Aligning ITIL Service Continuity with Cloud Computing: 5 Keys To Success

About the Webinar

Join Manuel W. Lloyd as he discusses the 5 environments every IT decision maker must understand when it come to business resilience and how ITIL® will help you meet business outcomes with ease.

During the session, Manuel will cover:

  1. Why Hybrid Cloud Computing will be the new way of managing hardware, software, and facilities and how ITIL® could be the new standard for all Cloud Computing Providers including Microsfot, Amazon, and Google
  2. How ITIL may change the way data lines are priced because of Cloud Computing and the “need for speed”
  3. How the “Mobile First”/”Cloud First” will change how we look at Infrastructure and how ITIL will even lead the way Infrastructure is deployed
  4. How Performance counters and KPIs will improve using ITIL principles using “actionable analytics” through blameless reporting
  5. How this all ties into IT Service Continuity Management and why Cloud Computing will be the best option for the “microwave” movement

Hosted By

Manuel W. LloydManuel W. Lloyd

Founder and entrepreneurial Virtual CIO of Manuel W. Lloyd Consulting, the author specializes in IT service operational efficiency for healthcare organizations. Manuel honed his skills in the USMC directly for President Ronald Reagan at Camp David.

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