On 27 January 2022, Brad Geddes joined Simplilearn as a guest host to present a webinar about the different specialties within the field of digital marketing and the skill sets each one requires.

Brad is the PPC Chair at Simplilearn and the co-founder of AdAlysis, an automatic ad testing and PPC recommendation platform. He’s the author of "Advanced Google AdWords," frequently writes columns for Search Engine Land, has keynoted and spoken at more than 125 conferences, and has led more than 100 Google Ads seminars.

To help people choose the digital marketing career specialization that best suits their interests and abilities, Brad puts the different specializations into the framework of the digital marketing funnel.

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Digital Marketing in a Nutshell

Digital marketing may sound like a skill all its own, but it’s not. Digital marketing refers to a multifaceted discipline that helps shape the methods of customer outreach and customer intake, all online. 

If you’re familiar with marketing, then you know the general marketing funnel: Awareness, Engagement, and Conversion. The journey may look different depending on how the customer engages, but these three keys are what makes up the consumer experience with any brand. Awareness leads to engagement, and engagement leads to conversion.

There’s also a funnel for digital marketing. Because digital marketing has a specific setting — the Internet — it also has specific skills that sit right on that funnel, stage by stage. 


For the broadest reach (top of the funnel) is PPC, or pay-per-click advertising. Once you’ve reached your customers, CRO (conversion rate optimization) is used to handle that end user experience. By getting to know these skills more intimately, you’ll see that digital marketing is a diverse wheelhouse. You might even see one particular set of skills that suits you as you transition to becoming a digital marketing career professional!

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Creativity and data are the name of the game in PPC advertising. If you’re already interested in ads, you’re in the right place. If you’re not, maybe you just like data and being creative. Either way, the basic knowledge needed for PPC includes familiarity with the advertising landscape, keywords, ads, and the structure of online campaigns. All of these skills can be learned from a course like Advanced PPC Certification Training

With this knowledge in hand, your existing skills in certain areas can create an opportunity for you in PPC. If you’re already creative, good with numbers, interested in design, or understand how to work with designers, those are great skills to hone for becoming better suited to PPC advertising.

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Become One of The Highest Paid Digital Marketer

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Another lover of data and creativity, the SEO marketer spends a lot of time understanding and reacting to search engine algorithms. 

For search engine optimization, on- and off-page optimization is both relevant and necessary. On-page SEO includes fixing elements within your control on your website, such as meta data of landing pages and keyword-rich copywriting. Off-page SEO includes creating fresh, optimized content on other websites and backlinking to increase your domain authority and relevance with search engines. 

For some in SEO, the technical side of things is the perfect skill set, with understanding of programming and site editing that helps with factors like site speed. For the rest, creatives like writers will find themselves comfortable, capable of producing new, relevant content that helps a site rank higher in relevant searches. If you’re already familiar with HTML, or like to write, you’re already a step ahead. The rest can be found in a course like Advanced SEO Training.

Social and Community Management

Social media has become an exceptional marketing tool. And with it, some marketers have taken to it with content creation and a consistent sense of brand identity. People desiring to be SMM (social media marketing) specialists or community managers for brands want to help them manage their public image. They also engage with audiences, both directly and indirectly, from using pre-recorded video posts to making comments to the community. 

Learning social media marketing is easy with a course like Advanced Social Media Certification Training. If your strengths already lie in communication, brand awareness, and even risk management, you’ll be well-suited to the job of a community manager. It also helps to have an eye for design and even a sense of humor.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

A job in conversion rate optimization is all about the lasting impressions made by your website, and, you guessed it, converting the user. 

Interested in human behavior and love using data analytics to figure people out? You may resonate with CRO. Engaging with site visitors daily, a CRO marketer knows the landing page is the end goal of every other avenue of digital marketing. As a result, CRO puts you in contact with everything else: social media, PPC campaigns, email pipelines, and more. 

If you like working in interdepartmental roles, CRO could be a great place for you. Learning skills like site testing and redesign can be done through courses like Advanced Website Conversion Rate Optimization Certification Training. However, if you already have skills in creative thinking, A/B testing in other lines of work, or even content creation, you’ll find yourself fitting in with conversion rate optimization.

Wrapping Up

Finally, Brad recapped the different specializations he discussed. The recap should help you decide which digital marketing specialization fits your passion and your aptitude.


Do you want to master the essential disciplines in digital marketing? Check out the Digital Marketing Specialist course now!

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Enroll in Simplilearn’s Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing, in partnership with Purdue University, to learn practical ways to boost your digital marketing career. In this comprehensive course, you will gain expertise in the top digital marketing tools through online live learning, masterclasses from experts at Meta and Purdue, case studies from Harvard Business Publishing, and much more.

Our Digital Marketing Courses Duration And Fees

Digital Marketing Courses typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing

Cohort Starts: 13 Mar, 2025

8 Months$ 3,000
Digital Marketing Specialist8 Months$ 1,649