Your One-Stop Solution to Methods in C# With Examples

C# has evolved to accommodate new workloads and changing program design methodologies. All this is made possible with the help of methods. A method is an independent collection of logical statements that work together to accomplish a user-defined goal. 

In this 'Methods in C#' tutorial, you will learn the major technical aspects of methods and their operating fundamentals.

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What Are Methods in C#?

Methods in a C# program are blocks of code or statements that allow the user to reuse code, conserve memory, time, and, most importantly, increase code readability.


<AccessModifier> <returntype> <methodname>(parameter)


//Method Body


Now that you have a basic understanding of the definition and technicality of the methods in c#, you can now move on to the next segment to understand the operational components of methods.

What Are the Components of Methods in C#? 


There are mainly five components of methods in C# as explained below.

  • Access Modifier

It specifies the method's access type, i.e., how it can be accessed in your application.

In C#, there are three types of access modifiers:

Public: All methods have access to the code.

Private: Only the current method has access to the code.

Protected: It is only available within the same class or a subclass of that class.

  • Return Types

The return type specifies the data type of the value returned by the method. The return type is void if the method returns null. In C#, the return type can be int, void, double, string, and so forth.

  • Method Name

It indicates the name of the user-defined method that the user invokes, for example, factorial ().

  • Method Body

It refers to the line of code that describes the duties executed by the method during its execution. It is kept in braces.

  • Parameter List

A comma-separated list of the input parameters is defined within the open parenthesis, preceded by their data type. If there are no parameters, empty parentheses () must be used.

There are three types of parameters: 

  • Value Parameter 
  • Reference Parameter
  • Output Parameter

So far, you took a look at the major components of methods in c# and the access modifiers in c#. Now, you will explore the practical implementation and different ways to pass parameters in a method.

Implementation of Methods in C# 

In C#, methods can be implemented in four ways, and accordingly, they are classified based on their return type and input arguments. The four possible cases are discussed below:

1. Without Parameters and Without Return Type:


You will not give any parameters, and the method will be of void data type. 


using System;

namespace C__method


    class Program


        static void print()


            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Simplilearn");


        static void Main(string[] args)







2. Without Parameters and With Return Type:


You will not give any parameters, and the method will have a return data type like int. 


using System;

namespace C__method


    class Program


     static int Product()


           int x = 7, y = 22, res;  

           res = x * y;

           return res;


        static void Main(string[] args)


         int getresult=Product();






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3. With Parameters and Without Return Type:


You will give parameters, and the method will have a void return datatype.


using System;

namespace C__method


    class Program


        static void circumference(int r)


            Console.WriteLine("circumference:"+ 2*(22/7)*r);


        static void Main(string[] args)


            int rad=7;






4. With Parameters and With Return Type:


You will give any parameters, and the method will have a return data type like int.


using System;

namespace C__method


    class Program


        static int factorial (int n)


            int f1 = 1;

            for (int i = 1; i<= n; i++)


                f1 = f1 * i;


            return f1;


        static void Main(string[] args)


            int n=4, getresult;







By now, you must have gained a good grip on the technical aspects of c# methods. Next, look at some benefits of methods in C#.

Benefits of Using Methods in C#

  • The method ensures that the program is well-structured.
  • The use of methods improves the readability of the code.
  • It's an efficient approach for the user to reuse existing code.
  • It reduces the amount of time it takes to execute and the amount of memory it uses.
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Next Steps

"Operators and Expressions in C#" can be your next lesson in learning the journey of C#. Operators are symbols that can be used to do tasks with operands. Operators are used to manipulating variables and values. In C#, an expression is a collection of operands (variables, literals, method calls) and operators. An expression must have at least one operand but may or may not have any operators.

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