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A Journey of Professional Reinvention with Simplilearn

Picture of Wendy Kurniawan

Wendy Kurniawan

15+ years

Picture of Data Analyst

Data Analyst

ACT Health

Picture of Assistant Director - Data Analytics

Assistant Director - Data Analytics

ACT Governament


I’m Wendy, residing in Canberra, equipped with an engineering background and a keen eye for the burgeoning significance of data in diverse industries. Recognizing the transformative potential of data engineering and analysis, I embarked on a journey of professional reinvention. Leveraging Simplilearn’s Data Scientist Masters Program, I honed my skills in data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes, while mastering cutting-edge technologies like Hadoop and Spark. My ability to glean insights from complex datasets facilitated a successful transition into a data analyst role, showcasing my adaptability in navigating the evolving data landscape.

Enrollment Decision and Career Goals:

Motivated by the evolving data landscape and its pivotal role across industries, I sought to elevate my data skills through professional training. Enrolling in Simplilearn’s Data Scientist Masters Program, I aimed to augment my expertise and explore new career avenues within the data industry.

My Experience with Simplilearn:

Simplilearn’s comprehensive curriculum, complemented by career services and a user-friendly platform, facilitated my learning journey. The hands-on approach, coupled with insights from experienced instructors, enriched my understanding of data science and analytics. Engaging in practical assignments and projects empowered me to apply my knowledge effectively, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Post Graduate Program In Data Science
25+ industry-relevant projects from the likes of Amazon, Walmart, Uber, and Mercedes Benz.

Certification Provided a Career Boost:

Upon completing the program, my career trajectory witnessed a significant upswing as I secured the Assistant Director of Data Analytics role at ACT Government, accompanied by a notable 15% salary increase. Simplilearn’s career support services were pivotal in my successful transition, offering invaluable resume-building assistance and interview preparation.


My professional journey exemplifies the transformative impact of upskilling in the data domain with Simplilearn. From my engineering background to my proficiency in data engineering and analysis, my dedication to learning and adaptation in a dynamic field has propelled me towards a rewarding career trajectory. Simplilearn’s comprehensive training and career support services have been instrumental in my success, showcasing the platform’s commitment to fostering career growth in the realm of data science and analytics.

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