Free PMP® Exam Prep Practice Test103513 Tests taken

With our PMP exam prep, you don’t have to waste time in taking the PMI exam multiple times. This PMP exam questions covers every aspect of the PMP test so you can chart how well-versed you are in the field of project management. This PMP exam simulation is based on the PMBOK guide and helps you prepare for the real deal. This PMP practice exam is free of cost and can be taken multiple times. Give it a go today!

Take the Free Practice Test

  • Instructions:

  • FREE test and can be attempted multiple times.
  • 240 Minutes
  • 200 Multiple Choice Questions
  • You can pause the test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later.

course page fpt faqs

  • What is the PMP exam simulator?

    The PMP practice exam is a mock PMI exam and is based on the PMBOK guide. There are about 200 MCQs in the PMP mock test and the questions are similar to the PMI questions. The main aim is to enable the candidates to cover every aspect of the PMP test so that they can assess their knowledge in the field of project management.

  • Will this PMP practice test be updated frequently?

    Yes. Simplilearn updates the practice exams on a regular basis so that the candidates can get the latest information at all times.

  • What is included in this PMP practice exam?

    The PMP practice exam has 200 MCQs that can be attempted multiple times and is free of cost. Candidates can pause this test anytime and resume later.

  • Who can take up this PMP practice exam?

    The PMP practice exam can be taken up by the Project Managers, Software Developers, Team Leads/Team Managers, Associate/Assistant Project Managers, or any professional striving to be a Project Manager.

  • Are these the same questions I'll see on the real exam?

    The PMP exam questions are similar to the PMP exam conducted by PMI.

  • Can I retake this PMP mock test?

    Yes, you can attempt the PMP exam sample questions multiple times. However, it is recommended that you attempt questions only after preparing well for the exam to get the best practice experience.

  • What will I learn from this PMP exam simulator?

    The PMP exam simulator is free of cost and contains over 200 multiple choice questions that must be answered in a duration of 240 minutes. The PMP exam questions have been designed to help you chart your skills in the field of project management. The PMP sample questions are in accordance with the PMBOK guide.

  • What are the requirements to take this PMP practice exam?

    This PMP practice exam 6th edition is free of cost and does not have any prerequisites.

  • Will this PMP practice exam help to clear the actual PMP certification exam?

    Yes. This free PMP exam questions are similar to the ones faced in the PMI exam. Although the test does not guarantee that you can pass the exam, it guarantees that you can easily answer the PMP exam questions.

  • I didn’t do well in this PMP free mock test. What should I do now?

    You can reattempt the PMP mock test any number of times. If you couldn’t pass the practice exam in the first attempt, you can take the PMP Certification Training Course and retake the exam.

  • Acknowledgement
  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, OPM3 and the PMI ATP seal are the registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.