The rapid pace of digital transformation means businesses have to incorporate new and continually-evolving technologies into their operations. The technology workforce that builds, maintains, and operates today’s technology platforms relies on skills and technical knowledge that are rapidly becoming obsolete. Your challenge is to help your workforce keep their technology knowledge current and raise their skill levels to become proficient in emerging technologies and best practices.

Simplilearn offers corporate upskilling and reskilling programs tailored to help enterprises solve their most pressing skills development challenges. Our outcome-oriented engagement models include level-setting and upskilling, with hands-on, applied learning programs that are continuously updated to keep pace with new technology and methodologies. These programs are tied together with management tools to assess team members’ skills, determine the courses needed to close skills gaps, and monitor progress in skills training.

Become a Skilled Agile Professional

Leading SAFe® 6.0 TrainingExplore Program
Become a Skilled Agile Professional

Level-Setting and Gap Analysis

The level setting and upskilling engagement model allows the enterprise to create a roadmap to the tech workforce it needs to transition into the future and a plan for training its existing employees to become that workforce. 

When level-setting your team’s skills through Simplilearn, we work with you to define the technology roles you’ll need to enable within your organization for your current and future operations. This combination is crucial because your workforce needs to have the necessary skills not just for the business you do today but to adapt and keep up with changes in your market.

Simplilearn maps your technology skill needs against a defined set of digital economy job roles. In our white paper titled Skilling for the Digital Economy: A Role-Based Approach, we identify 37 critical job roles in four digital economy domains (Digital Business, Digital Operations, Data & AI, and Technology). The result of mapping your skills needs against these roles is a plan for the tech workforce you need to survive the present and transition to the future.

Simplilearn then works with you to assess the skill sets of your current workforce. We help you determine which of your team members are qualified for the needed roles, which of the team are qualified to fill today’s needs but are not yet ready for future requirements, and which need to improve their skills to meet their current responsibilities.


Simplilearn designs its training programs around the job roles common across the global digital economy. Simplilearn can create upskilling programs for any combination of job roles across the four digital economy domains. Examples of our programs include:

  • DevOps Engineer Masters Program: The DevOps Engineer program is built around a structured learning path recommended by industry experts. The learner masters Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Deployment, Delivery, and Monitoring using DevOps tools. The tools include Git, Docker, Chef, Jenkins, Puppet, and Nagios in a practical, hands-on, interactive approach. 
  • Automation Test Engineer Master’s Program: This program provides extensive hands-on training in software development, testing, and quality assurance technology skills. It’s designed to provide the learner with complete knowledge of software testing technologies and give them the skills to build a robust testing framework.

We also offer courses focused on particular skills that might be needed to fill smaller gaps in an individual team member’s skill set. Many of these are delivered in digital bootcamp format. Examples include:

Our digital bootcamps shorten training time, increase course completion rates, and build learner engagement through a focused and flexible approach. The personalized learning curriculum for each team member reduces the overall time for upskilling. This time factor confers a critical advantage to enterprises that must adapt to rapidly changing technologies and competitive product offerings.

Learn the Ins & Outs of Software Development

Caltech Coding BootcampExplore Program
Learn the Ins & Outs of Software Development


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation has been kicked into hyperdrive, and the global economy is digitizing at an even more rapid pace. One of the most critical components of any digital transformation initiative is being able to reskill your workforce, where needed, to operate the business in a digital-first manner. Much of the workforce who had been operating in legacy systems and business practices will require technology-related reskilling to remain contributing members of the team.

Simplilearn’s role-based training programs are ideal for helping employees transition from one role to another. These transitions can include switches between technical roles, upward movement into supervisory and management roles, or transitioning from non-technical roles into technology roles.

Unlock your team's potential with Simplilearn's Comprehensive Upskilling programs. Explore Now!

Simplilearn’s Other Corporate Training Services

Simplilearn’s bootcamp approach to corporate skills training in digital economy roles boosts learner engagement and leads to industry-leading course completion rates. Simplilearn’s corporate training engagement models for enterprises also include:

  • Onboarding: Programs to provide new hires access to specific role-based skills training that ensures each is ready for their new job role when they begin work
  • Digital Academies: Programs to enable practical learning with a business and industry use-case driven approach, targeted to middle management and upward to CXOs

Visit our Corporate Training page for more information and to contact us about our corporate training solutions and these engagement models.