C++ is an extension of the widely used C programming language. Bjarne Stroustrup developed it. C++ is a programming language that is usually implemented as a compiled language. This C with classes’ language comes with generic, functional, and object-oriented features. It also allows low-level memory manipulation.

The development of C++ ensures a language-oriented approach towards embedded systems, software with limited resources, large systems, and all types of system programming. It is the chief choice in programming languages for resource-constrained applications and software installation applications.

C++ is known to accomplish direct mapping and abstractions. It can perform a direct mapping of the hardware features provided by the subset of the C language. The light-weight zero head abstractions are performed on these mappings.

C++20 is the latest version standards of C++ by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). C++ runs on a three-year release schedule from 2012, and the C++23 is the forthcoming standard version. All leading IT vendors like IBM, Oracle, Intel, and Microsoft provide C++ compilers, thus making it a widely available language.

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What Is C++ Switch?

It is the statement that allows a variable to be tested against a list of values for equality. The value in the switch is termed as a case, and hence the variable being switched on is checked against the case.

The switch statement in C++ is the best alternative to the lengthy if statements that are used to compare a variable to different integral values. It is a multi-way branch statement. The switch statement is the control statement that allows any value to change the control of the execution. The dispatch of execution to different parts of the code is accessible using the C++ switch.

The expression in the switch statement of C++ is valid only if it results in a constant value. The duplicate case values are not allowed in a switch statement. The nesting of switch statements is allowed in C++. There are options to switch inside the other statement.

There are two forms of switch statements. The switch statement in C++ is unstructured as compared to the structured switches in modern languages like Pascal. In a structured switch statement, it takes one branch, the unstructured switch functions as the go-to type. The main keywords in switch statements are the case, inspect, select, etc.

The switch statement in C++ improves the clarity in C++ programming and reduces the bulkiness of repetitive coding. It ensures easy compiler optimization and quick execution.

Flow Chart of C++ Switch Statement


The expression used here must have an integral type, enumerated type, or class type having a single conversion function to an enumerated or integral type. There can be any number of case statements in a switch. It completes each case with a value to be compared with the case and a colon.

The constant expression for any case must be constant or literal and have the same data type as that of the variable in the switch. If the variable being switched on is equal to a case, statements following that case continue to execute.

C++ Switch Statement Syntax With Example

The switch statement that compares the expression’s value with every single case, for example, cases x and y is mentioned below.

Switch(expression) {

Case x:

// code block


case y:

// code block



// code block


Break and Default Keywords in C++ Switch Statement:

The break keyword breaks C++ out of the switch block. It halts the execution of more codes in the program. It further stops the case testing inside the block. The break keyword in the switch statement in C++ language ignores the execution of the pending codes and saves time. The flow of the control jumps to the next line, following the switch statement on reaching a break keyword.

The default keyword in the switch statement in C++ language specifies some code to run in the situation of a no case match. It is used as the last statement in the switch block to eliminate the break keyword. It must appear at the end of the switch statement.

Example of Break and Default Keywords in C++ Switch Statement:

int day = k;

switch (day) {

case 6:

cout << “Today is Saturday”;


case 7:

cout << “Today is Sunday”;



cout << “Looking Forward to the Weekend”;



Examples of C++ Switch Statement:

Example 1:

int main() {

int x = 2;

switch (x)


Case 1:

Cout << “ Choice is 1”;


Case 2:

Cout << “ Choice is 2”;


Case 3:

Cout << “ Choice is 3”;



Cout << “ Choice other than 1, 2 and 3”;



return 0;



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Advantages of C++ Switch Statement

The best benefits of using the switch statement in C++ include:

  • The switch statement is easier to read than if-else statements.
  • It overcomes the challenges of the “if-else if” statement that makes compilation difficult because of deep nesting. The switch statement has a fixed depth.
  • It allows the best-optimized implementation for faster code execution than the “if-else if” statement.
  •  It is easy to debug and maintain the programs using switch statements.
  • The switch statement has faster execution power.

Wrapping Up

This article covers the overview of C++ and switch statements in C++. The different keywords like break and default are explained along with their relation to the switch statement in the C++ programming language. 

C++ is one of the most popular computer programming languages that offer object-oriented programming (OOPS) features to the C language. The C++ switch is the selection control mechanism used in multiple conditions and associates different results for these conditions. Switch statements as a whole, can be structured or unstructured switches depending on the language requirements. It evaluates the switch statement in C++ once, with values being compared with the case’s values.

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