The Impact Of Cloud Computing

By Matthew DavidLast updated on Jul 19, 20231932
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About the ebook

In many ways, the cloud has been too long overlooked. Many organizations are still facing challenges in developing and implementing suitable business models for the cloud. Businesses that have deployed a hybrid or fully on-premises-based cloud environment face different issues with business value maximization. The core issue is that many organizations are making choices between integrating cloud to core operations – and fully integrating their cloud capabilities to their core businesses. When choosing one, they are often not fully achieving either.

Why can't the same experience be enjoyed in both approaches? Because the business cloud services are built on the infrastructure and managed by someone who is not necessarily as familiar with the business as the people who are using it. Unless your business is built around the cloud, you may find it a difficult adjustment to figure out how your key people will use cloud services.

Cloud does not exist in a vacuum. It requires an integrated approach that goes much deeper than many business people or IT operations people are comfortable with. Many organizations face difficult issues, such as the transition of the development, testing, and release processes to the cloud or finding the cloud to be a big jump from their old model. You must change the full cloud management and operations model. Unless you can engage with the business on a much more meaningful level, the cloud is more likely to create more problems than it solves.

Many organizations can get to some cloud maturity level without changing the enterprise cloud management and operations model. Many companies may have begun a cloud journey with a single dedicated managed cloud provider. Over time, other providers come into their lives, integrating them into their overall cloud strategy. Then it gets even trickier because some clouds are dedicated, and many are cloud services in their own right. Many organizations are now looking at combining their cloud services to provide a broader solution for their business, using a hybrid cloud model that works best for them.

The question that should be on many people's minds is not whether the cloud is the right solution as you move into 2021, but what is the best approach to cloud adoption in your organization? Achieving business outcomes requires new ways of thinking. In this comprehensive ebook, you’ll learn all about the impact that cloud computing is going to have in the coming year, trends, blockers and their solutions too, and the way out. 

About the Author

Matthew DavidMatthew David

Matt is a Digital Leader at Accenture. His passion is a combination of solving today's problems to run more efficiently, adjusting focus to take advantage of digital tools to improve tomorrow and move organizations to new ways of working that impact the future.

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