Explaining the Concepts of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a new technology that employs quantum physics to solve problems that standard computers are unable to answer. Today, many firms attempt to make genuine quantum hardware available to thousands of developers, a tool that scientists only began to conceive three decades ago. As a result, our engineers deploy ever-more-powerful superconducting quantum processors regularly, bringing us closer to the quantum computing speed and capacity required to revolutionize the world.

But that isn't enough; there are still a lot of issues to be answered, such as how quantum computers function and how they vary from ordinary computers, as well as how they will impact our world. You've come to the right place.

In this tutorial, we will explore every bit of quantum computing and understand its concepts to get our answers.

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What Is Quantum Computing?

  • Quantum computing is a branch of computing that focuses on the development of computer technology based on the notions of quantum theory.
  • It utilizes the power of subatomic particles' unusual capacity to exist in many states, such as 0 and 1 at the same time.
  • In comparison to traditional computers, they can process exponentially more data.
  • Operations in quantum computing utilize an object's quantum state to produce a qubit.


Image Of Quantum Computer

What Is Qubit?

  • In quantum computing, a qubit is the fundamental unit of data.
  • They serve the same purpose in quantum computing that bits do in traditional computing, but they act quite differently.
  • Qubits can contain a superposition of all conceivable states, whereas traditional bits are binary and can only keep a position of 0 or 1.

Quantum Computer vs. Classic Computer

Quantum Computer

Classic Computer

Qubits, which can be 1 or 0 simultaneously, are used in quantum computers.

Transistors, which can be either 1 or 0, are used in classic computers.

They are ideal for simulations and data analysis, as in medication or chemical studies.

They're perfect for routine chores that require the use of a computer.

Quantum Computers help solve more complicated problems.

Adding memory to computers is a classic example of traditional computing advancement.


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How Do Quantum Computers Work?

Quantum computers are more elegant than supercomputers, as they are smaller and use less energy. Multidimensional quantum algorithms are run on them using qubits (CUE-bits). 

The Quantum Hardware system is quite large and mostly comprises cooling systems to keep the superconducting processor at its ultra-cold operational temperature.


A desktop computer probably has a fan to keep cool enough to work, whereas Quantum processors must be extremely cold, only a hundredth of a degree above absolute zero. And this is done by making superconductors out of supercooled superfluids.


Certain materials in the processors exhibit another significant quantum mechanical feature at those ultra-low temperatures: electrons pass through them without resistance. This makes them "superconductors." When electrons flow through superconductors, they generate "Cooper pairs," which match up pairs of electrons. Quantum tunneling is a mechanism that allows these couples to transfer a charge over barriers or insulators. A Josephson junction is formed by two superconductors arranged on opposite sides of an insulator.


The superconducting qubits in Quantum Computers are Josephson junctions. We can regulate the behavior of these qubits and get them to hold, modify, and read individual units of quantum information by firing microwave photons at them.


A qubit isn't particularly enough on its own. It can, however, perform a critical task: superpositioning the quantum information it carries, which represents a combination of all possible qubit configurations.

Complex, multidimensional computing landscapes can be created by groups of qubits in superposition. In these settings, complex problems can be expressed in unusual ways.


Entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the behavior of two independent objects is linked. Changes to one qubit directly impact the other when two qubits are entangled. Quantum algorithms take advantage of these connections to solve difficult issues.

Types of Quantum Computers

  • Building a working quantum computer necessitates keeping an object in a superposition state long enough to perform various operations on it.
  • Unfortunately, when a superposition interacts with materials that are part of a measuring system, it loses its in-between state and it becomes a boring old classical bit, which is known as decoherence.
  • Devices must protect quantum states from decoherence while also allowing them to be read easily.

Different approaches and solutions are being taken to address this problem, such as using more resilient quantum processes or finding better techniques to detect faults.

Why Do We Need Quantum Computers?

Scientists and engineers use supercomputers to solve challenging issues. These are extremely powerful traditional computers with thousands of CPU and GPU cores. Even supercomputers, however, have difficulty solving some problems. If a supercomputer becomes stumped, it's most likely because it was asked to handle a problem with a high level of complexity. However, complexity is frequently the cause of failure with traditional computers.

And here comes Quantum Computers, which are designed to handle more complex problems much easier and faster than any other classic computer or supercomputer.

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Quantum Computer Uses and Application Areas

While several businesses have created personal quantum computers (albeit at a high cost), there is yet nothing commercially available. JPMorgan Chase and Visa are both investigating quantum computing and related technology. Google may offer a cloud-based quantum computing service after it has been built.


Quantum technology can also be accessed without developing a quantum computer. By 2023, IBM hopes to have a 1,000-qubit quantum computer operational. For the time being, IBM only enables access to machines that are part of its Quantum Network. Research organizations, universities, and laboratories are among the network members.


Quantum technology is also available through Microsoft's Azure Quantum platform. Google, on the other hand, does not sell access to its quantum computers.


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In terms of how it works and what it's used for, Quantum Computing differs from traditional computing. Classical computers utilize transistors, which can only be 1 or 0, but quantum computers employ qubits, which can be either 1 or 0 at the same time. As a result, Quantum Computing has significantly increased in power and can now be utilized for large-scale data processing and simulations. However, no commercial quantum computer has yet been constructed. Check out Simplilearn's Cloud Architect Master’s Program to learn more about Quantum Computing, and relevant educational resources and certificates in Quantum Computing. 

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About the Author

Nikita DuggalNikita Duggal

Nikita Duggal is a passionate digital marketer with a major in English language and literature, a word connoisseur who loves writing about raging technologies, digital marketing, and career conundrums.

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