BERT vs GPT Explained: Which AI Model Is Superior?

BERT and GPT are critical tools in natural language processing, enabling machines to understand and generate human language. BERT, or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, emphasizes understanding context by examining surrounding words. GPT, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, excels at producing relevant text based on initial input. Both GPT vs BERT models enhance how people interact with technology.

In this article, we will provide an overview of BERT vs GPT, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, and explore their roles in language processing.

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Here’s a closer look at how BERT vs GPT compare in some key areas:

  • Architecture

The way BERT and GPT read and understand text is different. BERT takes a unique approach by simultaneously looking at words from both directions, allowing it to get a complete sense of what a word means based on the words around it. This makes it great for tasks where grasping the entire meaning is essential, like understanding emotions in a sentence. 

On the other hand, GPT reads text one word at a time, paying attention only to what came before. This setup works well for tasks that involve writing naturally flowing text, such as finishing a story or creating a conversation.

  • Learning Style

Bert and GPT are trained in different approaches which makes their ways of processing language different. With BERT, training involves hiding some words in a sentence and figuring out what those words are based on the surrounding context. This makes it good at tasks where understanding the deeper meaning of text is key. 

However, GPT-4 learns by predicting the next word in a sentence, making it a better fit for generating creative content or having a chat.

  • Amount of Data Used

There’s also a big difference in the text volume these models were trained on. GPT has a much larger training set, around 45TB of data, which gives it a broad range of knowledge and can be useful for things like summarizing lengthy documents or translating text from one language to another. 

In comparison, BERT trained on about 3TB of data. While that’s still a lot, GPT’s bigger data diet can make a noticeable difference in tasks that require a lot of information.

  • Size of the Models

The size of these models also sets them apart. GPT is much larger, with about 1.5 billion parameters, compared to BERT's 340 million. Think of parameters as the pieces that help the model understand and work with language; more parameters mean a bigger brain to handle more complex tasks. This gives GPT an advantage for things that involve detailed, in-depth responses. 

But BERT’s smaller size doesn't hold it back when it comes to tasks like detecting mood, sorting text into categories, or answering simple questions.

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Overview of GPT

OpenAI made ChatGPT available to the public in November 2022, building on earlier iterations such as InstructGPT and GPT-3. This release represented a significant step forward, enabling the model to acknowledge its errors, answer follow-up questions and screen out the junk. 

Its popularity exploded, reaching 100 million users in two months and hence becoming the fastest-growing application in history. Microsoft was among the prominent contributors to this success, investing $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019.

Uses of GPT

Here’s a closer look at the various uses of GPT across different sectors:

  • Education

GPT is a useful tool in education that helps students with homework, explanations, and summarizing difficult subjects. With this guidance, students' academic performance improves and they better understand difficult subjects.

  • Professional Use

In the workplace, ChatGPT boosts productivity by helping professionals draft emails, create content, and brainstorm new ideas. Its ability to generate text quickly and clearly makes it an invaluable resource for busy teams.

  • Customer Support

GPT also enhances customer support services by efficiently answering queries and providing information. This allows businesses to offer quicker responses and improve customer satisfaction.

  • Creative Writing

For writers and content creators, GPT serves as a source of inspiration. It can help generate story ideas, assist with plot development, and even suggest dialogue, making the creative process smoother and more enjoyable.

Related Read: The Ultimate Guide to Using ChatGPT by OpenAI

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Advantages of ChatGPT

Now, let’s look at the advantages of ChatGPT and how it stands out in various applications:

  • Specific Use Cases

ChatGPT excels in specific scenarios, such as enhancing customer experience, supporting students and educators, and improving business operations. Its ability to generate clear responses makes it a go-to solution for these tasks, allowing it to adapt and learn from incoming data.

  • Quick and Accurate Responses

ChatGPT can react quickly and accurately to various prompts because of its intensive training on a wide range of information. This responsiveness is key in hectic settings when timely information is critical.

  • Marketing Applications

ChatGPT has been shown to be quite helpful in marketing. It can translate information according to user instructions, produce blog post outlines, and generate pertinent keywords. This feature facilitates better communication and streamlines marketers' efforts.

  • Enhanced Learning Support

For students and teachers alike, ChatGPT is an invaluable resource that offers clarifications, help with assignments, and even study advice. Its capacity to communicate knowledge in an intelligible way promotes learning and academic achievement.

Disadvantages of ChatGPT

Apart from the advantages, here are some of the disadvantages of ChatGPT to keep in mind:

  • Unidirectional Processing

ChatGPT processes language in a unidirectional way, meaning it only looks at text from right to left. This gives it less context compared to BERT, which understands language from both directions.

  • Efficacy and Safety Issues

Although ChatGPT has improved over time, there are still concerns about its effectiveness, safety, and security. These issues can limit how well it performs in different situations.

  • Ethical and Political Concerns

The emergence of innovations such as ChatGPT creates significant ethical and political issues. In October 2023, the White House set forth eight principles, which were designed to implement AI technology in secure and responsible manners.

  • Content Safety Concerns

Another significant concern is content safety. ChatGPT has been known to provide improper responses to specific cues, raising reliability issues. It is important to use caution while using sensitive company information because there are concerns about illegal access to it as well.

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Overview of BERT

BERT was developed by Google in 2018 and marks a significant advancement in artificial intelligence. This neural network is trained on a vast corpus of conventional texts, which ensures that human language is deciphered correctly. 

What sets this model apart is the unique ability of bidirectional processing, wherein every word in a text is analyzed with respect to the context of every other word from either side. This is why BERT is particularly strong in semantic analysis, especially in question answering and language inference tasks, which require a complete understanding of word relationships in sentences along with the sentences themselves.

Uses of BERT

BERT has a variety of applications that make it a valuable tool in understanding language. Here are some common uses of BERT:

  • Online Searches

BERT enhances search engines by improving their comprehension of human language. It aids in query interpretation, enhancing the relevancy of search results. Following its introduction, Google reported improvements in search accuracy for 10% of English inquiries.

  • Sentiment Analysis

BERT has also been known to efficiently process and analyze vast materials like articles or opinions and identify the prevailing emotions. Determining whether emotion is positive, negative, or neutral is his job and this helps businesses understand what the people want.

  • Named Entity Recognition

In a text, BERT may recognize names of people, locations, and other entities. It can organize information according to key figures or topics thanks to this feature. Furthermore, Multilingual BERT's training in 104 languages expands its applicability by facilitating efficient text analysis beyond English.

Advantages of BERT

Apart from its uses, let’s explore some advantages of BERT:

  • Understanding Context from Both Sides

One of the standout features of BERT is its ability to process text by considering context from both directions. This bidirectional approach enables it to grasp the meaning of words more effectively, leading to responses that are coherent and contextually accurate compared to models focusing only on prior words.

  • Unique Training Technique

BERT employs a distinctive training method where it predicts hidden words based on the surrounding context. This technique helps it understand the intricacies of language and enhances its ability to interpret meaning more precisely.

  • Open-Source Access

Another significant advantage of BERT is its open-source availability. This allows users to access and modify the model for their specific needs. Since BERT has already been trained on a large dataset, users can quickly adapt it using smaller datasets, saving considerable time and resources compared to developing a model from the ground up.

  • Proven Effectiveness

BERT has demonstrated impressive performance in a variety of language tasks, including sentiment analysis and name and location recognition. Because of its adaptability, it is a dependable option for anyone wishing to improve their language comprehension.

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Disadvantages of BERT

BERT has its drawbacks as well, so let’s take a closer look at some of its key limitations:

  • Access Complexity

Although BERT is freely available, using it is more complicated than ChatGPT. Users usually have to browse through tools like Jupyter Notebook to interact with BERT. The fact that this configuration is more appropriate for programmers and data analysts may disadvantage people who aren't technically inclined.

  • Resource-Intensive

Given its size and computing demands, BERT is a large system. It contains a large number of weights, which represent the connections the neural network acquired during training. It can take a lot of time and money to adjust these weights for best results, therefore smaller enterprises may not be able to afford it.

  • Limited Output Length

Another drawback of BERT is its tendency to produce shorter responses. Unlike ChatGPT, which can generate lengthy and detailed outputs from brief inputs, BERT’s design may limit the depth of its responses. This can be a disadvantage in contexts where elaborate explanations are needed.

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In conclusion, the comparison between BERT vs GPT 3 highlights the unique strengths of each model. BERT excels in understanding context, while GPT shines in generating text. Knowing these differences helps you choose the right tool for your needs. If you want to learn more about generative AI and how to use it effectively, check out the Applied Gen AI Specialization from Simplilearn. This program will give you the skills you need to make the most of these powerful technologies in your work.

Also, don’t miss the chance to dive into our top-tier programs on Generative AI. You'll master key skills like prompt engineering, GPTs, and other cutting-edge concepts. Take the next step and enroll today to stay ahead in your AI game!


1. Is ChatGPT better than BERT?

ChatGPT and BERT have different strengths. ChatGPT is great at creating content that drives conversations and generating business-related text, while BERT shines in understanding context in language. Which one you choose really depends on what you need to do.

2. What is BERT vs BART vs GPT?

BERT, BART, and GPT each have their own special features. BERT is all about understanding the context of words in sentences. BART combines understanding and generating text. GPT focuses mainly on creating text. Each one is built for different tasks.

3. What is BERT best for?

BERT is best for jobs that require a solid grasp of language, such as figuring out sentiments in text, answering questions, and recognizing names or places. Its unique way of looking at text helps it understand the meaning behind words, which is useful in many situations.

4. How to use BERT like ChatGPT?

To make BERT work like ChatGPT, you can train it on conversations to adjust it for chat-like tasks. While BERT is primarily made for understanding, fine-tuning it for dialogue can make it work better in conversational settings.

5. Is BERT generative AI?

BERT isn’t classified as generative AI. It’s more about understanding and analyzing text than creating it. Unlike models that produce text from prompts, BERT excels at tasks like classification and comprehension, making it a handy tool for various language tasks.

About the Author

Aditya KumarAditya Kumar

Aditya Kumar is an experienced analytics professional with a strong background in designing analytical solutions. He excels at simplifying complex problems through data discovery, experimentation, storyboarding, and delivering actionable insights.

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