Free PMI-RMP® Exam Prep Practice Test3458 Tests taken

Take the PMI RMP test and map your progress when taking the PMI certification exam. You can use this free RMP PMI study material to help you clear your exam on the first go. These PMI RMP exam questions are simulations of the real certification test and give you an accurate picture of what to expect. Simplify your learning process with these RMP exam questions and test yourself on project management concepts. Weed out the project management areas with this mock test today!

Take the Free Practice Test

  • Instructions:

  • FREE test and can be attempted multiple times.
  • 210 Minutes
  • 170 Multiple Choice Questions
  • You can pause the test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later.

course page fpt faqs

  • Who can take up this PMI-RMP exam prep?

    The PMI-RMP exam prep can be attempted by any aspirants who want to take up the PMI-RMP certification exam.

  • Are these the same questions I'll see on the real exam?

    The questions given in the PMI rmp question bank are similar to what you will face in the PMI-RMP exam.

  • What will I learn from this PMI RMP free study material?

    These RMP exam questions will test your skills in the project management concepts. The test is 210 minutes long and contains 170 multiple choice questions. From the PMI-RMP question bank, you will also gain knowledge of risk management based on the PMBOK Guide.

  • I didn’t do well on this practice test. What should I do now?

    You can take up answering the PMI-RMP free exam questions any number of times. If you did not pass in the exam in your first attempt, then you can learn more from our PMI-RMP® Course take the exam again after you’re confident enough.

  • What are the requirements to take this practice test?

    There are no requirements to attempt these PMI-RMP exam questions.

  • Will the Practice Tests be updated frequently?

    Yes. We will frequently update our exam simulators so that we can provide the candidates with the latest information always.

  • Will this PMI-RMP® exam prep help in clearing the actual certification exam?

    Yes. These RMP exam questions are a representation of the PMI-RMP exam questions. While this practice test does not guarantee you clearing the exam but it makes it easy for you clear the RMP exam.

  • What is included in this PMI practice test?

    There are 170 MCQs in this PMI-RMP question bank which consists of multiple options out of which one or more may be correct. The PMI practice test can be attempted several times with the facility to pause anytime and resume later.

  • What is the PMI RMP practice test?

    The PMI practice test is free of cost and is a representation of the PMI-RMP certification exam. There are over 170 MCQs included in this PMI-RMP question bank which creates a scenario similar to what you will face in the test. The aim of this PMI-RMP exam prep is to help you clear your exam on the first go by giving you an accurate picture of what to expect.

  • Can I retake this PMI RMP exam prep?

    Yes. You can attempt this PMI practice test any number of times. However, for an optimum learning experience, it is suggested that you attempt the test after you have prepared well.

  • Acknowledgement
  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, OPM3 and the PMI ATP seal are the registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.