Key Takeaways:

  • Non-Destructive Operation: The `slice()` method in JavaScript helps in the creation of a new array without making any changes to the original one. 
  • Flexible Range Definition: Developers can define ranges for extraction using parameters like `start` and `end` that will enhance the control over the manipulation of the array.
  • Default Behavior: If no arguments are provided, then, in that case, the slice method returns a copy of the entire array that simplifies array copying tasks.
  • Applicability: `slice()` can be used in various fields, working not only with arrays but also with strings, offering a broad range of use cases for efficient data handling.

Javascript is a very famous and powerful programming language. It provides a lot of methods to manipulate arrays in an effective manner, among them the “Slice” Method holds a position of prominence. This method helps a lot in extracting various portions of an array. This method allows developers to create a new array that contains elements from a specified starting index to an ending index, and this is done without modifying the original array. The syntax for the slice in JavaScript involves the array in which the operation is performed and along with that it has starting and ending indices as parameters. 

What is JavaScript Array slice()?

The slice() method in JavaScript is a very powerful tool that is used for manipulating arrays by bringing specific portions without making any changes in the original array. With the help of the slice method in JavaScript, you can create a new array that will contain elements from the starting index to the ending index.

Syntax -

//Syntax of js slice

const a = array.slice(start, end)

  • array: This is the array from which the elements will be extracted.
  • start: This is the index at which the extraction will begin (inclusive).
  • end: This is the index at which the extraction will stop (exclusive).

The slice() method in JavaScript serves as a great method for the manipulation of the array, this helps the web developers to extract elements from an array while protecting the integrity of the original data. 


In the slice() method in JavaScript there are two parameters "start" and "end". Both of them play a very crucial role in setting the range of elements that can be taken out as an output from an array.

Start Parameter:

  • Definition: The "start" parameter shows the index at which the extraction process will begin.
  • Default Value: If the "start" parameter is omitted, then the method defaults to 0. This indicates that the extraction will start from the beginning of the array.
  • Function: When the "start" index is specified, then the developers can control where the extraction begins.

End Parameter:

  • Definition: This parameter shows the last index at which the extraction process will come to a stop.
  • Default Value: If the "end" parameter is omitted or exceeds the array length, then the slice will join all elements up to the end of the array.
  • Function: Properly defining the "end" index will allow the developers to set a clear boundary for the extraction range, and this will ensure that the resulting array includes elements up to, but not including, the specified index.

slice() Return Value

The slice() method in JavaScript returns a new array that contains elements from the given range. Also, it's very important to note that the original array remains unchanged, and instead of that a fresh array is generated based on the criteria that are specified.

  • New Array:

In the slice() method in Javascript, a new array is created. This new array comprises various elements that are from the original array, and it has "start" and "end" parameters as well.

  • Original Array Unchanged:

The original array on which the slice() method was applied will remain unaffected. Hence no changes, modifications, or deletions will occur in the original array.

  • Controlled Extraction:

By using the "start" and "end" parameters, developers can get good control over which elements are included in the resulting array. 


1. Extracting Elements Between Two Indexes:

let names = ['raju', 'bob', 'dog', 'Rohan', 'fish'];
let someFruits = names.slice(1, 3);

// Output: ['raju', 'bob', 'dog', 'Rohan', 'fish'];

// Output: ['bob', 'dog']

Here, we have a list of names that contain numbers from an array of names. We want to get elements from indexes 1 to 3. To get this, we will use the array slice javascript slice() method with the 1st index and 3rd index arguments. 

2. Passing No Arguments:

const names =['raju', 'bob', 'dog', 'Rohan', 'fish'];

receivedArray = names.slice();

If we do not pass any arguments to the slice() method, then it will use the default value to get the whole array. 

3. Extracting Array from Index 2:

start = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let firstIndex = 2;

const receivedArray = start.slice(firstIndex );
console.log(receivedArray ); // Output: [3, 4, 5]

So, in the elements that start from index 2 and will go to the end of the array. We use the slice() method with only the startIndex parameter. The method will help us by creating a new array that will contain elements from index 2 to the end of the original array.

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Hence, the slice() method in JavaScript is a very useful method in JavaScript that helps in improving controlled and efficient array extraction while maintaining the integrity of the original data. This method is particularly essential for developers undergoing training, such as those enrolled in a Full Stack Java Developer Course. The simplicity that it has, along with the ability to combine extractions to specific requirements, makes it a fundamental tool in the toolkit of a developer for the manipulation of an array.


1. Is JavaScript slice () a deep copy?

No, slice() is not a deep copy, but it creates a shallow copy. 

2. What is split and slice in JavaScript?

split() is a method for strings that helps to split strings into arrays based on a delimiter. slice() is a method for arrays that is used for extracting elements into a new array based on indices.

3. Can the slice() method be used on strings as well as arrays?

Yes, slice() can be used on both strings and arrays in JavaScript.

4. What happens if negative indices are used with the slice() method?

Negative indices count from the end of the array or string. For instance, slice(-2) extracts the last two elements.

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