An Ultimate One-Stop Solution Guide to C# Web Services With Examples

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure Web app services, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) come to mind whenever the word "web services" is mentioned these days. But there's a strong rationale behind it. In the face of this demand, these IT titans have set a new standard for the industry. Scalability from Tech Giants like Google and Amazon is really what renders current web services feasible.

The term "Web" in the name of a Web Service is an unfair assessment. However, Web Services do not use the World Wide Web (WWW), an Internet user interface, but a machine-to-machine service that uses the WWW standards to function on the Net. Web technologies like HTTP transport machine-readable forms like XML and JSON in a web service.

In this "C# Web Services" tutorial, you will learn the crucial technical aspects of the web services pattern and fundamentals involving SQL Server.

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What Are C# Web Services?

A web service is a type of online application consisting of a collection of procedures other services may invoke. Although it lacks a user interface, it follows a script design similar to ASP.NET web pages. A web service is an internet feature retrieved through internet interfaces and used by online applications. 

The .NET Framework isn't the only Framework that can use Web Services. Before .NET came out, the ideas were already in place, and companies other than Microsoft supported them. Web Services are cross-platform, which means that an application developed in one language may call a service built in another. The sole condition for using a service has internet access to send an HTTP request.

Because a web service is cross-platform, there should be a common language for requesting services and receiving responses from them. XML is an example of a universal common language. As a result, Web Services are based on XML-based data exchange protocols.

We can now go on to the next topic to learn about various technologies that support Web services now that we have a basic understanding of Web Services.

Technologies That Support Web Services

There are various technologies available that support Web Services. There are four prominent technologies:

  • XML

An XML Web service is nothing more than a piece of programming code made available to other programs through the Internet. An XML Web service can be as basic as a piece of code or an object that publishes data over the Internet using HTTP or another standard protocol.

  • SOAP

Soap is an acronym for "Simple Object Access Protocol." SOAP is an XML based protocol. SOAP is used on any system and in any programming language. You can communicate with different programming languages by utilizing SOAP.

  • WSDL

Web Services Description Language is the abbreviation for WSDL. WSDL is the standard format for describing a web service and is widely used. In the development of WSDL, both Microsoft and IBM worked together. Sharing data in decentralized and distributed systems is made possible via the WSDL, an XML-based protocol.

  • UDDI

The "Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)" specification establishes a standard for publishing and discovering web service information. UDDI registries use the UDDI standard to provide web service directories. Web services are also linked to Technical models in the UDDI definition. A UDDI registry user can search for a kind of service using these patterns, or general groups, instead of knowing the login information for a particular service.

Now that we have a good understanding of the technologies that support Web Services. Let's try to implement Web Services in the visual studio.

Implementation of Web Service

Let's start with creating a C# web services Project. 


Let's open visual studio 2019; let's create a new project. It will be an web application (.net framework). We will click next.


Let's name it "SimpliWebServices" and hit create. 


Next, we will be offered the template for our project, and we will choose Empty and hit create.


Now we will right-click on the project name, select add, and choose a new item. We create a web service (ASMX) file. We will name it SimpliService

We will uncomment the given below line.


Now let's make a few functions.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Services;

namespace SimplilearnWebServices


    /// <summary>

    /// Summary description for SimplilearnService

    /// </summary>

    [WebService(Namespace = "")]

    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]


    // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line. 


    public class SimplilearnService : System.Web.Services.WebService


        [WebMethod(MessageName ="Sum of Numbers")]

        public int Sum(int x, int y)


            return x + y;


        [WebMethod(MessageName = "Difference between Numbers")]

        public int Difference(int x, int y)


            return x - y;


        [WebMethod(MessageName = "Product of Numbers")]

        public int Product(int x, int y)


            return x * y;


        [WebMethod(MessageName = "Division between Numbers")]

        public int Division(int x, int y) 


            return x / y;




Now let's save and run it.


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Here we have all four functions. Let's try them one by one


First, let's try the Difference function. Let's give the values like 30 and 12.


Here is the output which comes out to be 18.


Next, let's try the Division function. Let's give the values like 60 and 3.


Here is the output which comes out to be 20.


Then, let's try the Product function. Let's give the values like 12 and 8.


Here is the output which comes out to be 96.


At last, let's try the Sum function. Let's give the values like 25 and 15.


Here is the output which comes out to be 40.

Now that we have successfully implemented the Web services. Let's glance over a few benefits of Web services.

Advantages of Web Services

There are many Advantages of C# Web Services.

  • Web Services are simple to install but expensive to maintain since they use existing infrastructure. Most programs may be repurposed as Web Services.
  • Web Services employ a text-based interface. Web services employ all elements, even if they're built-in in many languages and platforms.
  • The cost of business application integration and B2B communications is reduced using Web Services.
  • Web services encourage a modular development style, allowing many businesses to interface with the same web service.
  • Web Services is an interoperable organization that brings together over a hundred manufacturers to promote interoperability.

These are the advantages of working with Web Services. Now let's have a look at the Disadvantages of Web services.

Disadvantages of Web Services

There are various Disadvantages of Web Services.

  • One of the Web Services' constraints is that SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI need maintenance.
  • The utilization of a web service enhances the platform's demand.
  • We use a consistent process to assess the performance of certain online services.
  • The web service's constraint is that the distributor retains the copyrights of the particular standard.
  • The Web Service's constraint also contributes to interoperability.
  • If we wish to use web services in a high-performance setting, web services will be sluggish in such circumstances.

By now, you have a good understanding of the technical and theoretical side of Web Services. 

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Next Steps

The next lesson in your C# training can be "ASP.NET CRUD MVC." Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC is available as free and open-source software. Web development framework blends MVC (Model-View-Controller) structure, Iterative development approaches, and the best components of the current ASP.NET Framework into a single, integrated platform.

Simplilearn is the world's most popular online Bootcamp for learning digital economy skills, and it's here to help you do that. Digital marketing and data science are just a few subjects we cover in-depth in our online courses.

You've come to the right place if you're interested in learning more about software development and working in the field. The Caltech CTME and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, have collaborated with Simplilearn to deliver their Full Stack Developer - MERN Stack. In addition to more advanced topics like Competitive Programming, these courses teach the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms. As a software developer, data structures, including trees, graphs, and queues, will be taught to you.

The comments section below is open for questions and comments about this "C# Web Services" tutorial. Happy learning!

About the Author

Vaibhav KhandelwalVaibhav Khandelwal

Vaibhav Khandelwal is a proactive tech geek who's always on the edge of learning new technologies. He is well versed in competitive programming and possesses sound knowledge of web development. He likes to read fictional and sci-fi novels and likes to play strategy games like chess

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