ServiceNow is a cloud-based IT Service Management tool that provides users with a unified record system for various operations, such as business management and IT services. Today, ServiceNow has gone beyond offering services related to ITSM to provide solutions related to customer service, security, HR service delivery, IT, and business applications.

If you are keen on working for ServiceNow, you can improve your preparations by knowing about their recruitment process and the common ServiceNow interview questions. With that said, here is everything you need to know about the ServiceNow interviewing process and what it takes to crack the interview.

About ServiceNow Company

Founded by Fred Luddy in 2003 as Glidesoft Inc initially, it first was specifically designed to provide ITSM services, competing with established companies, such as IBM and HP. Today, steps have been taken towards developing ServiceNow in ways to keep up with the latest technological advancements. It now offers comprehensive cloud solutions, bringing together all its services in a single record system.

The career policy of ServiceNow states that the company has a value-base culture to promote wellbeing, growth, and health in employees while providing them with a work environment focused on helping them perform well and improve their skills. Now that you know what ServiceNow is as a company and what it offers, the following sections talk about some common interview questions you can expect when you appear for a ServiceNow interview. 

ServiceNow Recruitment Process

The whole process of recruitment for ServiceNow takes about three to four weeks. Following are the three stages of the interview process at ServiceNow-

Phone Screen with Recruiter

The first interview round for different job roles at ServiceNow starts with a telephonic interview. The interviewer asks basic questions pertaining to the candidate’s background, experience, and some other basic information.

Technical Interview with Hiring Manager

Every technical position at ServiceNow essentially involves a technical round of interviews. The hiring manager asks questions related to the concepts and skills required for the specific job profile.

Onsite Interview

At ServiceNow, the onsite interview may consist of four interviews conducted in person. The candidate is interviewed by 5 to 8 people, and each interview lasts about 45 minutes to an hour.

Top Servicenow Interview Questions

We will cover all kinds of interview questions, from fundamentals to advanced. However, let us start with the basic ServiceNow interview questions, followed by the advanced questions.

1. Explain record matching and data lookup features in ServiceNow.

Using features, such as record matching and data lookup in ServiceNow, you can set up the field value based on a specific condition rather than scriptwriting. When you work with your data, you can use the data lookup feature for specifying the conditions and fields where you intend to use data lookup

2. What is the meaning of impersonating a user and how is it useful?

Impersonating involves providing administrator access to specifics accessible by the actual user. Impersonating a user is useful in testing. When impersonation takes place, ServiceNow records all the administrator activities.

3. Detail about client script.

Client script runs on client side and also sits on the browser. The types of client scripts are OnLoad(), OnChange(), OnSubmit() and OncellEdit(). 

4. Define record producer.

A record producer is a catalog item that lets users create task-based records from the Service Catalog. It provides an alternate way for creating records through Service Catalog. 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

5. Name the searching technique used to search a record or text in ServiceNow.

In ServiceNow, Zing is the searching technique that performs all text searches.

6. What do you understand by HTML Sanitizer?

The HTML Sanitizer is used to automatically clean up HTML markup in HTML fields. It protects against security concerns and removes unwanted code. It is active for all instances beginning with the Eureka release.  

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

7. Explain BSM Map.

BSM or Business Service Management map graphically displays configuration items. These items indicate the status of Configuration items and support a business service. 

8. Define performance analytics.

In ServiceNow, performance analytics is an additional application that allows customers to create time series for any KPI and take a snapshot of data at regular intervals. 

9. What is the use of a reference qualifier?

It is used to restrict the data that can be selected for a reference field. 

10. Differentiate between _next() and next() method.

next() method moves the record to the next in GlideRecord. _next() has the same functionality as next(), but it is used in cases when a tale having column name ‘next’ is queried. 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

11. What is an ‘application’ in ServiceNow?

It is a group of modules that give related information. A change application consists of modules such as create or view change tickets. 

12. What is a business rule?

A business rule is created to help you decide when and on what action the business rule will be executed. It is server-side scripting, and it is when there is insertion, updating, deletion, or query on a record that it gets executed.

13. Who can create or update ACL?

security_admin creates or updates ACL. 

14. What is meant by domain separation?

It is a way to separate data into logically defined domains. It is used to isolate the records of one business from the other. 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

15.What is the function of the set workflow(e)?

Set workflow (e) disables or enables running business rules that are usually triggered by subsequent actions. An insert/update will not be audited if the ‘e’ parameter is set to false. When the ‘e’ parameter is set to true, business rules are enabled.

16. What are ServiceNow Metrics?

ServiceNow metrics measure and record the workflow of individual records. Metrics allow customers to arm their processes by providing tangible features. 

17. How locked out users trigger inbound email actions?

Add the system property glide.pop3.process_locked_out and set it to true. 

18. How do we get all the active and inactive records from a table?

Use the addActiveQuery() method for active records and addInactiveQuery() for getting inactive records. 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

19. Determine if any of the field values in a record has changed.

Use the changes() method to determine if the field value has been changed. 

20. How can an application be enabled or disabled?

Under the system definition application, go to the ‘Application Menus’ module. Open the respective application and set active as accurate to enable or false to disable it. 

21. What is dictionary override in ServiceNow?

Using dictionary override, you can override several field properties in an extended table. For instance, when you extend a changing table from the task table and the status field is read-only, you can use dictionary override to change this to non-read only.

22. Can client script be used to call a business rule?

A business rule can be called through client script by the use of glideajax. 

23. What do you understand by Gauges?

Gauges are based on a report and can be put on a content page or a homepage.

24. Are content pages and homepages added to the update sets?

By default, update sets do not include content pages and homepages. The pages must be manually added to the current update set by unloading. 

25. Define CMDB.

CMDB or Configuration management database is a repository that acts as a data warehouse for IT installations. It includes data related to a set of IT assets and also descriptive relations among such assets. 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

26. What are UI policies in ServiceNow?

UI policies serve as an alternative for client scripts, and when you use UI policies, it allows you to change a field dynamically on a form.

27. What is an inactivity monitor?

An inactivity monitor triggers an event for a task record inactive for a specific time. The monitor repeats at regular intervals if the task continues to be inactive. 

28. What are glide records?

Gliderecord is a java class utilized for database operations instead of writing SQL queries. 

29. What do you understand by a ‘view’?

The view is used to define the arrangement of fields on a list or a form. We can define multiple views for one single form according to the user requirement. 

30. What is the data policy?

A data policy helps you with the enforcement consistency across data by setting mandatory states and read-only. Much like UI policies, the only difference between the two is that UI policies are applicable only to the data on forms you receive from standard browsers.

31. What is an Import Set?

It is a tool that imports data from various data sources, and that data is mapped into ServiceNow tables using a transform map. 

32. What is the use of the client transaction timings plugin?

The client transaction timings plugin is used to enhance the system logs by providing more information on transaction duration between the server and the client. This allows tracking down issues. 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

33. Tell us the significance of the cascade variable check box in the order guide.

Cascade Variable Check Box passes their value to the ordered items. If it is cleared, the variable information entered is not passed on to ordered items. 

34. How to reference the currently active form in the client script?

To reference the currently active form, the g_from object is used. 

35. How is automatic user creation from email enabled?

For this, glide.pop3readerjob.create_caller property needs to be set true in system properties. 

36. How can you create your report?

A report can be created by navigating to reports and then click on ‘Create New.’ 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

37. How can an attachment on a specific ServiceNow table be disabled?

 Add ‘Add no_attachment’ to the attributes field in the dictionary of that table. 

38. While using Servicenow, which practices should be followed?

Some of the practices are:

  • Replace email and spreadsheets with collaborative workspaces
  • Automate every organization’s business process
  • Aim to structure, automate and enhance the workflow 
  • Develop a modern work environment

39. What are the search options in ServiceNow?

The search options are:

  • Knowledgebase: helps to find knowledge articles
  • Lists: used to find records in a list
  • Search scenes: custom module created by administrators
  • Navigation filter: filters the items in the application navigator
  • Global Text Search: helps record in multiple task tables 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

40. Tell the sequence of publishing a knowledge article.

Draft -> Review -> Publish

41. How can you delete tables in ServiceNow?

Go to ‘Tables and Columns,’ choose ‘delete’ and type the word ‘delete.’

42. What is ACL?

ACL or Access Control List is a rule that matches the object and permissions required to access the object. 

43. What is an update set?

An update set is a group of customizations that can be moved from instance to instance. 

44. List workflow activities.

The workflow activities include conditions, approvals, tasks, timers, utilities, and notifications. 

Let us look at the next ServiceNow interview question.

45. What happens when a request is rejected?

If a request is rejected, notification is sent, and status is set to cancel. The service catalog workflow can be attached either manually, automatically based on conditions, or if no other workflows are attached. 

46. Which is the parent table for the change, incident, and problem?

The task table is the parent table.

47. What do you understand by sys_id?

sys_id is a unique 32 character GUID used to identify each record created in each Servicenow’s table.

48. How can pie chart labels be enabled and disabled?

Set the property glide.ui.chart.pie.tables to true and false, respectively. 

49. What do you understand by Foreign record insert?

When an import changes to a table that is not the target table for that import, a foreign record insert occurs. 

50. What is a ServiceNow dashboard?

The dashboard is a visual collection of paralytics and reports presented as indicator summary tab and KPI scoreboards.

51. What is meant by Coalesce in ServiceNow?

Coalesce is a field property useful in transform map field mapping. When you use it on a specific field, the field can be used as a unique key. When a match is found with the coalesce field, it results in the update of the existing record with the imported information. However, when you are unable to find a match, it results in the insertion of a new record into the database.

ServiceNow HR Interview Questions

The HR round of interviews at ServiceNow consists of the following questions-

1. Why did you decide to apply for this role?

The recruiter intends to assess how motivated the candidate is to get hired for the job role and how interested they are. This helps the recruiter determine if applying for the job was their conscious decision.

2. What experience do you have that would be relevant to this role?

Answering this question properly, in a systematic manner can help you establish that you understand the job role and its requirements and that your previous job experience is aligned with the job role to a great extent. This helps the recruiter determine if you think you can do the job.

3. What do you know about our company’s services?

Such questions are aimed at finding out how well the candidate has researched the company and gone into detail about its different aspects. To answer this question well, the candidate should have an in-depth knowledge of the company, and this is easily possible by running an online search and going through the company’s website.

How to Prepare for ServiceNow Interview

The interview questions for ServiceNow intend to test the candidate’s experience. Therefore, it is important that you know everything you mention on your resume as an experienced employee in the field. However, ServiceNow interview questions are more focused on testing the candidate’s command of the basic concepts when they’re freshers. With that said, any individual planning to appear for interviews at ServiceNow should do their research about the ServiceNow tool, what it can offer, and much more.

Therefore, make it a point to read about different concepts and topics related to ServiceNow to be confident while taking the interview. Additionally, since the interview process for ServiceNow is quite intensive, it takes consistent preparations and patience.

ServiceNow Careers

Some departments with different job profiles at ServiceNow are as follows-

  • Corporate Development and Strategy
  • Customer Outcomes
  • Customer Training and Certification
  • Digital Technology
  • Engineering, Infrastructure and Operations
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing, Communications, and Brand
  • Professional Services
  • Support and Product Success
  • User Experience Design

Tips for Candidates

Keeping in mind the following tips can help candidates be better prepared for answering ServiceNow interview questions-

  • Any response that you provide the recruiter should be clear, concise, and confidently communicated. The knowledge displayed with confidence increases the chances of creating a great impression on recruiters.
  • Being completely honest about every aspect of your resume, knowledge level, skills, and experience is extremely important. While candidates should be honest about concepts that they are not very familiar with, they should still put them forth in a way that creates a positive impression and displays the willingness to learn in the candidate.
  • Explaining concepts with live examples shows that you possess in-depth knowledge about various concepts. This is something recruiters pay special attention to, as it means the candidate knows about the practical implementation of the theoretical concepts.
  • Finally, know that the interview process at ServiceNow comprises various stages, and each stage interview is detailed and time-consuming. Preparing well for the interview requires patience, consistency, and persistent effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to crack a ServiceNow interview?

The first step to preparing well for the ServiceNow interview and cracking it is to do your bit of research. Know about the company, common ServiceNow interview questions, the difficulty level, and the job role and responsibilities associated with it. Make sure you’re prepared both for the technical and behavioral rounds of the interview. Talking to a ServiceNow employee can help you with rich insights into the interview, making your preparations more specific.

2. Does ServiceNow require coding?

Both front-end and back-end-associated roles at ServiceNow require coding, and this involves extensive use of the proprietary JS libraries of ServiceNow for database transactions.

3. How many rounds of interviews are there in ServiceNow?

Based on the interview experience of various candidates, there are usually around 5 interview rounds for experienced candidates, which may include an online test, two technical rounds, and a managerial round. 


Hope this article was helpful enough for you to crack any ServiceNow interview. If you are looking to further enhance your software development skills, we would highly recommend you check out Simplilearn’s Full Stack Developer - MERN Stack. This course is designed in collaboration with Caltech CTME and can help you develop the relevant skills and make you job ready in just 6 months.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Our team will get back to you with the solutions at the earliest.

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