Free PMI-PgMP® Exam Prep Practice Test2609 Tests taken

With the PgMP exam, you can check how well you have prepared for your project management exam. Test yourself on management domains like strategy alignment and stakeholder alignment with these PgMP sample questions. The PgMP exam can help you weed gaps in your knowledge and help build on your strong ones. The paper is free of cost and can be taken multiple times. Try the PgMP exam questions and master PM concepts today!

Take the Free Practice Test

  • Instructions:

  • FREE test and can be attempted multiple times.
  • 240 Minutes
  • 170 Multiple Choice Questions
  • You can pause the test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later.

course page fpt faqs

  • Will the Practice Tests be updated frequently?

    Yes, we constantly look forward to improving our practice test to include any recent topics that are crucial for your preparation in PgMP certification.

  • Will this practice test helps in clearing the actual certification exam?

    Yes, you should take this practice test to understand what testing environment you will deal with in the exam organized by PMI. Though we do not guarantee that you will clear the exam, we give the best exam experience to help you face the real exam with ease.

  • What is included in this practice test?

    There are 170 multiple choice questions in this PgMP exam which have to be solved in 240 minutes. You are allowed to interrupt the test using the Pause option. You can resume it later.

  • What is a PMI PgMP practice test?

    The PMI PgMP practice test is a time-bound, online mock exam that prepares you for the PgMP Certification exam conducted by This practice test involves 170 multiple choice questions and helps you differentiate your stronger areas of program management with the weaker ones. It tests you on the different aspects of business strategy, program process, program road mapping and more.

  • Can I retake this Practice Test?

    Yes, this PgMP mock exam can be taken multiple times to improve your learning curve. The test, however, is most beneficial when attempted after a thorough understanding of all the important concepts of PgMP.

  • Who can take up this PMP practice test?

    The PMI PgMP practice test is free of cost and professionals who wish to become an efficient program manager by passing the PgMP Certification exam can take this mock exam.

  • Are these the same questions I'll see on the real exam?

    The PgMP question bank which we provide resembles in style and pattern to what is asked in the PgMP certification exam conducted by PMI.

  • What will I learn from this practice test?

    The PgMP sample questions are designed to test your proficiency in PMI’s five program management performance domains, including program strategy alignment, lifecycle management, stakeholder engagement, benefits management and governance. The 170 MCQs asked in the mock exam lets you understand what it takes to become a PgMP certified professional.

  • I didn’t do well on this practice test. What should I do now?

    Our practice test can be attempted multiple times to help you improve your performance in all the aspects of program management. If you do not get satisfactory results, you can opt our PMI-PgMP® Certification Training course for an enhanced learning approach.

  • What are the requirements to take this practice test?

    You can take this PgMP test without any requirements.

  • Acknowledgement
  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, OPM3 and the PMI ATP seal are the registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.