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Unlocking New Horizons: My Journey of Transitioning to Product Management

Picture of Saurabh Jain

Saurabh Jain

13+ years

Picture of Lead Content Operations

Lead Content Operations

Rakuten Symphony

Picture of Lead Content Operations

Lead Content Operations


As documented by Saurabh Jain.

I am Saurabh, an experienced professional with over 12 years in the IT industry. Currently, I serve as a Content Lead at Rakuten Symphony. Eager to explore the product management field, I decided to enhance my skills through professional certification.

Enrollment Decision and Career Goals:

Seeking a transition to product management, I opted for the Professional Certification in Product Management from SP Jain. The course greatly appealed to me, as it aligned perfectly with my career aspirations and the desired shift in my domain.

My Experience with Simplilearn:

Choosing Simplilearn was easy for me, driven by two significant factors. Firstly, the association with SP Jain instilled confidence in the quality and relevance of the course. Secondly, an enticing advertisement on LinkedIn caught my attention, further solidifying my choice. My overall experience with Simplilearn has been exceptional, with the course rating between 8 and 9 on a scale of 10. The content, faculty, and course structure were highly commendable. I was particularly impressed with the professor who designed the course, as their expertise and insights truly enriched my learning journey.

Professional Certification In Product Management
Gain a SP Jain product management certification with AI and tool training in interactive sessions.

Certification Provided a Career Boost:

Undoubtedly, the certification has had a profound impact on my career trajectory. I gained comprehensive knowledge of the intricacies and requirements of product management. As a technical content lead, my interactions with the product team have become more fruitful and insightful. I can understand their perspective better and contribute to discussions with enhanced confidence.

Furthermore, the certification has empowered me to pursue my goal of transitioning to product management within my current organization. Discussions regarding this career move are underway, and I firmly believe that the skills I acquired through the course will help me secure a job offer and excel in my new role. I now understand various aspects of product management and have honed the skills necessary to excel in this domain.

Additionally, the course emphasized the importance of effective communication within the organization and with external stakeholders. This knowledge will undoubtedly prove invaluable as I embark on my new journey. Equipped with a diverse skill set, I am excited to apply my newfound expertise to create and enhance innovative products within the industry.


My journey of upskilling with Simplilearn’s professional certification in product management has been transformative. The comprehensive curriculum and the guidance of experienced faculty have provided me with the tools and confidence to pursue my career aspirations. I am grateful for the minute details and practical insights I gained throughout the course. With an expanded skill set and a deep understanding of product management, I am well-prepared to embark on this exciting new chapter in my professional life.

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