.js, and in your applications.
  • TypeScript was designed by Anders Hejlsberg at MICROSOFT. The limitations of JavaScript for developing large-scale applications at Microsoft and among its external customers led to the creation of TypeScript. Because of the difficulty of working with complicated JavaScript code, there was a demand for custom tooling to make developing JavaScript components easier.
  • TypeScript is JavaScript with some additional features. To support a more robust interaction with your editor, TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript. TypeScript is a scripting language that understands JavaScript and uses type inference to provide powerful capabilities without additional code.

Why TypeScript?

Now that you understood what TypeScript is, you will now see why you use TypeScript.

  • Compilation

JavaScript is an interpreted language. Thus there is no need to compile it. As a result, it must be run to ensure authenticity. If there is an error, you write all the code only to find no output. As a result, you'll have to spend hours looking for faults in the code. Error-checking is provided via the TypeScript transpiler. If TypeScript detects any syntax mistakes, it will compile the code and generate compilation errors. This aids in detecting errors before the execution of the script.

  • Provides an Optional Type System for Javascript Code.

When a client doesn't have a value for a parameter, he can pass null. Optional arguments are a feature of TypeScript. You can declare some optional arguments in the function by utilizing Optional parameters features so that the client does not need to supply a value to optional parameters.

  • Strong Static Typing

JavaScript does not have a powerful static typing system. Through the TLS, TypeScript comes with an optional static typing and type inference system (TypeScript Language Service). The TLS can deduce the type of a variable defined with no type based on its value.

  • Supports Object-Oriented Programming

TypeScript supports classes, interfaces, inheritance, and other Object-Oriented Programming principles.

  • Supports Type Definition

Existing JavaScript libraries can use TypeScript type definitions. External JavaScript libraries are defined in TypeScript Definition files (with the.d.ts extension). As a result, it can include these libraries in TypeScript code.

TypeScript vs. JavaScript




TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language

JavaScript is a scripting language

TypeScript supports static typing

JavaScript does not support static typing

During the compilation process, errors might be detected and fixed

Because it is an interpreted language, it can only identify errors during runtime

ES3, ES4, ES5, and ES6 are all supported

Compiling additional ES3, ES4, ES5, or ES6 features is not supported.

Functions can have optional parameters

This feature is not possible in JavaScript

To make the code comprehensible by browsers, it was converted to JavaScript code.

Can be used directly in browsers.

For static type definitions, a proper build setup (npm package) is necessary.

There is no need to set up a build environment.

Features of TypeScript


  • TypeScript Supports Other JS Libraries

TypeScript is a new Microsoft language that is a highly typed superset of JavaScript with support for OOP and other current features like decorators. Because browsers and nodes comprehend JavaScript, TypeScript compiles JavaScript.

  • TypeScript Is Portable

TypeScript is cross-browser, cross-device, and cross-platform. It can run in any environment that supports JavaScript. TypeScript, unlike its competitors, does not require a dedicated virtual machine or a specific runtime environment to run.

  • JavaScript Is TypeScript

It's a strong syntactical superset of JavaScript with the addition of optional static typing. TypeScript is a large-scale application development language that transcompiles to JavaScript. Existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs because TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript.

  • TypeScript Is Static

When a client doesn't have a value for a parameter, he can pass null. Optional arguments are a feature of TypeScript. You can declare some arguments in the function optional by utilizing Optional parameters features so that the client is not necessary to supply a value to optional parameters.

  • Object-Oriented Programming

When it comes to object-oriented programming with JavaScript, TypeScript shines. Because of the class keyword, it makes object-oriented programming look quite similar to programming in other object-oriented languages like C# or Java.

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Applications of TypeScript

  • TypeScript can be used to create both client-side and server-side JavaScript applications.
  • TypeScript can be used to develop JavaScript applications for both client-side and server-side execution (as with Node.js or Deno).
  • TypeScript can be deployed instead of JavaScript language since it adds more features and gives errors directly with the code.
  • TypeScript is used for building large-scale applications for enterprises.

Advantages of Using TypeScript

  • During development, problems are highlighted at compilation time.
  • Any browser or JavaScript engine can run Typescript.
  • By defining a module, it has a namespace concept.
  • IntelliSense is a feature of TypeScript that delivers active tips as you type.
  • Supports strongly typed or static typing. TypeScript has the advantage of being tightly typed or allowing static typing. It may confirm type correctness at compile time because of static typing.

Disadvantages of Using TypeScript

  • The compilation of TypeScript code takes a lengthy time.
  • TypeScript does not support abstract classes.
  • Extra compilation step for converting TypeScript into JavaScript. 
  • It has an overly complicated typing system.
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Hope that this tutorial on ‘what is TypeScript’ has provided you with a basic understanding of TypeScript, its features, applications, and advantages. If you wish to learn these programming languages and maybe work as a developer, course certification will be beneficial to work as a developer. To learn typescript enroll for Full Stack Developer - MERN Stack.

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