An Ultimate Guide to Learning DATEDIF in Excel

Business data often revolves around months, quarters, and years. The dates and intervals between them can significantly impact performance evaluations and decision-making processes. Accurate date differences are crucial, and errors can lead to misinformed conclusions.

Excel offers a powerful solution for an easy and automated way to calculate date differences. The `DATEDIF` function is a built-in tool that allows users to precisely calculate the difference between business dates, whether in days, months, or years. This function ensures accurate and reliable results, making it an essential tool for business analysis.

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What Is DATEDIF in Excel?

DATEDIF is a function in Excel that calculates the difference between two dates. It can return the difference in years, months, or days, making it useful for tasks like age calculation, duration of projects, and time intervals. The DATEDIF function is somewhat of an "undocumented feature" in Excel. While it works well, it's not included in Excel's help files, and sometimes, it might return errors if the date inputs are invalid or if the end date is earlier than the start date. Always ensure your dates are correctly formatted and logical.

DATEDIF() Excel Formula

The DATEDIF function in Excel calculates the difference between two dates in various units, such as years, months, or days. It's useful for calculating ages, project durations, and other date-related metrics.


DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)

  • start_date: The start date in a valid date format.
  • end_date: The end date in a valid date format.
  • unit: A text string that specifies the type of information you want returned.


  • "Y": The number of complete years between the start and end dates.
  • "M": The number of complete months between the start and end dates.
  • "D": The number of days between the start and end dates.
  • "MD": The difference between the days in the start and end dates, ignoring months and years.
  • "YM": The difference between the months in the start and end dates, ignoring days and years.
  • "YD": The difference between the days of the start and end dates, ignoring years.

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How to Use DATEDIF Excel Function? (With Steps)

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the DATEDIF function in Excel to calculate the difference between two dates:

1. Open Excel

Open your Excel workbook where you want to use the DATEDIF function.

2. Enter Your Dates

Enter the start date and end date in two separate cells. For example, enter the start date in cell A1 and the end date in cell B1.

3. Select the Cell for the Result

Click on the cell where you want the result of the DATEDIF function to appear. For example, select cell C1.

4. Enter the DATEDIF Formula

In the selected cell, enter the DATEDIF formula. Use the following syntax:

=DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)

Replace start_date and end_date with the references to the cells containing your dates, and replace the unit with the desired unit for the calculation.

5. Choose the Unit

Select the appropriate unit for the type of difference you want to calculate:

  • "Y": Complete years
  • "M": Complete months
  • "D": Total days
  • "MD": Difference in days, ignoring months and years
  • "YM": Difference in months, ignoring days and years
  • "YD": Difference in days, ignoring years
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Here are five examples demonstrating how to use the DATEDIF function in Excel to calculate different types of date differences:

Example 1: Calculating Complete Years

Calculate the number of complete years between January 1, 2015, and March 1, 2021.

Enter Dates:

Cell A1: 1/1/2015

Cell B1: 3/1/2021


=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "Y")


The result in cell C1 will be 6 complete years.

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Example 2: Calculating Complete Months

Calculate the number of complete months between June 15, 2019, and November 23, 2020.

Enter Dates:

Cell A1: 6/15/2019

Cell B1: 11/23/2020


=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "M")


The result in cell C1 will be 17 complete months.

Example 3: Calculating Total Days

Calculate the total number of days between February 20, 2020, and December 25, 2020.

Enter Dates:

Cell A1: 2/20/2020

Cell B1: 12/25/2020


=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "D")


The result in cell C1 will be 309 days.

Example 4: Calculating Days Ignoring Months and Years

Calculate the difference in days between January 10, 2021, and February 25, 2021, ignoring months and years.

Enter Dates:

Cell A1: 1/10/2021

Cell B1: 2/25/2021


=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "MD")


The result in cell C1 will be 15 days.

Example 5: Calculating Months Ignoring Years

Calculate the difference in months between March 10, 2018, and July 15, 2021, ignoring years.

Enter Dates:

Cell A1: 3/10/2018

Cell B1: 7/15/2021


=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "YM")


The result in cell C1 will be 4 months.

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The DATEDIF function in Excel offers several advantages, making it a valuable tool for date-related calculations. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Versatility in Date Calculations

The DATEDIF function can calculate differences in years, months, and days, providing flexibility for various applications such as age calculation, project duration, and time interval analysis.

2. Simplicity and Ease of Use

With its straightforward syntax, DATEDIF is easy to use even for non-advanced Excel users. The function only requires three arguments: the start date, the end date, and the unit of measurement.

3. Precision in Date Differences

DATEDIF allows precise calculation of date differences by providing specific units like "Y" for years, "M" for months, "D" for days, as well as combinations like "YM", "MD", and "YD" for more granular differences.

4. Effective for Age Calculation

One of the common uses of DATEDIF is calculating ages accurately, considering leap years and varying month lengths. This makes it particularly useful for HR departments, medical records, and other fields that require age calculations.

5. Ignoring Higher Units

The function can ignore higher units (e.g., months and years in "MD" or years in "YM" and "YD"), which is useful when you need to focus on the difference in days or months only.

6. Integration with Other Functions

DATEDIF can be combined with other Excel functions to create more complex formulas. For example, you can use it with IF, SUM, AVERAGE, and other functions to create detailed and dynamic spreadsheets.

7. Hidden but Powerful

Despite being an undocumented function in Excel's help files, DATEDIF remains a powerful tool. Advanced users appreciate its ability to perform precise date calculations without needing additional plugins or software.

8. Reducing Manual Calculations

By automating the process of calculating date differences, DATEDIF saves time and reduces the risk of errors that might occur with manual calculations. This ensures consistency and accuracy in data analysis.

9. Handling Varied Date Formats

Excel can recognize different date formats, and DATEDIF works with any valid date format recognized by Excel, adding flexibility and ease of use across different datasets and regions.

Examples of Applications

  • Project Management: Calculate project timelines, deadlines, and durations.
  • Human Resources: Determine employee ages, tenure, and retirement eligibility.
  • Financial Analysis: Analyze loan durations, investment periods, and interest calculations.
  • Healthcare: Calculate patient ages, treatment durations, and follow-up schedules.

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  • Lack of Documentation
  • Error-Prone with Invalid Dates
  • Limited Error Handling
  • Limited Unit Options
  • Manual Input of Units
  • Poor Handling of Non-Date Inputs

To mitigate some of these disadvantages, users can:

  • Double-check date formats and ensure valid date entries.
  • Use additional error handling functions like IFERROR to manage potential errors.
  • Combine DATEDIF with other functions for more complex date calculations.
  • Consult online resources and forums for additional support and examples.

DATEDIF Function Not Working

When the DATEDIF function in Excel is not working, there could be several reasons behind the issue. Here are some common causes and troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem:

Common Issues and Solutions

1. Invalid Date Formats: Ensure that the dates are in a valid format recognized by Excel. Dates should be entered consistently (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY).


  • Verify the format of the dates.
  • Use the DATE function to construct dates correctly.

=DATEDIF(DATE(2020, 1, 1), DATE(2021, 3, 1), "Y")

2. Start Date is After End Date: If the start_date is later than the end_date, DATEDIF will return an error.


  • Ensure that the start date is earlier than or equal to the end date.
  • Swap the dates if necessary.

=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "Y")

3. Incorrect Unit Entry: The unit parameter must be a valid text string ("Y", "M", "D", "MD", "YM", "YD"). The function will return an error if the unit is incorrect or misspelled.


Check and correct the unit text string.

=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "M")

4. Non-Date Inputs: If non-date values are used as inputs, DATEDIF will not work correctly.


Ensure both start_date and end_date are valid date values.

=DATEDIF(DATEVALUE("1/1/2020"), DATEVALUE("3/1/2021"), "D")

  1. Function Not Recognized: If DATEDIF is not recognized, it might be because the function is less documented and hidden in some versions of Excel.


  • Manually enter the function instead of using the Function Wizard.
  • Ensure you are using a version of Excel that supports DATEDIF.

5. Cell Format Issues: The cells containing dates might be formatted as text instead of date.


Convert the cells to date format.


Step-by-Step Troubleshooting

Check Date Formats:

  • Select the cells with dates.
  • Right-click and choose "Format Cells."
  • Select the "Date" category and choose an appropriate date format.

Validate Date Order:

  • Ensure the start date is not after the end date.

Verify Units:

  • Double-check the unit string is correct ("Y", "M", "D", etc.).

Convert Text to Date:

  • Use DATEVALUE to convert text dates to date values.

=DATEDIF(DATEVALUE("1/1/2020"), DATEVALUE("3/1/2021"), "Y")

Manual Function Entry:

  • Manually type the DATEDIF function instead of using the Function Wizard.

Use Error Handling:

  • Wrap the DATEDIF function in an IFERROR function to manage errors gracefully.

=IFERROR(DATEDIF(A1, B1, "D"), "Invalid dates")

Example for Debugging

Let's say DATEDIF is not working in the following scenario:

  • Cell A1: 1/1/2020 (Start Date)
  • Cell B1: 3/1/2021 (End Date)
  • Cell C1: Formula: =DATEDIF(A1, B1, "Y")

If the formula returns an error:

  1. Check Date Formats: Ensure A1 and B1 are in date format.
  2. Check Date Order: Ensure A1 ≤ B1.
  3. Verify Unit: Ensure the unit is "Y" and not misspelled.
  4. Convert Text Dates: If dates are text, use DATEVALUE.


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Important Things to Note

  • Ensure the syntax of the DATEDIF function is correctly followed.
  • Both start_date and end_date must be valid dates recognized by Excel. Invalid date formats will result in errors or incorrect calculations.
  • The start_date must be earlier than or equal to the end_date. If the start_date is later than the end_date, the function will return an error.
  • Use the correct unit values.
  • The DATEDIF function is not listed in Excel's Function Wizard or help documentation. Users must manually enter the function.
  • DATEDIF does not have robust error handling. It may return errors for invalid dates or units. Use functions like IFERROR to manage potential errors.
  • DATEDIF only works with dates at the day level. It does not account for time components (hours, minutes, seconds).
  • Ensure that both start_date and end_date are valid date values. Non-date inputs will cause the function to return errors.
  • DATEDIF behavior might vary slightly across different versions of Excel. Ensure compatibility when sharing workbooks across different versions.
  • DATEDIF can be combined with other Excel functions for more complex calculations. For example, it can be combined with IF, SUM, DATEDIF, and IFERROR for robust formulas.


Having journeyed through the details of the DATEDIF function in Excel, you now possess a powerful tool to enhance your data analysis skills. Whether you're calculating age from birthdates, measuring project durations, or evaluating periods between events, DATEDIF offers precision and ease in handling date differences, which is crucial in any analytical task. For those who wish to expand their expertise beyond Excel, consider the Business Analyst Certification Training offered by Simplilearn. This comprehensive course equips you with the skills needed to thrive in a data-driven business environment. From mastering Excel to learning predictive analytics and decision-making, this certification will pave the way for a successful career in business analysis.

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