Free Software Estimation Exam Prep Practice Test315 Tests taken

Attempt the software estimation exam questions and test your ability to optimize your software. These estimation questions simulate the actual certification exam and help you understand the certification process better. With this estimation mock test, you can measure which areas of estimation need work and which areas you know. For those who like to be prepared and stay ahead of the curve, this exam is for you. Give it a go today!

Take the Free Practice Test

  • Instructions:

  • FREE test and can be attempted multiple times.
  • 50 Minutes
  • 50 Multiple Choice Questions
  • You can pause the test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later.

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  • Will this practice test helps in clearing the actual certification exam?

    Yes, this software estimation simulation test gives you a clear understanding of what you will face in the real certification exam. While we do not assure your success, it will help reinforce your learning and it is likely that you can retrieve the same information during the certification exam.

  • What is included in this software estimation practice test?

    This practice test has 50 multiple choice questions and you need to solve them within 50 minutes. The test can, moreover, be paused if necessary and resumed later.

  • What is a Software Estimation practice test?

    The Software Estimation practice test is a mock version of the actual certification exam. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions that test your ability in preparing precise estimations for executing a software project, making effective cost estimations, and deploying the right number of resources for a particular software project. The questions resemble those which are asked in the real certification exam.

  • Can I retake this Practice Test?

    Yes, you can repeatedly take the practice test to improvise your learning curve. You should, however, go for the next attempt when you are completely prepared.

  • Who can take up this Software Estimation mock exam?

    This Estimation mock test is free of cost and ideal for those who are preparing to qualify the actual Software Estimation Certification exam.

  • Are these the same questions I'll see on the real exam?

    Yes, the questions included in the practice test are quite similar to the ones that are asked in the real software certification exam.

  • What will I learn from this practice test?

    The Software Estimation mock exam testifies your capability to prepare accurate estimates of the project cost, effort, and time. The 50 software estimation exam questions examine if you have a thorough understanding of how to prepare accurate software estimations to help set realistic targets for project completion.

  • I didn’t do well on this practice test. What should I do now?

    You can take the practice test frequently to keep a check on your performance. If you need more guidance regarding software estimation, you can consider taking our Software Estimation Certification Training Course.

  • What are the requirements to take this practice test?

    Taking the Software Estimation dumps involves no prerequisites.

  • Will the Practice Tests be updated frequently?

    We research and collect all of the recent information that is related to Software estimation and update the practice tests to include them from time to time.

  • Acknowledgement
  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, OPM3 and the PMI ATP seal are the registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.