MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL document database management program written in C++. NoSQL databases can be effectively used when working with large sets of distributed data; therefore, they are considered valuable alternatives to traditional relational databases. MongoDB can manage, store, or retrieve document-oriented information. Organizations can use it for many other features, including non-parameterized queries, cataloging, load-distributing, and server-side JavaScript execution. The article discusses the create collection method, its syntax, and name and options that will help retrieve, store, manipulate, and communicate aggregate data. 

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Create Collection Method 

In relational databases, there are tables, while in MongoDB, there are collections, which are capable of storing documents of diverse or dissimilar types. Several ways can be employed to create and remove collections in MongoDB. Of which one way is by using db.createCollection(name, options). MongoDB creates a collection for an inserted command automatically if no similar collection already exists in the MongoDB database.

For example, To create a capped collection, insert the following command,

db.createCollection(“teachers”,{capped : true, size : 9232768}){“ok” : 1}

After inserting this command, a collection named “teachers” having a max size of 9232768 bytes will be created in the MongoDB database. Once the collection reaches the size limit, overwriting of old entries will start.

Syntax of the Create Collection Method

Given is a syntax of the Create Collection Method that can be used to create a collection in MongoDB: db.createCollection(collection_name, options)

Name and Options

In the Create Collection method, “name” is the name of the collection created. “Options” is a document used to denote the configuration of a collection, including memory size and indexing. 






Collection name



Specifications of the configuration of the collection

Options is an optional parameter, so only the name of the collection needs to be specified. Given below is a list of options that can be used. Please note that all of these parameters are optional.






If it is set to true, a capped collection is enabled, which is a fixed size collection that overwrites its oldest entries automatically when maximum size is reached. If true is specified, the size parameter also needs to be specified.



If true is set, automatically, an index is created on the ID field. Its default value is false.



Specifies a maximum size for a capped collection in bytes. If true is specified, then this field also needs to be specified.



Specifies the highest number of documents allowed in the collection.

A regular collection does not have size limitations, unlike capped collections, which have limitations of size. MongoDB first evaluates the size field of the capped collection and then checks the max field while inserting the document.


While living and working in the current data-driven era, organizations need to have all their documents and files stored in a reliable database. After going through the discussion, you will now be able to create collections in MongoDB confidently. All you need to do is execute some code lines, and the rest of everything happens automatically. 

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