Node.js Training in Melbourne

3,147 Learners

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Node JS Course Overview

The Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne would set you up to work on Node Packet Manager Vet, Express.js with Mongo, REST, and SQLite CRUD Operations. Node JS Certification Course in Melbourne concentrates more on the essential ideas of Node JS, and understudies acquire reasonable learning aptitude building up a Web worker that is a HTTP Server.

Skills Covered

  • Understand the Nodejs framework
  • Work with shrinkwrap
  • HTTP server with Nodejs
  • Multiprocessing in Nodejs
  • Application using Socketio
  • Unit and endtoend testing
  • Work with Node projects
  • Learn asynchronous programming
  • Buffer streams and events
  • Master Expressjs
  • Gulp and Grunt
  • Understand the Nodejs framework
  • Work with Node projects
  • Work with shrinkwrap
  • Learn asynchronous programming
  • HTTP server with Nodejs
  • Buffer streams and events
  • Multiprocessing in Nodejs
  • Master Expressjs
  • Application using Socketio
  • Gulp and Grunt
  • Unit and endtoend testing
  • Understand the Nodejs framework
  • Work with Node projects
  • Work with shrinkwrap
  • Learn asynchronous programming
  • HTTP server with Nodejs
  • Buffer streams and events
  • Multiprocessing in Nodejs
  • Master Expressjs
  • Application using Socketio
  • Gulp and Grunt
  • Unit and endtoend testing


A Node JS certification course in Melbourne affirmed designers could pursue creating modern and dependable applications without utilizing mind-boggling code. Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne, empowers designers to stack versatile applications with simultaneously running capacities without slowing or crashing the servers.

  • Designation
  • Annual Salary
  • Hiring Companies
  • Annual Salary
    Source: Glassdoor
    Hiring Companies
    Oracle hiring for Node JS Developer professionals in Melbourne
    Hewlett-Packard hiring for Node JS Developer professionals in Melbourne
    ICS Consultancy Services hiring for Node JS Developer professionals in Melbourne
    PayPal hiring for Node JS Developer professionals in Melbourne
    Source: Indeed

Training Options

Corporate Training

Upskill or reskill your teams

  • Flexible pricing & billing options
  • Private cohorts available
  • Training progress dashboards
  • Skills assessment & benchmarking
  • Platform integration capabilities
  • Dedicated customer success manager

Node JS Course Curriculum


This Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne is most appropriate for a logical Management team, level specialists, filled to the edge with web specialists, highly - anticipated designers, or aspiring youthful experts keen on driving web advancement. Candidates with the Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne will achieve a good opportunity in work. 
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The Node JS Certification course in Melbourne comes with the set of prerequisites. Essentials for taking this Node JS instructional class incorporate a fundamental comprehension of JavaScript and HTML and middle JavaScript concepts. Experts will get to know about these by taking the Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne.
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Course Content

  • Section 01: Online Self Learning Curriculum

    • Lesson 01: Welcome to the Course

      • 1.01 Course Introduction
      • 1.02 A Look at the Project
      • 1.03 Environment Setup
    • Lesson 02: HTTP Introduction

      • 2.01 HTTP and the Node HTTP Module
      • 2.02 Installing Nodemon
      • 2.03 Responding With Data
      • 2.04 HTTP Status Codes
      • 2.05 Sending Data to The Server
      • 2.06 HTTP Methods and RESTful API's
    • Lesson 03: Starting Our DevCamper Project

      • 3.01 Project Specs and Resources
      • 3.02 Basic Express Server, dotenv and Git
      • 3.03 Creating Routes and Responses In Express
      • 3.04 Using the Express Router
      • 3.05 Creating Controller Methods
      • 3.06 Introduction to Middleware
      • 3.07 Postman Environment and Collections
    • Lesson 04: Getting Started With MongoDB and Bootcamps Resource

      • 4.01 MongoDB Atlas and Compass Setup
      • 4.02 Connecting To the Database with Mongoose
      • 4.03 Colors in the Console
      • 4.04 Creating Our First Model
      • 4.05 Create Bootcamp - POST
      • 4.06 Fetching Bootcamps - GET
      • 4.07 Updating and Deleting Bootcamps - PUT and DELETE
    • Lesson 05: Custom Error Handling and Mongoose Middleware

      • 5.01 Error Handler Middleware
      • 5.02 Custom Error Response Class
      • 5.03 Mongoose Error Handling: Part One
      • 5.04 Mongoose Error Handling: Part Two
      • 5.05 Async or Await Middleware
      • 5.06 Mongoose Middleware and Slugify
      • 5.07 GeoJSON Location and Geocoder Hook MapQuest API
    • Lesson 06: Mongoose Advanced Querying and Relationships

      • 6.01 Database Seeder For Bootcamps
      • 6.02 Geospatial Query Get Bootcamps Within Radius
      • 6.03 Advanced Filtering
      • 6.04 Select and Sorting
      • 6.05 Adding Pagination
      • 6.06 Course Model and Seeding
      • 6.07 Course Routes and Controller
      • 6.08 Populate, Virtuals and Cascade Delete
      • 6.09 Single Course and Add Course
      • 6.10 Update and Delete Course
      • 6.11 Aggregate - Calculating the Average Course Cost
      • 6.12 Photo Upload for Bootcamp
      • 6.13 Advanced Results Middleware
    • Lesson 07: Authentication, Users and Permissions: Part 01

      • 7.01 User Model
      • 7.02 User Register and Encrypting Passwords
      • 7.03 Sign and Get JSON Web Token
      • 7.04 User Login
      • 7.05 Sending JWT in a Cookie
      • 7.06 Auth Protect Middleware
      • 7.07 Storing the Token In Postman
      • 7.08 Role Authorization
    • Lesson 08: Authentication, Users and Permissions: Part 02

      • 8.01 Bootcamp and User Relationship
      • 8.02 Bootcamp Ownership
      • 8.03 Course Ownership
      • 8.04 Forgot Password - Generate Token
      • 8.05 Forgot Password - Send Email
      • 8.06 Reset Password
      • 8.07 Update User Details
      • 8.08 Admin Users CRUD
    • Lesson 09: Bootcamp Reviews and Ratings

      • 9.01 Review Model and Get Reviews
      • 9.02 Get Single Review and Update Seeder
      • 9.03 Add Review for Bootcamp
      • 9.04 Aggregate - Calculate Average Rating
      • 9.05 Update and Delete Reviews
    • Lesson 10: API Security

      • 10.01 Logout To Clear Token Cookie
      • 10.02 Prevent NoSQL Injection and Sanitize Data
      • 10.03 XSS Protection and Security Headers
      • 10.04 Rate Limiting, HPP and CORS
    • Lesson 11: Documentation and Dep

      • 11.01 Documentation With Postman and Docgen
      • 11.02 Digital Ocean Droplet and Server Log In
      • 11.03 Prepare and Push To Github
      • 11.04 Clone Repo On Server
      • 11.05 PM2 Process Manager Setup
      • 11.06 NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup
      • 11.07 Domain SSL and Wrap Up
  • Section 02: Live Class Curriculum

    • Lesson 1 - Introduction and Foundation

      • 1 Introduction
      • 2 The Node.js framework
      • 3 Installing Node.js
      • 4 Using Node.js to execute scripts
    • Lesson 2 - Node Projects

      • 1 The Node Package Manager
      • 2 Creating a project
      • 3 The package.json configuration file
      • 4 Global vs. local package installation
    • Lesson 3 - Working with shrink-wrap to lock the node modules versions

      • 1 What is shrink-wrap
      • 2 Working with npmvet
      • 3 Working with outdated command
      • Install NPM Shrinkwrap
    • Lesson 4 - Working with asynchronous programming

      • 1 Asynchronous Basics
      • 2 Callback functions
      • 3 Working with Promises
      • 4 Advance promises
      • 5 Using Request module to make api calls
      • Asynchronous Commands
    • Lesson 5 - Building a HTTP Server with Node.JS using HTTP APIs

      • 1 The HTTP protocol
      • 2 Building an HTTP server
      • 3 Rendering a response
      • 4 Processing query strings
      • 5 Processing posted data
      • Building a HTTP Server with Node.JS using HTTP APIs
    • Lesson 6 - File System

      • 1 Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O
      • 2 Path and directory operations
      • 3 __dirname and __filename
      • 4 Asynchronous file reads and writes
      • File System and Security
    • Lesson 7 - Buffers, Streams, and Events

      • 1 Using buffers for binary data
      • 2 Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
      • 3 Streaming I/O from files and other sources
      • 4 Processing streams asynchronously
      • File System and Security
    • Lesson 8 - Multi-Processing in NodeJS

      • 1 Working with Child Process API
      • 2 Working with Cluster API for multi-core servers
      • Multi-Processing
    • Lesson 9 - ExpressJS

      • 1 The model-view-controller pattern
      • 2 Defining Jade templates
      • 3 Configuring Express
      • 4 Postman configuration
      • 5 Using REST
      • 6 JSON Data
      • 7 Reading POST data
      • 8 CRUD operations
      • 9 Adding middleware
      • Expressjs
    • Lesson 10 - Express JS with MongoDB and Sqlite

      • 1 How Node.js connects to databases
      • 2 RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
      • 3 Connecting to RDBMS and Mongodb databases
      • 4 Performing CRUD operations
      • Express JS-CRUD
    • Lesson 11 -, The Front-end, and A Chat App

      • 1 Getting Started
      • 2 Adding To Your App
      • 3 Exploring The Front-end
      • 4 Sending Live Data Back and Forth
      • 5 Creating The Front-end UI
      • 6 Showing Messages In App
      • 7 Working With Time
      • 8 Timestamps
      • 9 Show Message Time In Chat App
      • 10 Chat application Project
      • SocketIO-Chat
    • Lesson 12 - Introduction to Task Managers with unit testing

      • 1 Working with gulp
      • 2 Working with grunt
      • 3 Working with unit and E2E testing
      • gulp-grunt
      • Unit-testing-Jest
  • Free Course
  • Fundamentals of JavaScript

    • Fundamentals Of JavaScript

      • 1.1 Course Materials
      • 1.2 What Is Javascript
      • 1.3 Internal Vs. External
      • 1.5 document.write()
      • 1.6 Alert And Confirm
      • 1.7 Prompting For Info
      • 1.8 Variables
      • 1.9 Conjugation
      • 1.10 Arithmetic
      • 1.11 Redirecting And New Windows
      • 1.12 Empty Links
      • 1.13 String Manipulation
      • 1.14 Comparisons
      • 1.15 If Else Statements
      • 1.16 Else If Statements
      • 1.17 Switch Statements
      • 1.18 Functions
      • 1.19 Events
      • 1.20 getElementById()
      • 1.21 Escaping
      • 1.22 Arrays
      • 1.23 For Loops
      • 1.24 While Loops
      • 1.25 Breaking Out Of Loops
      • 1.26 Skipping A Loop Cycle

Industry Project

  • Project 1

    Online Music Store Manage Your Personal Music Library

    In this project, you are required to design an online music store that will enable the client to optimize their business by allowing customers to purchase whatever music they want.

  • Project 2

    Create Your Own Learning Management System

    Develop a learning management system with features that include registration control, document management, multiple device access, course calendars and registration of new tickets.


Node JS Exam & Certification

Node.js Training in Melbourne
  • What do I need to do to unlock my Simplilearn certificate?

    The Person should, at last, have to go to the entire bunch of Node JS courses that might be on the web. Then, the candidate should finish the Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne. Furthermore, applicants should carry out the project in the suitable domain. Finally, you can open my Simplilearn certificate by acquiring the Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne.

  • Do you provide sample interview questions as part of this Node JS course?

    Obviously, yes. A fantastic spot to begin is Simplilearn's post on frequently asked Node JS interview questions. The Node JS Certification Training in Melbourne will give you preparation on interview discussions. This training will assist you with catching up on your Node JS abilities so that you can confront the interview with certainty. Node JS Certification course in Melbourne will help you to get qualified in the technical round.

Node JS Course Reviews

  • Suhas Ranganath

    Suhas Ranganath

    Co-Founder, Bangalore

    I am really happy with Simplilearn and the training went beyond my expectation. Great going guys! The instructor is great.

  • Sudhir Gupta

    Sudhir Gupta

    Project Manager at LogicSpice Consultancy Private Ltd, Jaipur

    I love the course. The trainer was very helpful. His attitude and his approach to teaching were extremely impressive. Simplilearn takes care of all the possible needs and I feel respected. Thank you!

  • Maneesh Parihar

    Maneesh Parihar

    IT Consultant, Gurgaon

    I have registered for Node.js Certification from Simplilearn. The trainer is excellent and knowledgeable. The way he explains the concepts is amazing. I would highly recommend Simplilearn.


Why Online Bootcamp

  • Develop skills for real career growthCutting-edge curriculum designed in guidance with industry and academia to develop job-ready skills
  • Learn from experts active in their field, not out-of-touch trainersLeading practitioners who bring current best practices and case studies to sessions that fit into your work schedule.
  • Learn by working on real-world problemsCapstone projects involving real world data sets with virtual labs for hands-on learning
  • Structured guidance ensuring learning never stops24x7 Learning support from mentors and a community of like-minded peers to resolve any conceptual doubts

Node JS Certification Training FAQs

  • What is Node.js?

    Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform framework running on Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux. It is an event-driven, server-side JavaScript environment that runs JavaScript using the V8 engine developed by Google.

  • What’s the focus of this Node.js Training in Melbourne?

    This Node.js Training in Melbourne has been designed to help developers understand and build web applications with the help of JavaScript. The Node.js training focuses on various important concepts of Node.js and provides hands-on experience in building an HTTP server with Node.js, working with the file system, buffers, stream, events, and multi-processing in Node.js. The training covers Express.js, which is a powerful and flexible web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.

  • Objectives of Node.js Training in Melbourne

    This Node.js Training in Melbourne will enable you to:

    • Understand the Node.js framework
    • Work with Node Projects
    • Work with shrink-wrap to lock the node module versions
    • Learn asynchronous programming
    • Build HTTP Server with Node.js using HTTP APIs
    • Understand file systems in Node.js
    • Understand Buffers, Streams and Events
    • Comprehend multi-processing in Node.js
    • Master Express.js
    • Learn how Express.js connects with MongoDB and SQLite
    • Build chat application using
    • Work with Gulp and Grunt
    • Understand unit and End to End (e2e) testing

  • Who should take this Node.js Training in Melbourne?

    This Node.js Training in Melbourne is ideal for :

    • Aspirants and students who wish to learn web development
    • Technical Project Managers and Technical Leads
    • Full Stack Web Developers
    • QAs, Architects

  • Who delivers the Node.js Training in Melbourne?

    All our trainers are certified and are highly qualified, with multiple years of experience in working with front-end development technology.

  • System requirements for this Node.js Training in Melbourne

    You will need to download the following software:

    • Node.js

    The detailed installation process will be covered by the instructor during the Node.js Training.

  • How do I enroll for this Node.js training in Melbourne?

    You can enroll in this Node.js training on our website and make an online payment using any of the following options:

    • Visa Credit or Debit Card
    • MasterCard
    • American Express
    • Diner’s Club
    • PayPal

    Once payment is received you will automatically receive a payment receipt and access information via email.

  • What is the salary of a Software development specialist in Melbourne?

    AU$73,813 per year is the average salary of certified software development specialists in Melbourne. The Node JS certification Melbourne helps you work on Node JS projects and gives a complete understanding of the NodeJS framework. A Node JS certification is highly demanded and preferred by top recruiters.

  • What are the major companies hiring for Software development specialists in Melbourne?

    Biz data Pvt. ltd., Eagle software, Greencap, and Fundsnational Pvt. Ltd. are top recruiting companies for software development specialists in Melbourne. Melbourne is the central commercial hub and has major IT companies. A Node JS certification Melbourne increases your chances to secure your position in a reputed organization.

  • What are the major industries in Melbourne?

    Melbourne is an internationally recognized economic city in Australia. It is the hub of major commercial activities and has significant industries like - manufacturing, mining, logistics, finance, and IT. Skilled software development specialists are always required in the IT sector. Top companies preferred recognized Node JS certification Melbourne while hiring a skilled workforce.

  • How to become a software development specialist in Melbourne?

    Melbourne has the best educational institutions and recommended places for international students for higher studies. Software development is one of the high-paying and most demanded skills. Melbourne has top-ranked colleges and universities to enroll in IT courses or for getting Node JS certification Melbourne.  

  • How to find software development Courses in Melbourne?

    Melbourne is a popular education destination and has an international ranking in providing quality education. Basic internet research and universities websites have enough information for admission and services. First, decide your suitable software development course as Node JS certification Melbourne or other courses as your eligibility.  

  • Is this live training, or will I watch pre-recorded videos?

    All the classes are live. They are interactive sessions that enable you to ask questions and participate in discussions during the class time. We do, however, provide recordings of each session you attend for your future reference.

  • Can I cancel my enrollment? Do I get a refund?

    Yes, you can cancel your enrollment if necessary. We will refund the course price after deducting an administration fee. To learn more, you can view our Refund Policy.

  • Are there any group discounts for classroom training programs?

    Yes, we have group discount options for our training programs. Contact us using the form on the right of any page on the Simplilearn website, or select the Live Chat link. Our customer service representatives will give you more details.

  • I’d like to learn more about this training program. Who should I contact?

    Contact us using the form on the right of any page on the Simplilearn website, or select the Live Chat link. Our customer service representatives will give you more details.

  • What is Global Teaching Assistance?

    • Our teaching assistants are here to help you get certified in your first attempt.
    • They are a dedicated team of subject matter experts to help you at every step and enrich your learning experience from class onboarding to project mentoring and job assistance.
    • They engage with the students proactively to ensure the course path is followed.
    • Teaching assistance is available during business hours.

  • What is covered under the 24/7 Support promise?

    • We offer 24/7 support through email, chat, and calls.  
    • We also have a dedicated team that provides on-demand assistance through our community forum. What’s more, you will have lifetime access to the community forum, even after completion of your course with us.

  • Disclaimer
  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, and OPM3 are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.