We are going to learn about JSP and some of the essential interview questions related to it as well. JSP stands for Java Server Pages, it is the most widely used web page development technology. It enables developers to build dynamic web page content by embedding JAVA code into HTML pages with the help of JSP Tags. JSP is an advanced version of servlet technology that is used to create platform-independent and dynamic web content. 

There is high demand for this JSP technology in the market. Hence there is a need for web developers who are experts in developing web pages using Java Server Pages. So, before attending an interview for the role of JSP developer, it is recommended to go through the top JSP Interview Questions and prepare yourself for the interview. 

30+ JSP Interview Questions and Answers for 2022

1. Expand JSP.

The term "JSP" stands for Java Server Pages.

2. What is the use of Java Server Pages (JSP)?

JSP is used to develop dynamic web content. 

3. Mention some advantages of using Java Server Pages(JSP).

There are some of the advantages of developing web applications using Java Server Pages. They are 

  1. It allows tag-based programming
  2. Enables exception handling
  3. More readability of code
  4. There is no need to reload the application, the changes are visible in the 

JSP program automatically, and so on.

4. State whether the given statement is true or false?

Statement: Java Server Pages (JSP) work faster than Servlet.

False, Java Server Pages (JSP) work slower than the Servlet. 

5. What are Java Servlets?

These are the Java programs that run on the Java-based application server or web server. Its objective is to extend the capabilities of servers by following the request-response programming paradigm.

6. What are the different types of Java Server Page  (JSP) elements?

There are three (3) different types of Java Server Page (JSP) elements. They are

  1. Action
  2. Directive and 
  3. Scripting 

7. List out some of the Directive type elements in Java Server Page (JSP)

Here are some of the directive-type elements in the Java Server Page (JSP).

  1. <%@ include …%>
  2. <%@ page …%>
  3. <%@ taglib …%>

8. List out some of the Action type elements in Java Server Page (JSP)

Here are some of the Action type elements in the Java Server Page (JSP).

  1. <jsp:forward>
  2. <jsp:param>
  3. <jsp:include>
  4. <jsp:setProperty>
  5. <jsp:getProperty>
  6. <jsp:useBean>
  7. <jsp:plugin>
  8. <jsp:fallBack> and so on

9. List out some of the Scripting type elements in Java Server Page (JSP).

Here are some of the Scripting type elements in the Java Server Page (JSP).

  1. <%...comment…%>
  2. <%@directive%>
  3. <%scriptlets%>
  4. <%!declarations%>

10. What is a Java Server Page (JSP) comment tag?

A Java Server Page (JSP) comment tag is a type of scripting tag which is used to give a brief explanation about the piece of code written by the developer. Its syntax is represented here:

Syntax is <%...comments…%>

11. What is meant by a hidden comment?

A pure Java Server Page (JSP) comment is called a Hidden Comment.

12. What is a Directive tag in Java Server Page (JSP)?

The Directive tag in Java Server Page (JSP) helps in giving special instructions to the web container at the time of page translation.

13. What is the use of Page directive in Java Server Page (JSP)?

A Page directive in JSP is used to define several types of page-independent properties such as sessions.

14. List out some of the operators in Java Server Page (JSP).

There are different types of operators on Java Server Page (JSP). They are:

  1. .    Map entry
  2. [ ]  access an array element
  3. +   Addition 
  4. -    Subtraction
  5. X   Multiplication
  6. /      Division
  7. %   Modulo
  8. ==  Condition for equality 
  9. !=     Condition for inequality

And so on

15. Explain the for loop in JSP.

In Java Server Page (JSP), a for loop is used to iterate over a list or array of elements. It has some steps involved in it. Firstly, initialize a variable that is used to iterate over the loop. Secondly, execute the statements inside the loop only when the condition is found to be TRUE. Finally, update the variable by incrementing or decrementing it.

16. What is an Expression Tag in Java Server Page (JSP)?

In Java Server Page (JSP), an expression tag is used to write the output data to the response. Its objective is to print out the values of variables and methods without the need for conventional ‘out.print()’.

17. What is meant by a Scriptlet tag in JSP?

In Java Server Page (JSP), a scriptlet tag is used to execute the JAVA code that is to be executed.

18. What is the syntax of the declaration tag?

Here is the syntax of the declaration tag. <%!...declare a method here…%>

19. What is the difference between a declaration tag and scriptlet tag in Java Server Page (JSP)?

In JSP, a Scriptlet tag is used to declare only variables but not methods, whereas a Declaration tag is used to declare both variables and methods.

20. State whether the given statement is true or false?

Statement: The declaration of scriptlet tag is placed outside the _jspService() method.

False, The declaration of the scriptlet tag is placed inside the _jspService() method.

21. What are the different types of directives present in JSP?

There are different types of directive tags present in JSP. They are:

  1. Include
  2. Page and 
  3. taglib

22. Mention some attributes of page directive in Java Server Page (JSP).

Here are some of the attributes of the page directive in JSP..

  1. extends
  2. session
  3. info
  4. import
  5. buffer
  6. errorPage
  7. pageEncoding
  8. autoFlush 
  9. contentType and so on

23. Explain about the contentType attribute of the page directive in Java Server Page (JSP).

contentType is one among the several attributes of the page directive in Java Server Page (JSP). It is used to define the MIME type of the HTTP response. By default, the value of the contentType attribute is set to “text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1”.

24. State whether the given statement is true or false?

Statement: The average size of the buffer (an attribute of page directive) is less than 6Kb.

False, the average size of the buffer (an attribute of page directive) is exactly 8Kb.

25. What do you mean by JSTL?

The term JSTL stands for Java Standard Tag Library. It is a group of JSP tags together which makes the JSP development simpler. 

26. How does Java Server Page (JSP) differ from Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL)?

JSTL possesses the collection of several tags, which can be implemented easily. Whereas JSP enables the developers to build their own tags by writing code.

27. JSTL core tags used for what purposes?

The JSTL is a collection of tags which can be directly used for coding purposes. They contain all tags for various situations such as iteration, conditional statements, error handling, and so on.

28. What is a Java Server Page (JSP) implicit object? Mention a few of them

In general Java Server Page (JSP), implicit objects are also known as predefined objects. Here is a list of a few such JSP implicit objects.

  1. request
  2. response 
  3. out
  4. session 
  5. application 
  6. page 
  7. exception
  8. config and so on

29. State whether the given statement is true or false?

Statement: The request and response objects are instances of java.Servlet.HTTP objects.

False, both the request and response objects are instances of     

javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object

30. How does Java Server Page (JSP) handle input requests?

Java Server Page (JSP) takes care of input requests by using different methods such as

  1. getParameter() 
  2. getParameterValues()
  3. getParameterNames() and
  4. getInputStream()

31. Which method is called to get the value of a form parameter.

We have to call the getParameter() method to get the value of a form parameter. It is called request.getParameter().


1. What is the syntax for JSP?

Similar to the HTML5 tags, in Java Server Page (JSP) all the tags and code are embedded in between less than and greater than symbols (< and >).

2. Can we extend JSP technology?

Yes, the Java Server Page (JSP) technology is extensible.

3. What is the life cycle of JSP?

There are four steps present in the life cycle of a Java Server Page (JSP). They are:

  1. Compilation
  2. Initialization
  3. Execution and 
  4. Cleanup

4. What is JSP used for?

The Java Server Page(JSP) is used to create dynamic web pages.

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In this article, we discussed some of the important JSP interview questions. We hope this article helps you prepare for the JSP interview questions and answers confidently. If you are looking for ways to further enhance your software development skills, then we would recommend you check Simplilearn’s Post Graduate Program in Full Stack Web Development. This course is designed in collaboration with Caltech CTME and will help you become job ready within just 6 months.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Our team will review and get back to you with solutions at the earliest.

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