Infosys is the dream company of many aspiring engineering freshers. This article covers the most important Infosys interview questions asked in the technical and HR interviews. Practicing these and similar questions will ensure your selection into the organization.

About Infosys

Infosys is a multinational corporation headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It provides tech-based business solutions to its clients across 46 countries. Its universal banking solution, Finacle, is famous worldwide for its versatility and range of products. 

Infosys Recruitment Process

Infosys hires around 20-30 % of candidates that pass its final HR round. To go through the Infosys Recruitment Process, you have to meet the bare minimum eligibility:

  • Grade point average of 60% or above in Class 10th and 12th
  • More than 6 CGPA in graduation 

Infosys Interview Process

1. Online Assessment Test 

The candidates qualifying the basic eligibility to appear for the first round, which has the following sections:

  • Logical Analytical Reasoning - This includes data sufficiency, visual reasoning, syllogism, coding-decoding, and analogy. (Difficulty level - Easy to Moderate)
  • Quantitative Aptitude - Permutations and combinations, Time and Speed, Probability, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion and related topics (Difficulty level - Moderate to Hard)
  • Verbal Ability - Paragraph completion, synonyms-antonyms, para-jumbles, sentence completion, etc. (Difficulty Level - Easy to Moderate)

2. Technical Round

In the technical round, candidates are asked questions based on their resumes and the role they applied for. You are expected to have a sound knowledge of:

Also, expect questions on past professional/internship experiences and your role and contribution to them.

3. HR Interview Round

The HR interview round assesses your overall personality and suitability for the role. You can expect questions on your skills, hobbies, reasons for applying for Infosys, educational background and expectations from your position. 

Can I Join Infosys Without a Degree?

Infosys requires a three- or four-year relevant Bachelor's degree, much like most MNCs do. Nevertheless, Infosys has begun hiring people without a degree who possess appropriate experience and certification. In IT industry, Infosys would accept you as you own the necessary skill set.

What Is InfyTQ Certification?

The InfyTQ certification exam measures how well you are equipped for the workplace by looking at your knowledge of databases and coding. The finest part of InfyTQ is that if you do well on the test, Infosys will directly interview you for a position.

Have a look at the following Infosys interview questions for reference.

After going through the following questions, there is undoubtedly success and a platform for you to learn and grow.

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Infosys Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

The initial questions of an interview are intended to make you comfortable with the interviewers. The questions incline more toward what they have learned and acquired during their graduation for freshers. Experienced applicants will be expected to have some industry insights into different organizational models and data structures. They should also have informed opinions on technical matters based on their experience.

Infosys Interview Questions and Answers on OOPs

1. What is an Object in OOPs?

An object is an instance or subset of the class. It is attributable to a physical operation such as individual attributes, properties and behavior. It occupies space in the memory and has member functions defined in a class.

2. What is a Class in OOPs?

A class gives the object's outline and has a fixed data type defined by the user. Member functions, variables, constants and other functionality are designated within a class. It does not use any memory during run time. A class can exist without an object, but an object cannot exist outside the class.

3. What Are The Basic OOPs Principles?

OOPs have four major basic principles:

Abstraction: Abstraction refers to the representation of essential properties without revealing the entire framework. Problems are solved at the 'abstract' or interface level.

Encapsulation: Data and the corresponding code are 'encapsulated', that is, combined in a single unit called a class.

Inheritance: The existing class properties are 'inherited' by the new child class. For example, if there are two separate child classes such as 'Dog' and 'Cat', they can inherit properties such as 'mammals' and 'pets' from the parent 'Animal' class.

Polymorphism: It allows cross-movement between parent and child classes. It is implemented using overriding and overloading. 

Also Read: Difference Between Encapsulation and Abstraction 💻

4. How is method overloading different from method overriding?


Two or more methods in the same class have the same name but different parameters.

The name and parameters are the same in super class and child class.

Compile-time polymorphism

Run-time polymorphism

If overloading breaks, the error will be highlighted during compile-time and can be easily fixed.

Causes serious problems on breaking as the error will be visible during run-time

5. What is a constructor?

Constructors are used to initialize the data members of a new object. It prepares the object for run-time operation using keywords and member variables.

6. Explain OOPs in Brief.

Object-oriented programming allows programmers to express real-world situations using objects. An object is any entity that has states and behaviors. Shapes reflect an entity's qualities or data, whereas procedures describe an item's behaviors. Learners, employees, books, and other things are objects, and these objects communicate with each other by sending messages. A class serves as a blueprint for creating objects. To create objects, a type is necessary. For example, to create an Employee object, there must be an Employee class.

7. Give Reason. Why should we use OOPs?

By packaging together data states and code to modify those data states in OOP coding, you can keep the intricacies private (Considering an analogy of a car, you can only see the steering of the vehicle while driving, the circuitry behind it is hidden from you). OOP architecture consequently results in code that is adaptable, versatile, and expressive. As a result, it is particularly beneficial for creating more extensive programmes. You can use classes and objects to implement OOP in your programming. All states and capacities of the category to which they pertain will be present in the things you generate.

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8. What characterizes OOPs as a whole?

Following are some of the critical characteristics of OOPs: 

  • OOPS allows you to specify the variables of each data item by combining the code into a single unit. Encapsulation is the process of grouping information into a single unit. 
  • One can standardize your objects and make your programme easier to use by utilizing classes. We refer to this as an abstraction. 
  • More code can be reused when a class can inherit traits and behaviors from other courses. 
  • With the aid of polymorphism, numerous objects can be produced from a single, flexible class of code.

9. Mention some limitations of OOPs.

The following are some typical OOPs limitations: 

  • More prominent than other programmes in terms of size. 
  • It was labor-intensive to create, and it ran slower than other programmes. 
  • For some problems, it is improper. 
  • It needs some adjustment.

Infosys Interview Questions and Answers on C, C++

1. Explain some mportant differences between C and C++


C is a procedural language and does not have concepts of classes, objects and other principles related to OOPs.

C++ is an Object-Oriented language (OOPs) and contains all its characteristics and principles such as inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.

C cannot run C++ code.

C++ can run almost every C code.

Does not support operator and function overloading.

Operator and function overloading are easily implementable. 

Main function can be called from any other function.

Main function cannot be called from other functions.

2. What is the difference between C++ and Java? Which one do you think is better and why?

C++ was introduced for systems and applications programming, while Java is used as an interpreter of printing systems and supports network computing. Java is platform-independent, which makes it easier for beginners to grasp. C++ is platform-dependent. Both are extremely relevant to their fields of application, and one can't necessarily be said to be better than the other.

Also Read: Best Java Programs for Beginners and Experience 💻

3. What different forms of data are there in C++?

The four C++ data types are listed below: 

  • Basic Data Type. Char, short, int, float, long, double, bool, etc., are some examples.
  • Data Type that was derived. Examples include pointers, arrays, etc. 
  • Enumeration Instance: enum 
  • Data kinds that are user-defined. Structure, class, etc., are instances.

4. Define class and object in C++.

A user-defined data type called a class has member functions and data members. The data variables are known as data members, and the methods used to manipulate these variables are known as member functions. 

A class's instances are objects. An object can alternatively be referred to as a parameter of a course because a class is a user-defined data type.

5. What distinguishes a class from a struct?



By default, class members are private.

The structure's members are by default public.

Accessibility specifiers by default are private when deriving a class.

When a structure is derived from a class or struct, the underlying class's or struct’s initial access constructors are set to public.

Infosys Interview Question and Answers on DBMS and SQL

1. What various SQL subsets are there?

  • Data Definition Language (DDL) allows you to create, modify, and remove objects in the database, among other activities. 
  • Access and manipulate data using the Data Manipulation Language (DML). You can use it to access, update, remove, and put data into the database. 
  • You can manage database access using the Data Control Language (DCL). Example: Permission to grant and revoke access.
Explore Top SQL Commands: DDL, DML, DCL, and TCL 💻

2. What distinguishes SQL and MySQL from one other?



Structured Query Language, also known as  SQL, is a common  English language based language

A database management system is MySQL. 

The heart of relational databases, which are utilized for database access and management, is SQL.

Like SQL Server, Informix, etc., MySQL is an RDMS (Relational Database Management System).

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Infosys Interview Questions and Answers on Computer Networks and Software Testing

1. What is the difference between a session and a socket?

A session is a logical connection established between the source and the destination. A socket is the physical apparatus (an IP address and Port Number) used to implement a session.

2. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

UDP is a protocol without connection. TCP is connection-oriented. UDP is much simpler, faster and more efficient than TCP.

3. What is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?

An SDLC presents the life cycle of software in the diagrammatic form. It displays the software's methods for its complete development, maintenance, requirement analysis, etc. 

4. What are the disadvantages of the waterfall model?

  • The waterfall model is not user-friendly as it does not consider the end-product from the user-end.
  • It is not flexible in terms of accommodating changes.
  • It disallows testing until after the finishing of the project. 

5. Explain a network and node.

A network is a collection of gadgets linked together via a physical transmission. 

Node is another word for a device that is connected to a network. If two PCs, two machines, and a web server are all linked to a network, we may say there are five nodes within the network.

6. What are the various testing techniques?

The following are the three different types of software testing: 

  • Black-box Testing is a testing approach that only relies on specifications and requirements. This approach does not call for any understanding of the internal structures, routes, or implementations of the software being examined. 
  • White box testing is a testing method that examines the internal code, execution, and integration routes of the software under test. White box testing typically calls for in-depth programming abilities. 
  • When using the gray box testing technique to debug software, the tester has little access to the program's internal workings.

7. What do software testing verification and validation entail?

Confirmation: It is a statically analytical method. Without running the code, Testing is done in this case. Reviews, inspections, and walkthroughs are a few examples. 

Testing is performed by running the code in a dynamic analysis process called validation. Techniques used in Testing that are functional and non-functional are examples. 

The developmental and QA processes are carried out simultaneously under the V model. Testing does not have a separate phase of its own; instead, it begins with the requirement phase. The actions of validation and verification are complementary.

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8. What varieties of networks are there? Briefly describe each.

Networks come in four main categories. 

PAN- The smallest and most basic network form, a personal area network, is frequently used at home. It is a link between a computer and a different gadget, such as a telephone, printer, broadband, iPad, etc. 

LAN- Local Area Network links a few computers together in office spaces and Coffee shops. They are typically used to play games or transfer files via a network.

MAN- A more robust network type than LAN is the metropolitan area network (MAN). The MAN service area includes a small city, town, etc. A massive server is utilized to cover such a vast area for connection.

WAN- Wide Area Network is more intricate than LAN(Local Area Network) and generally spans a considerable physical distance. The largest WAN that is globally distributed is the Internet. It has a distributed ownership rather than single ownership by an organization.

Infosys Technical Interview Questions on Java

1. How is polymorphism implemented in Java?

Polymorphism can be implemented either through overloading at compile-time or overriding at run-time. (Continue by elaborating on the differences between overloading and overriding).

2. What is the difference between Stack and heap memory?

  • Java Heap Space is leveraged throughout the application, while Stack space is used for the method/methods running currently. 
  • Heap Space uses dynamic memory allocation, while Stack is used for storing local variables during run-time.

Infosys Interview Questions on Database (SQL)

1. What is a database schema?

The database schema represents the overall logical framework of a database. It is an abstract structure made in one of the formal languages accepted by the database.

2. What are clustered indexes?

A clustered index is used to define the order in which the data will be tangibly stored in the table. If you add a primary key to a table, it automatically becomes a clustered index,

3. What are SQL triggers?

An SQL trigger is an object that raises an alarm when something happens in a database. For example, a trigger can be set to record the deletion of an entry from the database.

Relevant Read: 75 SQL Interview Questions: Your Ultimate Guide💻

Our Learners Also Asked

1. What is the salary of freshers in Infosys?

Freshers get a starting salary of 3-4 lakhs per annum. The salary is increased after the probation period of 1 year.

2. Does Infosys require a degree?

Yes, you must be a graduate with a B.E/ B.Tech degree to be eligible for the selection process at Infosys.

3. How should I prepare for Infosys technical interview questions?

You are expected to have a thorough knowledge of at least one programming language, data structures, operating systems and other computer-related terminology. Practice the most probable questions beforehand, especially those related to your areas of interest and academic achievements. 

4. Is the Infosys interview easy?

Most reviewers on online forums describe the interview experience as easy to moderate. As long as you can control your nerves and have conceptual clarity on your fundamentals, you can be assured of selection.

5. Why should we hire you in Infosys?

Detail what value you can be expected to add to the organization. You can use your past experiences and achievements to make a case for why you will be a great asset to the company. 

6. How is the work culture in Infosys?

The work culture at Infosys is very inclusive and encourages individual growth. The infrastructure is sharp and high-quality. Innovation and exploration are appreciated and valued.

7. How is Infosys interviewing experienced candidates?

Experienced candidates are expected to have a more in-depth understanding of the technologies used in the industry. They should also have informed opinions and knowledge on technical aspects such as the waterfall model, the most popular SDLC model, and other similar questions. You will also be asked about your role and contribution in your previous job and your reasons for switching, salary expectation, etc. 

8. Why do you want to join Infosys?

Delineate how you think you can contribute constructively to the company. Also, express the positive points in the popular perception of the company that makes you hold it in high esteem.

9. What is special about Infosys?

  • Employee-friendly organization
  • Leading capabilities in AI, cybersecurity, automation, IoT, data analytics and cloud computing
  • Rooted in Indian values
  • Inspiring stories of founders
  • World-class infrastructure and training capabilities

Suggested Courses to Upskill you before your Infosys Interview

Masters as Full Stack Java Developer: - The course will enhance your computer programming skills and give you an edge in Java. Being absolutely thorough in at least one programming language is a requisite for all aspiring engineers in tech-related fields.

Masters in Cloud Architect - Cloud architects look after an organization’s data structures and cloud computing needs. It is a great tool for upskilling, especially if you’re looking to make a career in Fintech-related fields. 

Masters in Data Science - Data Science jobs are increasing exponentially in the tech domain and skilled workers are highly sought-after. Upskill yourself with this wonderful program. You can also opt for the job guarantee alternative which guarantees a job as a data scientist upon completion.


Hope this article was able to give you thorough knowledge about some of the commonly asked Infosys interview questions and answers. Working hard and sitting through the selection process with a sense of seriousness and commitment will already give an edge over your competitors. Combine it with a thorough preparation of computing essentials and your selection at Infosys will be a dream come true. 

If you are looking to enhance your skills further, we recommend you check Simplilearn's Post Graduate Program in Full Stack Web Development. This program is designed in collaboration with Caltech CTME and can help you become job-ready in no time. 

If you have any questions regarding Infosys interview questions and answers, feel free to post them in the comments below. Our team will get back to you at the earliest.

Our Software Development Courses Duration And Fees

Software Development Course typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

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Caltech Coding Bootcamp

Cohort Starts: 28 Apr, 2025

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Cohort Starts: 19 Mar, 2025

8 months$1,499
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Cohort Starts: 26 Mar, 2025

7 months$1,449
Full Stack (MERN Stack) Developer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 9 Apr, 2025

6 months$1,449