From managing shop-floor activity to heavy hitting large-scale projects as AGM to beyond, Sanjay Bharne’s spectacular rise continues as he now aims for the stars with Simplilearn’s Six Sigma training.

For as long as he can remember, Sanjay has wanted to be the man who brought about change for the better, whether at work, in business, or in the world at large. But all too often, even the most clear-headed among us can lose our way.
To Sanjay, early 2015 was when it finally happened. Having reached a dead-end in his 17-year long career, he realized further progress would require something truly extraordinary.
And something extraordinary was what he found with Lean Six Sigma. With exposure to a globally validated body of knowledge that turned continuous improvement into a habit and spun a culture around it, Sanjay achieved professional nirvana. With Simplilearn’s Six Sigma training, Sanjay’s a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and is well on his way to a more fulfilling career, happier than he’s ever been.

This is the story of how certification training has helped him break through barriers to progress further. 


My Early Days

My path to my current station in life has been anything but straightforward. I started out with a diploma in engineering, a decided disadvantage in a country where 4-year degrees are the norm. My career prospects looked bleak, but I had no intention of ending up as an also-ran. My passion for welding engineering eventually landed me a job managing foundry shop-floor operations.

But as someone who has always believed in the power of continuous improvement, settling for the ordinary was difficult for me. I had high hopes for my career, and I knew my own beginning was modest. Since childhood, ‘Can I do this better?’ has been the single, constant refrain that has come to define me, as a person.

Given my ambition and need for constant advancement, this early phase of my career was hard going. I had little scope for improvement, and I worked harder to compensate and keep myself motivated. I worked double shifts and weekends. Money’s always a factor, and I wasn’t making enough of it. I knew where I wanted to be and also how to get there, but these things always take time.

For a long time, I set aside my inhibitions and got on with it. But after years of this, I was burned out. I decided it was time for a change. I realized I was stuck in a rut of my own making. Sure, I was good at what I did, and things were going well, from an objective standpoint. My experience was valued across the organization, I was in a fairly senior position in the hierarchy, and my projects were almost always delivered on time with no overruns. But I was no longer a change agent, no longer the innovator at work, like I was in my early days. The thrill of learning and advancement was missing.
By early 2015, I had finally lost steam. I knew there was scope to improve, but also that advancing at this level would mean I would have to loosen the rigidity accumulated over decades of experience! I didn’t know where to seek guidance from. How do you take your projects from good to great?

An Answer Presents Itself

The only way forward, I realized, would be to find a formalized methodology to closely scrutinize what was already good – and make it better. I needed access to some body of knowledge for quality improvement across all tiers of an organization, something systemic to anticipate problems. This would not only help me take my projects to a level of excellence unheard of in my company, it would also help me build a stronger, more motivated team around me.  

And that was when the answer hit me like a brick: Lean Six Sigma, all the way!

That begged the obvious next question: how could I possibly become proficient in Six Sigma, at this stage of my career?
I could always have signed up for a university course of some sort, but a simple truth became very quickly apparent - I unfortunately had zero time to commit fulltime to any decent quality course.
Besides, I also needed a course that wouldn’t burn a hole through my pocket.

My Tryst With Simplilearn

It was at this point that I first heard of Simplilearn. A colleague had some pretty good things to say about the quality management training he had taken, which prompted me to look it up.
Initial impressions were good: the Lean Six Sigma course was accredited, the curriculum seemed up-to-date, and fellow learners seemed to love it. But I wasn’t sold yet.
As a working professional, my single biggest constraint was time. Being ambitious but having little time to study and learn is hard. I value whatever little family and leisure time I can eke out, including weekends.
So for me to consider a course, it had to be something I could pursue as I worked, with material that was to-the-point.
Simplilearn’s course checked all these boxes. I could tune-in to the live lectures over the web, and would have access to the course online. I could attend workshops to interact with the trainers, if I chose to.
It was this flexibility that led to my eventual decision to opt for Simplilearn as training provider.

The Excitement Of A Six Sigma Driven Career

First things first: soon after my training ended, I took the Six Sigma certification exams, and breezed through on my first attempt. I’m now a Six Sigma Black Belt, and saying that sure feels good!
I don’t think I’d have been able to pull it off in so short a time without the right kind of training. I’ve heard nightmarish stories of multiple failures on the exams because the grasp of the basics was lacking, or because juggling their day-jobs and preparation proved impossible.

During my prep, I focused almost exclusively on the basics and fundamentals. This helped me with the exam, but also gave me the confidence to approach decisions at work from a fresh perspective. And it’s crazy how much money, resources, and time you can save when you are trained to know what to look for!

I’ve also noticed I am now a lot more assertive: the training has given me the confidence to take bolder decisions and take on greater responsibilities.

All in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better way to achieve continuous improvement and the professional progress I sought. I intend to follow up on this with more quality certifications –continuous improvement is not a habit I’m willing to break!
I am Sanjay Bharne - a proud Simplilearn alumnus. And here’s to you and your progress!


Our Quality Management Courses Duration And Fees

Explore our top Quality Management Courses and take the first step towards career success

Program NameDurationFees
Professional Certificate Program in Lean Six Sigma

Cohort Starts: 22 Apr, 2025

12 weeks$3,000
Professional Certificate Program in Lean Six Sigma

Cohort Starts: 26 Jun, 2025

12 weeks$3,000
Lean Six Sigma Expert10 weeks$1,499