Microsoft's flagship analytics and data visualization platform, Power BI, has been at the forefront of the business intelligence revolution. It allows users to create interactive reports and dashboards, uncover insights from their data, and share those insights across their organization. In 2024, Power BI continues to evolve, incorporating AI and machine learning capabilities, which makes it a more powerful tool for businesses aiming to harness their data's full potential.

Role of Power BI in Today's World

Power BI tools allow organizations to make informed decisions quickly. They bridge the gap between data and decision-making by providing comprehensive analytics that are powerful and accessible to non-technical users. By integrating real-time analytics, Power BI enables businesses to respond to changes swiftly, ensuring they remain competitive in the fast-paced market.

Top Power BI Tools of 2024

1. Tableau

Tableau is a dynamic and rapidly expanding data visualization solution for Business Intelligence. Its prowess lies in transforming intricate raw data into accessible and comprehensible formats with remarkable speed and efficiency. Data analysis is very fast with Tableau; the visualizations created are dashboards and worksheets.

Key Features

  1. Intuitive drag-and-drop interface
  2. Robust data connectivity supporting numerous data sources
  3. Real-time data analysis and interactive dashboards
  4. Advanced analytics capabilities with predictive modeling
  5. Mobile support and responsive design for dashboards


  • User-friendly interface suitable for non-technical users
  • High flexibility in data visualization capabilities
  • Strong community and customer support


  • Can become expensive for large teams or enterprises
  • Performance can lag with extremely large datasets

2. Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a comprehensive business analytics suite designed to illuminate insights across your organization. By seamlessly connecting to numerous data sources, streamlining data preparation processes, and enabling spontaneous analysis, it empowers informed decision-making throughout your business ecosystem.

Key Features

  1. Seamless integration with Microsoft products
  2. Comprehensive dashboards accessible from multiple devices
  3. Rich, personalized reports and visual analytics
  4. AI-powered features for data insights
  5. Extensive data connectivity options


  • Cost-effective solution, especially for organizations already using Microsoft products
  • Strong data security features
  • Regular updates and new features


  • Can have a steeper learning curve for advanced features
  • Limited customization options in visualization compared to competitors

3. Sisense

Sisense is an agile BI solution designed for companies of all sizes. It offers advanced tools to manage and support business data with analytics, visuals, and reporting.

Key Features

  1. Drag-and-drop user interface
  2. Embedded analytics
  3. Interactive dashboards with widgets
  4. In-chip technology to speed up data processing
  5. Customizable dashboards and reports


  • Allows handling of large datasets and complex data models
  • Highly customizable and flexible
  • Strong embedding capabilities


  • Initial setup and customization can be complex and time-consuming
  • Pricing can be high for small businesses

4. Qlik

Qlik is a comprehensive data analytics and business intelligence platform that provides interactive data visualization, analytics, and dashboard capabilities. It helps organizations make data-driven decisions by converting raw data into insightful visualizations.

Key Features

  1. Qlik's powerful associative engine allows users to explore data connections in multiple directions, uncovering hidden insights.
  2. Seamlessly integrates data from multiple sources, ensuring a holistic information view.
  3. Offers interactive dashboards that enable users to drill down into specifics and perform on-the-fly analysis.
  4. Employs AI and natural language processing to enhance data analysis and provide actionable insights.
  5. Offers flexibility based on organizational needs.


  • Intuitive user interface facilitating easy adoption.
  • Robust data integration and manipulation capabilities.
  • Strong community support and extensive learning resources.


  • Complex for beginners due to its extensive functionalities.
  • Licensing and pricing may be high for small organizations.

5. Domo

Domo is a cloud-based business intelligence tool that centralizes data to provide insights and facilitate decision-making. It is designed for business managers rather than IT professionals, emphasizing user-friendliness and integration capabilities.

Key Features

  1. Aggregates data from diverse sources into a single platform for unified analysis.
  2. Offers real-time data visualization tools, enabling immediate insight and response to changes.
  3. Users can create and customize dashboards to track the metrics most relevant to their roles and goals.
  4. Facilitates collaboration through integrated communication tools, allowing teams to collectively share insights and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Provides a mobile-optimized platform, ensuring access to data and dashboards on the go.


  • Strong integration capabilities with diverse data sources.
  • User-friendly interface that's accessible to non-technical users.
  • Effective real-time data analysis and reporting features.


  • Cost can be prohibitive for smaller businesses.
  • Some users may find the platform's flexibility overwhelming, leading to a steep learning curve.

6. Zoho Corporation

Zoho Corporation offers a suite of online productivity tools and SaaS applications, including Zoho Analytics, a self-service BI and analytics platform. It enables businesses to analyze their data, create visualizations, and discover insights.

Key Features

  1. Beyond analytics, Zoho provides tools for CRM, project management, email, and more, all integrated seamlessly.
  2. Simplifies the creation of reports and dashboards through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.
  3. Zia, Zoho’s AI assistant, offers natural language querying and reports generation.
  4. Enhances teamwork with options to share and collaborate on reports and dashboards in real time.
  5. Allows extensive customization of reports and dashboards to fit the specific needs of businesses.


  • Offers a comprehensive suite of tools beyond just analytics.
  • Affordable pricing compared to other BI solutions.
  • Strong data security and privacy practices.


  • Integration with non-Zoho products can be challenging.
  • Users might find the platform lacks depth in certain analytical capabilities compared to specialized BI tools.

7. Looker

Looker is a BI software and big data analytics platform that integrates with the Google Cloud Platform. It provides data exploration, visualization, and reporting tools to help businesses make better decisions.

Key Features

  1. Unique modeling language for defining data relationships and preparing data for analysis.
  2. Users can explore data in real-time, with the ability to drill down into more detailed views.
  3. Offers robust options for sharing insights and reports, including scheduled reports and data-driven alerts.
  4. Allows creating custom applications for specific business needs, using data and insights powered by Looker.
  5. Seamless integration with Google Cloud services, enhancing data storage, management, and analysis capabilities.


  • Deep integration with the Google Cloud Platform offers advanced analytics capabilities.
  • Flexible and powerful data modeling with LookML.
  • Strong emphasis on collaboration and sharing of insights.


  • The learning curve for LookML can be steep for new users.
  • Pricing may not be as competitive for small to mid-sized businesses.

8. Dundas Data Visualization

Dundas Data Visualization is a flexible, browser-based BI and data visualization platform. It offers customizable dashboards, reporting tools, and analytics solutions designed to adapt to different business needs.

Key Features

  1. Offers customization options for dashboards and reports to meet user requirements.
  2. Ensures dashboards and reports adjust to any screen size, providing a seamless device experience.
  3. Features a wide range of visualization options to present complex data effectively.
  4. Supports real-time data processing for up-to-the-minute analysis.
  5. Allows users to interact with their data through drill-downs and filtering, facilitating deeper insights.


  • Exceptionally customizable, allowing for tailored analytics experiences.
  • Strong focus on interactive and visually appealing reports.
  • Robust support for real-time data analysis.


  • The high degree of flexibility might require a steep learning curve for new users.
  • Customization and advanced features may require significant resources to implement effectively.

9. Cognos

IBM Cognos is a comprehensive enterprise-level Business Intelligence (BI) and performance management suite. This tool offers various functionalities to help organizations gather, analyze, report, and act on data insights. Its interactive and flexible reporting environment supports organizations in making informed decisions.

Key Features

  1. Offers interactive dashboards and reports that can be customized to meet the unique needs of a business.
  2. Utilizes advanced analytics to explore data from multiple perspectives and gain deep insights.
  3. Sends real-time alerts based on data changes or anomalies, helping users promptly act on critical information.
  4. Designed to scale from small teams to large enterprises, ensuring that growing data analysis needs are met.
  5. Easily integrates with various data sources, including cloud services and on-premises databases, for a comprehensive business view.


  • Robust reporting capabilities allow for detailed and customizable reports.
  • Strong support for predictive analytics and what-if analysis.
  • High scalability and integration capabilities with IBM’s ecosystem and beyond.


  • Can be complex to set up and use, requiring significant training.
  • Higher cost of ownership compared to some other BI tools.
  • Some users may find the interface less intuitive than competing products.

10. Oracle

Oracle offers a broad spectrum of cloud-based and on-premise software solutions encompassing database management, enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and more. Oracle's Business Intelligence (BI) tools stand out for their comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities within its suite.

Key Features

  1. Delivers powerful analytics on a scalable and secure platform, enabling users to uncover insights.
  2. Provides real-time access to data, allowing for timely decision-making.
  3. Offers intuitive data visualization tools to help understand complex data sets easily.
  4. Enables access to BI tools from mobile devices, ensuring decision-makers have information at their fingertips.
  5. Flexible deployment options cater to different business needs and IT strategies.


  • Comprehensive and powerful analytics capabilities.
  • Strong integration with other Oracle products and third-party systems.
  • Offers a high degree of customization and flexibility.


  • The complexity of the tool can lead to a steep learning curve.
  • Implementation and maintenance may require significant IT resources.

11. Yellowfin Business Intelligence

Yellowfin BI is a modern analytics platform known for its user-friendly interface and collaborative features. It enables businesses to understand their data through reports, dashboards, and data visualization tools. Yellowfin is designed to support data-driven decision-making across all levels of an organization.

Key Features

  1. Facilitates sharing and collaboration on reports and dashboards, enhancing team decision-making.
  2. Allows users to create 'data stories' that combine visualizations, text, and insight to explain what is happening within the data.
  3. Features like Yellowfin Signals automatically detect and alert users to critical changes in the data.
  4. Provides highly customizable dashboards to meet diverse business needs.
  5. Easily embeds analytics into other applications or portals for streamlined access.


  • Strong emphasis on collaborative features and data storytelling.
  • User-friendly interface makes it accessible to non-technical users.
  • Effective automated analysis helps identify trends and anomalies quickly.


  • May lack some of the advanced analytic capabilities found in more specialized tools.
  • Integration with non-standard data sources can be challenging.
  • Customization flexibility may require more development effort compared to other platforms.

12. Datapine

Datapine offers a powerful business intelligence tool that enables companies to turn data into actionable insights through an intuitive user interface. It's designed for business users to analyze complex data and create interactive dashboards with little to no IT support.

Key Features

  1. Allows users to create reports and dashboards easily without coding knowledge.
  2. Users can interact with their data through customizable dashboards.
  3. Offers a centralized platform for managing data from various sources.
  4. Provides advanced analytics capabilities, including predictive analytics and trend indicators.
  5. Enables scheduling and automatic distribution of reports to stakeholders.


  • Highly user-friendly interface ideal for non-technical users.
  • Strong focus on making advanced analytics accessible to all users.
  • Effective data integration and management tools.


  • Pricing can be a barrier for small businesses.
  • Limited by the pre-built connectors for data integration, potentially requiring additional tools or services for bespoke needs.

13. MicroStrategy

MicroStrategy is a comprehensive business intelligence (BI) platform that provides advanced analytics, mobile apps, and security to help organizations transform their data into real-world intelligence. It's designed to provide powerful analytics and mobility solutions to businesses of all sizes, enabling them to leverage their data for actionable insights.

Key Features

  1. Utilizes in-memory analytics and optimized SQL queries for fast and efficient data processing.
  2. Offers visualization tools that help make complex data understandable through charts, graphs, and dashboards.
  3. Supports predictive analytics, machine learning, and AI to provide deeper insights into data.
  4. Can handle vast amounts of data and scale up to meet the needs of large enterprises.
  5. Features robust security measures, including role-based access control and end-to-end encryption, to protect sensitive data.


  • Provides comprehensive BI capabilities, including reporting, analytics, and monitoring.
  • Offers robust mobile BI features, allowing users to access insights.
  • A high degree of customization and flexibility in report creation and dashboard design.


  • Can be complex to navigate and use, especially for beginners.
  • High cost of implementation and ownership may be prohibitive for small businesses.

14. Spotfire

Spotfire is a powerful analytics and business intelligence platform from TIBCO Software. It's designed for data exploration and visualization, enabling users to discover insights in their data through interactive dashboards and advanced analytics.

Key Features

  1. Offers dynamic and interactive dashboards and data visualizations.
  2. Integrates machine learning and predictive analytics to forecast trends and patterns.
  3. Allows users to analyze data in real time, providing up-to-date insights.
  4. Enables easy manipulation and data transformation to prepare it for analysis.
  5. Supports sharing and collaboration on analysis and insights among team members.


  • UI makes it easier for non-technical users to create complex analyses.
  • Strong integration capabilities with various data sources and platforms.
  • Powerful in-memory technology ensures quick data processing and analysis.


  • Pricing can be high, especially for small businesses or individuals.
  • Some users may require additional training to utilize its advanced features fully.

15. Analytics

Analytics tools are software solutions designed to collect, process, analyze, and visualize data to derive insights and support data-driven decision-making processes.

Key Features

  1. Data collection from various sources for comprehensive analysis.
  2. Advanced data visualization capabilities for easy interpretation.
  3. Statistical analysis tools for uncovering patterns and trends.
  4. Predictive analytics to forecast future outcomes based on historical data.
  5. Customizable dashboards and reports for tailored insights delivery.


  • Enables data-driven decision-making for businesses, leading to better strategies.
  • Provides insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency.
  • Facilitates proactive problem-solving and identifies growth opportunities.


  • Requires skilled personnel or training to utilize its capabilities effectively.
  • Complexity in implementation and integration with existing systems can be challenging for some organizations.

16. SAP Business Objects

SAP Business Objects is a centralized data reporting, visualization, and sharing suite. It enables businesses to access, format, and analyze their data to make informed decisions. It's known for its powerful data management and reporting features.

Key Features

  1. Users can create and modify reports as needed without extensive IT involvement.
  2. Supports integration with diverse data sources for comprehensive data analysis.
  3. Offers tools for creating interactive dashboards to visualize data insights.
  4. Provides mobile applications for accessing reports and dashboards.
  5. Features a semantic layer that simplifies complex data structures into understandable terms for users.


  • Strong report generation capabilities with customization options.
  • Effective data integration from various sources, enhancing data analysis.
  • Extensive support and documentation available due to its widespread adoption.


  • The interface can be less intuitive than newer BI tools, posing a steeper learning curve.
  • Can be resource-intensive, requiring significant infrastructure for optimal performance.

17. SAS Business Intelligence

SAS Business Intelligence is part of the SAS suite and offers analytics, data management, and reporting tools. It's designed to help organizations make sense of large volumes of data through advanced analytics and predictive modeling.

Key Features

  1. Provides a range of visualization options to help present data insights in a clear manner.
  2. Offers advanced analytics capabilities, including statistical analysis, forecasting, and predictive modeling.
  3. Features robust data management tools to ensure data quality and integrity.
  4. Users can create customized dashboards tailored to their specific needs.
  5. Easily integrates with other SAS solutions and external data sources for comprehensive analysis.


  • High-level analytics capabilities suitable for complex data analysis.
  • Strong support for predictive analytics and modeling.
  • Good integration capabilities with other SAS products and external databases.


  • The platform can be expensive, making it less accessible for smaller organizations.
  • May require users to have a higher level of technical expertise to leverage its capabilities fully.

18. SAP

SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) is a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software suite that helps businesses manage various operations. It has become a cornerstone in the digital transformation journey of many organizations across industries.

Key Features

  1. Allows businesses to select and implement specific modules tailored to their needs, ensuring scalability and flexibility.
  2. Integrates with other systems and applications, facilitating smooth data flow.
  3. Provides powerful analytics tools and reporting capabilities.
  4. Offers industry-specific solutions, catering to the unique requirements of various sectors.
  5. Businesses can enjoy the benefits of scalability, accessibility, and reduced infrastructure costs.


  • Offers many functionalities covering almost all aspects of business operations, reducing the need for multiple software solutions.
  • Accommodates increasing data volumes and expanding operations without significant disruptions.
  • Provides a common platform that facilitates collaboration and standardization across global operations.


  • Can be complex and time-consuming, requiring skilled professionals and significant investment in training.
  • Implementation costs and ongoing maintenance expenses associated with SAP can be substantial.

19. Board International

Board International is a business intelligence and performance management software solution that helps organizations make better decisions.

Key Features

  1. Unified platform for business intelligence, performance management, and predictive analytics.
  2. Customizable dashboards and reports for data visualization.
  3. Integrated planning, budgeting, and forecasting capabilities.
  4. Advanced analytics for predictive modeling and scenario analysis.
  5. Collaboration tools for team-based decision-making.


  • All-in-one solution for business intelligence and performance management needs.
  • User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Scalable to meet the needs of large enterprises.


  • Requires significant training for full utilization.
  • Pricing may be prohibitive for small businesses.

20. BusinessObjects

BusinessObjects is a suite of business intelligence tools offered by SAP that provides reporting, querying, analysis, and data visualization capabilities.

Key Features

  1. Ad hoc reporting and analysis for quick insights.
  2. Centralized data repository for easy access to information.
  3. Robust security features to ensure data integrity.
  4. Integration with various data sources, including SAP and non-SAP systems.
  5. Mobile compatibility for on-the-go access to reports and dashboards.


  • Established and trusted solutions with a large user base.
  • Flexible deployment options, including on-premises and cloud.
  • Extensive range of connectors for data integration.


  • Steeper learning curve compared to some other BI tools.
  • Requires additional licenses for advanced features.

21. Google

Google offers a suite of business tools, including Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, and Google Cloud Platform for analytics, data visualization, and cloud computing.

Key Features

  1. Google Analytics for website and app tracking.
  2. Google Data Studio to create interactive dashboards and reports.
  3. Google Cloud Platform for data storage, processing, and machine learning.
  4. Integration with other Google services for seamless workflow.
  5. Collaboration features for team-based analysis and decision-making.


  • Familiar interface for users already accustomed to Google products.
  • Scalable infrastructure to handle large volumes of data.
  • Extensive ecosystem of third-party integrations and plugins.


  • Limited customization compared to some specialized BI tools.
  • Privacy concerns due to data collection practices.

22. SAS Viya

SAS Viya is a cloud-based analytics platform offered by SAS, providing advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning capabilities.

Key Features

  1. Distributed computing architecture for scalability and performance.
  2. Open APIs for integration with other systems and languages.
  3. Advanced analytics capabilities, including predictive modeling and optimization.
  4. AI and machine learning features for automated insights.
  5. Visualization tools for interactive data exploration.


  • Comprehensive analytics platform with a wide range of capabilities.
  • Support for both structured and unstructured data.
  • Flexible deployment options, including on-premises and cloud.


  • Requires specialized skills to leverage its capabilities fully.
  • Cost may be a barrier for smaller organizations.

23. ThoughtSpot

ThoughtSpot is a search-driven analytics platform that allows users to analyze complex data using natural language queries.

Key Features

  1. Search-driven analytics for intuitive data exploration.
  2. AI-driven insights for proactive analysis.
  3. Self-service capabilities for business users without technical expertise.
  4. Integration with various data sources for unified analysis.
  5. Interactive visualizations for clear presentation of insights.


  • User-friendly interface with Google-like search functionality.
  • Empower business users to perform their analysis without IT assistance.
  • Fast and responsive performance even with large datasets.


  • Limited support for complex statistical analysis compared to some other tools.
  • May require additional data preparation for optimal results.

24. SAS

SAS is a software suite for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics.

Key Features

  1. Advanced analytics capabilities, including statistical analysis and machine learning.
  2. Data management tools for data integration, cleansing, and transformation.
  3. Business intelligence solutions for reporting, dashboards, and visualization.
  4. Predictive analytics for forecasting and modeling.
  5. Scalable architecture for handling large volumes of data.


  • Established and trusted analytics platform with a long history of innovation.
  • Comprehensive suite covering a wide range of analytics needs.
  • Strong support and training resources are available.


  • High cost of licensing and implementation.
  • Steeper learning curve compared to some other analytics tools.

How to Build a Career in Power BI?

Building a career in Power BI requires technical knowledge and business acumen. Understanding the fundamentals of data modeling, visualization, and analysis is crucial. Microsoft offers certifications in Power BI, which can significantly enhance your career prospects. Moreover, gaining expertise in SQL and knowledge of Python or R for more advanced analytics can set you apart in the job market.

1. Learn the Basics of Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Understand the fundamentals of data analysis, including statistical analysis, data cleaning, and preprocessing.
  • Get familiar with the basics of data visualization principles and best practices.

2. Master Power BI

  • Learn Power BI Fundamentals: Start with Power BI Desktop and its components like Query Editor, Data Model, and Visualization Pane. Microsoft offers free online resources and documentation to get started.
  • Advanced Power BI Features: Dive into more advanced features such as DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), custom visuals, and Power Query M language for data transformation.
  • Practice with Real Data: Apply what you learn by working on real-world datasets. Kaggle, GitHub, and public government databases are great sources for free datasets.

3. Develop SQL Skills

SQL is essential for manipulating and retrieving data from relational databases, a common source of data for Power BI reports.

4. Understand Data Warehousing and ETL Processes

Knowledge of data warehousing concepts and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes will help you understand how data is prepared and stored before visualization.

5. Learn About Cloud Data Services

Familiarize yourself with cloud data services like Azure, as Power BI integrates well with various cloud services for data storage and analytics.

6. Gain Practical Experience

  • Work on projects or take part in internships to apply your skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Participate in online forums and communities (like the Power BI Community Forum) to solve problems and share knowledge.

7. Certifications and Continuing Education

Consider earning certifications to validate your skills. Microsoft offers several certifications, including the “DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI” certification.

8. Networking and Personal Branding

  • Network with professionals in the field through LinkedIn, local meetups, and conferences.
  • Share your projects and insights on platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, or your blog to build your brand.

9. Apply for Jobs

Look for job roles like Power BI Developer, Business Intelligence Analyst, or Data Analyst. Tailor your resume to highlight relevant skills and experiences.

10. Prepare for Interviews

Be ready to discuss your Power BI projects, demonstrate your knowledge of data analysis, and solve case studies during interviews.

Power BI Job Outlook

The demand for Power BI professionals has seen a steady increase, with companies across sectors seeking individuals who can translate data into actionable insights. Roles range from Power BI developers and data analysts to consultants and business intelligence experts. The job outlook for Power BI professionals in 2024 remains highly positive, reflecting the growing importance of data analytics in business strategies. Here are several factors contributing to the strong job outlook for Power BI professionals:

  • Increasing Demand for Data Analytics
  • Broad Applicability
  • Skill Gap and High Demand
  • Evolving Technology Landscape
  • Career Progression and Development
  • Global Perspective
  • Industry Recognition

The Future of Power BI

The future of Power BI is closely tied to AI and machine learning advancements. As these technologies evolve, Power BI is expected to incorporate more predictive and prescriptive analytics features, enabling businesses to understand their current data and forecast future trends. Integration with other Microsoft products, like Azure and Teams, makes Power BI a more versatile tool central to the Microsoft ecosystem.


Embracing Power BI tools is not just about better understanding data; it's about setting a foundation for informed, strategic decision-making that can drive businesses forward in an increasingly complex world. The Power BI Certification Training Course by Simplilearn stands out as a cornerstone for those aspiring to understand the nuances of Power BI and achieve mastery recognized by industry standards.


1. Which BI tool is most used?

The most used BI tool varies depending on industry and organizational needs. However, some widely used BI tools include Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, QlikView, and Google Data Studio.

2. What are the four major tools used in Power BI?

The four major tools used in Power BI are:

  • Power Query for data extraction and transformation.
  • Power Pivot for data modeling and analysis.
  • Power View for interactive data visualization.
  • Power Map for Geospatial Analysis.

3. Is Power BI the best BI tool?

Whether Power BI is the best BI tool depends on factors such as the organization's requirements, budget, and existing tech stack. It offers powerful features, integration with other Microsoft products, and a user-friendly interface, making it a top choice for many businesses.

4. Which BI tool is in demand in India?

In India, the demand for BI tools varies across industries, but commonly sought-after ones include Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, and SAP BusinessObjects. However, the specific tool in demand can differ based on industry trends and organizational needs.

5. Can anyone use Power BI tools, or are they specifically for data professionals?

While Power BI tools are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to a broad audience, they are primarily geared towards data professionals or individuals with some technical proficiency. However, Microsoft offers training and resources to help users of varying skill levels maximize Power BI's capabilities.

Data Science & Business Analytics Courses Duration and Fees

Data Science & Business Analytics programs typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Applied AI & Data Science

Cohort Starts: 16 Jul, 2024

3 Months$ 2,624
Data Analytics Bootcamp

Cohort Starts: 23 Jul, 2024

6 Months$ 8,500
Post Graduate Program in Data Analytics

Cohort Starts: 1 Aug, 2024

8 Months$ 3,500
Post Graduate Program in Data Science

Cohort Starts: 7 Aug, 2024

11 Months$ 3,800
Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science

Cohort Starts: 7 Aug, 2024

11 Months$ 4,500
Post Graduate Program in Data Engineering8 Months$ 3,850
Data Scientist11 Months$ 1,449
Data Analyst11 Months$ 1,449