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My Digital Marketing Journey with Simplilearn

Picture of Smriti Kumari

Smriti Kumari

9+ years

Picture of Maternity



Picture of Marketing Assistant

Marketing Assistant

Contier Edge


I’m Smriti Kumari, an Indian American who moved to the US in 2014 and embarked on a career transition. With prior experience in PR agencies in India, I later joined Comcast as a Telesales agent. After a maternity break, I aimed to restart my career in 2021 and chose to upskill with Simplilearn’s Professional Certificate Program in Digital Marketing in collaboration with Purdue University.

Enrollment Decision and Career Goals

Facing a career hiatus of three years, I sought to equip myself with contemporary digital marketing skills to reenter the workforce. Enrolling in Simplilearn’s program was a strategic decision aimed at gaining new skills and kickstarting my career in digital marketing.

My Experience with Simplilearn

My journey with Simplilearn was enriching, primarily owing to the engaging live classes and well-structured assignments. The interactive nature of the live sessions, coupled with knowledgeable mentors and industry-expert instructors, made learning enjoyable and comprehensible. Simplilearn’s meticulous course design, abundant study materials, and prompt customer service further enhanced my learning experience.

Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing
6-credit transfer for the Purdue Online MS in Communication program

Certification Provided a Career Boost

Completing the digital marketing program not only facilitated my career restart but also opened doors to new opportunities. Obtaining certification in Facebook Ads further bolstered my credentials. Subsequently, I secured a part-time role as a Marketing Assistant at Contier Edge, where I manage website development, email marketing, and sales, leveraging the skills acquired from the program.


My journey with Simplilearn’s Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing has been instrumental in revitalizing my career trajectory. Armed with newfound digital marketing expertise and industry-recognized certifications, I am well-positioned to pursue my aspiration of working full-time as a Digital Marketing Manager in the future. Simplilearn’s comprehensive program has truly been a catalyst for my professional growth, and I look forward to further success in my career journey.

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