Picking the right development framework is necessary for a project's success. The framework shapes the project's production quality, efficiency, and overall success. Angular and Next.js are popular and powerful frameworks. They are complementary in some ways but also have differences. 

Their uniqueness sets them apart. This is why we will dive into the Next.js vs. Angular comparison. We will further examine their features, how you can install them, and their pros and cons. 

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a great framework for creating server-rendered React applications. It provides a variety of rendering options, such as incremental static regeneration, a server-side rendering process, static site generation, and others. Using Next.js's integrated development server, any new project can start running in no time. 

Apps made using Next.js are entirely functional applications that can be utilized in environments that support the Node.js runtime. They are great for JavaScript programmers who want a set of tools for both client-side and server-side development. Also, Next.js is a money—and time-saving alternative that can access several available npm modules. 

Features of Next.js 

In Angular vs. Next.js, the latter has the following features:

Automatic Code Splitting

Next.js' core feature enables pages to load only the JavaScript and libraries needed for each page. The application is divided into different resources instead of a single bundle containing all code. 

Whenever a page is assessed, only the necessary JavaScript components are loaded. Next.js loads only the essential resources after evaluating the page's requirements.

Built-in CSS Support

Next.js has simplified importing the CSS data from a JavaScript file. Next.js uses styled-jsx for CSS by default, and it divides every style for each page within <style jsx></style> tags. As such, there is no concern about overriding them. Now, both the server and client sides of the design process are active, which allows people to see a valid design right after accessing a website. 

Support for Meta Tags

Meta tags are crucial for website optimization and are a crucial part of Next.js. With their help, every page has a unique title, description, and keywords. These can be added directly to the head component, and then the source code is pasted into the render components. Every part of the meta tags is managed uniquely to avoid duplication.

Image Optimization and Image Component

Next.js automatically handles image optimization and compression when the HTML views are generated. People will receive quick page loads since the module reduces the amount of space the pictures take up, and it makes the webpage render more quickly. 

Did You Know? 🔍
Next.js, a React framework, has rapidly gained popularity due to its flexibility, performance, and ease of use.

Installing Next.js 

Here are the steps for installing the Next.js into your systems - 

Step 1: Install Node.js

Start by installing Node JS on your system. There are different ways to do this, depending on whether you have Linux, Windows, or macOS. 

Step 2: Create the Next.js Project

Create a folder for your project on the system and access it through your code editor. Once you have reached the folder, run the below command on the terminal. 

npx create-next-app@latest


yarn create next-app


pnpm create next-app

Step 3: Configure the Next.js Application

Write the name of the project and pick other configuration options in the following manner.

√ What is your project named? my-app

√ Would you like to use TypeScript? No / Yes

√ Would you like to use ESLint? No / Yes

√ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? No / Yes

√ Would you like to use `src/` directory? No / Yes

√ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) No / Yes

√ Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? No / Yes

√ What import alias would you like configured? @/*

Step 4: Switch to the Project Directory

Go to the project folder and install any other dependencies. To do this, use the cd my-app command. 

Step 5: Run the Application

Run the Next.js application by running the command npm run dev.

Pros and Cons of Next.js 

Here are the pros of using Next.js vs Angular

  • Next.js improves your SEO using server-side rendering. 
  • It also enhances performance through automated code-splitting
  • It has an active and large community of programmers working towards improving the framework and delivering useful new materials like documentation and tutorials.
  • The framework is based on React, a JavaScript toolkit used widely for creating UIs

Here are the cons of Next.js vs Angular

  • The Next.js lacks the scalability present in the Angular framework.
  • The learning curve with Next.js is significant for those people who are not familiar with React and its ideas.

What is Angular?

Angular is a strong framework for making complex single-page apps. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which provides a structured approach to development. Because of its variety of third-party libraries and enormous community support, it is also an exceptional choice for bigger projects with higher complexity. Using the directives provided by Angular, people can create custom attributes and elements. 

Features of Angular 

The following are the features of Angular vs Next.js

High-Speed and Optimal Performance

Angular transforms templates into raw code and reimagines the JavaScript virtual engine. The framework is great for several projects because it can be used on any platform, including PHP, Net, Node.js, etc. It helps transform a code into CSS and HTML and see the app in action. The Angular application’s initial page load is quicker and implements the fast speed into any component router. 

Two-Way Data Binding

One of the most powerful aspects of the Angular ecosystem is the two-way data binding system. The model and view layers are replicas of one another, making them work in perfect sync. Through the Angular vs Next.js performance, people can examine its updated model and make any changes to it. The entire process significantly reduces development time. 

Angular Command Line Interface

Angular’s Command Line Interface, or CLI, is incredibly beneficial since it helps automate certain tasks. Its simple instructions permit you to delete or add certain functions. It also facilitates the fast execution of both Angular end-to-end tests and unit tests. Angular’s capabilities improve code quality while also promoting interactive user interfaces. 

Progressive Web Apps

Angular is significant in forming Progressive Web Applications, or PWAs. Through PWAs, people can use modern web features to receive an app-like experience. One key aspect of PWAs is enabling the app to be accessible to users at all times, even offline.

Did you know🔍 that Angular, backed by Google, is a powerful framework ideal for large-scale enterprise applications? Its robust features and strong community support make it a reliable choice for complex projects.

Installing Angular 

Installing Angular requires Node.js, and you can set it up using the CLI (Command Line Interface). Here is the command you must run in your terminal:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Generate an Angular project by running the following command after opening the console through the project folder.

ng new demo_project

Some information will come upon running the command that will walk you through the different choices, including whether you should add Angular routing, which stylesheet to use, and other things as well. After following these steps, execute the following command after reaching the folder where the installation was completed.

cd demo_project

Next, run this command for server launch:

ng serve

Pros and Cons of Angular 

Here are the pros of using Angular.

  • Angular has a large and engaged community of software developers who continuously add new features to the framework and create documentation and tutorials.
  • Regulate and set up the application codebase easily with the Angular dependency injection and two-way data binding. 
  • Angular vs. Next.js is also better for developing wide-ranging and intricate web applications.

Here are the cons of using Angular. 

  • Angular has lower performance when compared to Next.js.
  • There is also a steep learning curve for developers new to Angular.

Next.js vs Angular: Key Differences 

The following are the points that provide a thorough comparison between Next.js vs Angular

The Learning Curve

Both Angular and Next.js have different learning curves depending on a person’s experience. Prior knowledge of React is needed to simplify the learning process in Next.js. At the same time, Angular needs more effort and time to understand its concepts and architecture. Both frameworks have enough tools, documentation, guides, and tutorials that people can use to build cool applications and master the required skills. 

Performance and Scalability

Both Next.js vs Angular  offer incredible performance and scalability, but they take different approaches. Next.js leverages automatic code splitting and pre-rendering features for pages to be more responsive and load faster. On the other hand, Angular uses client-side rendering, which loads all the needed code upfront. This affects its loading time more than Next.js. 

At the same time, Angular excels when it comes to complex and large-scale applications. This is because of its robust two-way binding and dependency injection for easy code management. 

Use Cases

Both Next.js vs Angular are strong JavaScript frameworks that cater to different project needs. Next.js is great for applications that need SEO optimization, server-side rendering, and high performance. Angular is great for enterprise-level, large-scale applications that need robust architecture and intricate functionalities.


Both Angular vs Next.js have a vibrant community of active developers who are ready to collaborate and support. However, Angular has an extensive and mature ecosystem that Google supports. At the same time, Next.js leverages React’s community support and extensive ecosystem. 


Next.js has become incredibly popular in the last few years. It has over 99,000 ratings on GitHub. Angular has only been available for a little while.  So, as far as the popularity of Next.js vs Angular goes, the former outranks the latter, and it has been ranked as one of the most feared technologies along with one of the top frameworks. 


Both Next.js vs Angular are great frameworks that should be learned and explored to understand which kinds of projects they would be suitable for. So, one can start their learning journey with the Full Stack Java Developer Master’s Program, which helps you not only brush up your knowledge of the software fundamentals but also learn about the different frameworks. The program is divided into different phases that focus on various topics that will enrich your skill set exponentially. Explore more today!


1. Is Angular better than Next JS?

Whether Next.js vs Angular is better or not depends on what your project needs and the desired scalability. Both of the frameworks work incredibly well, and they have different sets of strengths that are suitable for different cases.

2. Is Next JS replacing React? 

First of all, React is a JavaScript library, not a framework. Next.js is a framework built upon the react library. So, while Next.js has several benefits, it cannot entirely replace React. Instead, it compliments React by adding features to it.

3. Is Next.js frontend or backend?

Next.js can be used for both backend and front web application development. 

4. Is Angular JS still in demand?

Yes, Angular JS is still in demand and relevant to the projects. The demand will rise further in the future as there is more room for innovation in the industry. 

5. What should I learn, Next.js or Angular, in 2025?

Both Next.js vs Angular have different strengths, and they are needed for different kinds of projects. So, what you should learn in 2025 depends on what you need the most for your workload.

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