Zoho is a leading software company that offers a suite of business, productivity, and collaboration tools and has been serving their clients for more than two decades and enjoys a strong reputation within the industry.

It is essential to know what to expect during the interview process if you are applying for a job with Zoho. This article will give an idea of the interview process at Zoho.

About Zoho

Zoho is a comprehensive suite of productivity and collaboration tools that helps businesses of all sizes achieve their goals. Founded in 1996, Zoho has a long history of innovation and a solid commitment to customer success. Today, Zoho serves millions of customers worldwide.

With Zoho, businesses can operate entirely in the cloud or integrate Zoho with their existing on-premise applications. Zoho also offers a variety of mobile applications, so businesses can stay productive even when they're on the go.

Zoho prides itself on being easy to use yet powerful enough to meet the needs of even the most demanding businesses. And because Zoho is offered as a cloud-based service, businesses can sign up and get started using Zoho without any upfront costs or long-term commitments.

Zoho Interview Process

Zoho's interview process usually involves five rounds. As you move through each round, the questions get more complex. Let's look at each round and the questions you can expect in the sections below.

Interview Process

The interview process at Zoho is pretty simple and straightforward. There are usually five rounds of interviews-

  • Written test (freshers)
  • Basic programming
  • Advanced Programming
  • Technical HR
  • General HR

If you do all these steps, you'll have a good chance of being offered a position at Zoho. So start your preparation now, and good luck!

Interview Rounds

1. Written Test

The interview round usually starts with the written test. However, because of pandemic situations, it became an online test. For experienced candidates, this first round is optional. The round lasts approximately 90 minutes, and the candidate must answer multiple Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The round will contain around 20-30 questions from general aptitude and programming aptitude. The general aptitude questions usually cover 30% to 50%. The remaining questions you can expect from C programming.

Important Topics that you should cover for both general aptitude and programming aptitude:

For General Aptitude:

  • Time 
  • Work
  • Profit & Loss
  • Speed and Distance
  • Percentage
  • Ratios and Proportions
  • Average

For programming aptitude:

  • Nested Loops
  • Recursions
  • Flowcharts
  • Pointers

2. Basic Programming

A laptop will be given to you if it is a face-to-face interview. Virtual interviews will require you to be proctored in a one-on-one meeting employing the Zoho Meet application. You will need to share your screen with video and answer the questions in chat.

Questions will focus on programming basics like Java, and C++. This round can be cleared if you have a solid understanding of loops, recursions, and basic data structures.

3. Advanced Programming

This round tests your ability to advanced programming skills to solve problems and your good command of data structure and algorithms. You will be required to solve one problem in this round within an allotted time of 90 minutes.

4. Technical HR

You may not be asked for a technical HR round based on how you performed in previous rounds. You will eliminate this round if you performed well in the prior rounds. This round's questions will focus on:

  • Data Structures
  • The given scenario should be approached
  • Database concepts
  • And some logical puzzles

5. General HR

If you get to this stage, you can be certain you have made the cut. General HR interviews will be more informal and include questions such as:

  • Your family history
  • Your hobbies
  • Why Zoho?
  • Finally, your location preference.

You have the chance to ask questions at the General HR Round. You are free to ask as many questions about the company and the process as you wish.

Zoho Interview Preparation

It doesn't take much to be able to succeed in a Zoho interview. You only need to have a basic understanding of concepts such as loops, recursions, pointers, and problem-solving skills. Also, consider these tips:

Zoho Interview Preparation Tips

Check out the preparation tips to help you ace the interview process.

  • Do your research: Be sure to research Zoho and its products/services before your interview. This will provide you a better understanding of the company and what it is looking for in candidates.
  • Be prepared to discuss your experience: Be ready to talk about your past experiences, both professional and personal. This will show that you are able to communicate effectively and connect with others.
  • Dress for success: First impressions matter, so make sure you dress appropriately for the interview. Business casual attire is typically acceptable.
  • Be positive and confident: Show that you are excited about the opportunity to interview with Zoho. A positive attitude will make you a good candidate for the desired position.
  • Ask questions: Asking questions shows that you are interested in the position and company. It is recommended to prepare some questions that you can ask during the interview.
  • Practice, practice, practice: It takes time and effort to get on the track to solving problems under a time limit. We suggest you try the questions in this article to practice.
  • Communication is key: You must keep your interviewer in the loop while you are solving technical problems in the Data Structures and Algorithms round. 
  • Tackle behavioural questions with STAR: Behavioural questions are meant to determine your ability to perform under stress, your skill level and your professional demeanour. Our experts strongly suggest the STAR technique approach to such questions. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result. If you structure your answer using this key you will be able to describe a situation, and elaborate on the task at hand, the action you took to tackle it and the result you achieved. 
  • The importance of writing clean, readable code: The code you write should be clean, not cluttered with comments and without line breaks and white space. Remember your job involves writing code that may be used for years. Writing a crisp and clean code during an interview checks the right boxes.

Zoho HR Interview Questions

1. What is the most memorable moment in your life? 

This question is designed to get a sense of what you value and what has been important to you in your life. You have to keep in mind when answering this question. First, you want to ensure that you answer in a way relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, you can talk about any experience from the previous company while working on any core project. Second, you want to make sure that your answer is positive and upbeat. This is not the time to discuss a challenging life moment. Instead, focus on a moment that makes you feel good about yourself.

2. Why ZOHO?

This question may be asked during a Zoho interview. Here’s how to answer it.

Zoho is a company that is constantly innovating and expanding its product offerings. This makes it an exciting workplace, as there are always new challenges. Additionally, Zoho is a great place to develop my skills and career, thanks to its strong emphasis on training and development.

So why Zoho? These are some of the reasons that make it a great place to work. When answering this question in an interview, highlight the aspects of Zoho that appeal to you the most.

3. Tell me about yourself.

Your “Tell me about yourself” answer should concisely summarize who you are, your work history and your skills. Below are some tips to structure your response and what you should include:

  • Start with a brief overview of your professional background and expertise.
  • Then, give a brief overview of your work history and highlight your most recent or relevant experience.
  • Finally, finish with a sentence or two about your future goals and how you can help the company reach its objectives.

Keep your answer under three minutes and avoid rambling. It is advised to practice your response out loud so you can deliver it confidently in the interview.

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

An interview question frequently stumps candidates is “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” While it might seem tempting to list off a bunch of strengths and avoid mentioning any weaknesses, this is not the best approach. Instead, try to be honest and thoughtful in your response.

Some tips on how to answer this question:

  • Think of particular examples that illustrate your strengths.
  • Be honest about your weaknesses and try to frame them in a positive light.
  • Avoid any weaknesses that could be seen as a significant red flag.

By preparing a thoughtful answer to this question, you will show the interviewer that you are thoughtfully considering your strengths and weaknesses. This will provide the interviewer a good understanding of who you are as a candidate and help them to recognise if you are a good fit for the position.

5. What was the challenging thing about your last job?

This is a question that can trip up even the most prepared interviewee. It’s important to remember that the interviewer is not looking for a negative response. They want to know how you manage challenging situations and overcome challenges. An excellent answer to this question should focus on a specific problem that you faced and how you solved it. 

For example, you might say, “The toughest part of my last job was managing a team of 20 people. I learned how to delegate tasks and give clear instructions. I also had to be patient and understanding when things didn’t go according to plan. But I’m glad I overcame that challenge and successfully led my team.”

Zoho Technical Interview Questions For Freshers

Here are some common Zoho technical interview questions that freshers may be asked during their interview:

1. How do you develop a program using Java?

There are many steps involved in developing a program using Java. First, create a class that defines the program. Next, you must write a primary method to execute the program. Finally, you need to compile the program and run it.

Here is a basic outline of the steps you need to follow:

  • Create a class that defines the program.
  • Write a primary method that will execute the program.
  • Compile the program.
  • Run the program.

2. What are data structures?

Data structures are an essential part of computer science. They store and organize data in a way that is efficient and easy to access. The most common data structures are arrays, linked lists, trees, and hash tables. Arrays are used to store data in a linear fashion, linked lists are used to store data in that manner which allows for quick insertion and deletion, trees are used to store data in a hierarchical manner, and hash tables are used to store data in a way that allows for quick access.

3. How do you implement a stack?

There are two most common ways for stack implementation: an array or a linked list.

If you use an array, you will need to keep track of the top element in the stack. The principal element is the element that will be popped off the stack first. To push an element onto the stack, you will add it to the end of the array. To pop an element off the stack, remove the element from the end of the array.

If you use a linked list, you will need to keep track of the head and tail of the list. The head is the element that will be popped off the stack first. To push an element onto the stack, you will add it to the front of the list. To pop an element off the stack, remove the element from the front of the list.

4. Tell me the pros and cons of using SQL Server over Oracle?

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to using SQL Server over Oracle. Some of the advantages include the following:

  • SQL Server are more user friendly than Oracle
  • SQL Server is less expensive than Oracle
  • SQL Server is more widely used than Oracle

Some of the disadvantages of SQL Server include:

  • SQL Server is less scalable than Oracle
  • SQL Server is less secure than Oracle
  • SQL Server is less stable than Oracle

5. How do you ensure data integrity in your database?

Data integrity refers to the accuracy and consistency of your data. There are a number of ways to ensure data integrity in your database. Firstly, you should design your database in such a way that it is resistant to changes in data. Also, done by using data validation rules and ensuring that your data is stored in a consistent format. Secondly, you should have procedures in place to regularly check and verify the accuracy of your data. These procedures might include running data quality checks or auditing your data. 

Zoho Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

1. What is the Key difference between a thread and a process?

A thread is a single sequence of execution within a process. A process can have multiple threads, all of which are executed concurrently. The main difference between a thread and a process is that a thread shares the same memory space as the process, while a process has its own memory space. This means that threads can communicate with each other more easily than processes.

2. How do you implement an array?

There are several ways of array implementation. The more frequent method is to use an array index to store data in a contiguous block of memory. This means that data is stored next to each other in memory. Another way to implement an array is to use a linked list. This is a data structure where each element is stored in a node, and nodes are linked together.

3. Find the longest increasing subsequence in array.

Sub-sequence is defined as a set of elements in the array such that they are in increasing order and are consecutive to each other. For example, in the array {3, 4, -1, 0, 6, 2, 3}, the longest increasing sub-sequence is {-1, 0, 2, 3}.

4. Program to check whether the given matrix is an upper triangular or lower triangular.


 9 2 4 1

 0 6 2 8

 0 0 7 5

 0 0 0 9

 Output Is Upper Triangular Matrix 


 0 1

 1 1

 Output is Lower Triangular Matrix

5. Given a string with numbers and operators. Perform the operations on the numbers in their respective order. 

If the given Input is: “12345*+-+"

The output will be: 6

Explanation: [1*2+3-4+5 = 6]

Zoho Technical Interview Questions Answers

1. Write a program to get the following input output. 

Eg 1: Input: a1b10

       Output: abbbbbbbbbb

Eg: 2: Input: b3c6d15

          Output: bbbccccccddddddddddddddd

The number varies from 1 to 99

Execution Time:0.68

void bitonicGenerator(int arr[], int n)


vector<int> ve,vo;

for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {="" if(i%2="=0)" ve.push_back(arr[i]);="" else="" vo.push_back(arr[i]);="" }="" sort(ve.begin(),ve.end());="" sort(vo.begin(),vo.end(),greater<int="">());

for(int i=0 ;i<vo.size();i++) ve.push_back(vo[i]);="" for(int="" i="0;i&lt;n;i++)" {="" arr[i]="ve[i];" }="" }="">

2. Write a program to sort the elements in odd positions in descending order and elements in ascending order

Eg 1: Input: 13,2 4,15,12,10,5

Output: 13,2,12,10,5,15,4

Eg 2: Input: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Output: 9,2,7,4,5,6,3,8,1

void bitonicGenerator(int arr[], int n)


// Your code goes here



for(int i=0;i<n;) {="" even.push_back(arr[i++]);="" if(i<n)="" odd.push_back(arr[i++]);="" }="" sort(odd.begin(),odd.end());="" sort(even.begin(),even.end());="" reverse(odd.begin(),odd.end());="" even.insert(even.end(),odd.begin(),odd.end());="" for(int="" i="0;i&lt;n;i++)" arr[i]="even[i];" }="">

3. Write a program to print the following output for the given input. You can assume the string is of odd length

Eg 1: Input: 12345


1       5

  2   4


  2  4

1      5

Eg 2: Input: geeksforgeeks


g                         s

  e                     k

    e                 e

      k             e

        s         g

          f      r


          f     r

        s         g

      k             e

    e                 e

  e                      k

g                          s

// CPP program to print cross pattern


using namespace std;

// Function to print given string in

// cross pattern

void pattern(string str, int len){

    // i and j are the indexes of characters

    // to be displayed in the ith iteration

    // i = 0 initially and go upto length of

    // string

    // j = length of string initially

    // in each iteration of i, we increment

    // i and decrement j, we print character

    // only of k==i or k==j

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)


        int j = len -1 - i;

        for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)


            if (k == i || k == j)

                cout << str[k];


                cout << " ";


        cout << endl;      


// driver code

int main ()


    string str = "geeksforgeeks";

    int len = str.size();

    pattern(str, len);

    return 0;



4. Find if a String2 is a substring of String1. If it is, return the index of the first occurrence. else return -1.

Eg 1:Input:

        String 1: test123string

         String 2: 123

Output: 4

Eg 2: Input:

        String 1: testing12

        String 2: 1234 

Output: -1


python code:

class Solution:

   def isSubSequence(self, A, B):

       #code here

       i = 0

       j = 0

       while i < len(A) and j < len(B):

           if A[i] == B[j]:

               i += 1

           j += 1

       if len(A) == i:

           return True

       return False

5. Given two sorted arrays, merge them such that the elements are not repeated

Eg 1: Input:

        Array 1: 2,4,5,6,7,9,10,13

        Array 2: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,15


Merged array: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15

Gap algorithm implemented using pointers C++

void swap_func(long long* cur1, long long* cur2){

    long long tmp = *cur1;

    *cur1 = *cur2;

    *cur2 = tmp;


void merge(long long arr1[], long long arr2[], int n, int m) { 

    long long gap = (n + m) / 2 + (n + m) % 2;

    while(gap >= 1){

        long long it1 = 0, it2 = gap;

        while(it2 < n + m){

            long long *cur1, *cur2;           

            if(it1 >= n)    cur1 = &arr2[it1++ - n];

            else    cur1 = &arr1[it1++];

            if(it2 >= n)    cur2 = &arr2[it2++ - n];

            else    cur2 = &arr1[it2++];   

            if(*cur1 > *cur2)   swap_func(cur1, cur2);


        if(gap == 1)    break;

        gap = (gap / 2) + (gap % 2);



6. Using Recursion reverse the string such as

Eg 1: Input: one two three

Output: three two one

Eg 2: Input: I love india

Output: india love I

string reverseWords(string S) 


     int left=0;

     int right=S.length()-1;

     string temp="";

     string ans="";

     int count=0; // to handle test case of having single word



         // if char is not '.' then store char in temp





 //if char is '.' then initialize count=1 indicates that at     least one '.' is present

 //ans is used to strong final result by concatenate with string store in temp         

         else if(S[left]=='.')


             count =1;









  //case when we are at last word and also if string contains only one word       

        if(temp!="" && count==1)




           return ans;  


Our Learners Also Asked

1. Is the Zoho interview difficult?

Zoho interview questions can be difficult to answer if you're not prepared. The interviewer will ask questions about your experience, skills, and thoughts on various Zoho products. They may also give you a scenario and ask how you would handle it.

You'll need to brush up on your knowledge of the company and its products to ace your Zoho interview and stay calm and confident during the interview.

2. What are the eligibility criteria?

The eligibility criteria for Zoho is that you should have completed or are currently enrolled in a BE / B.Tech program in computer science and related fields. Students from any stream/Department, even with backlogs, can apply.

3. Why should you choose Zoho? 

Zoho is a leading company in CRM and other valuable business tools. It is projected to rise in value in the coming years. It gives skilled professionals the potential to explore their capabilities and grow. It has an enviable work culture, great salary packages and decent salary hikes. They provide flexible working hours and overall job satisfaction. 

4. How do I prepare for the Zoho interview?

The Zoho interview process assesses a candidate's skills and abilities. While it can be challenging, the interview is not difficult if you are prepared.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the Zoho interview:

  • Firstly, familiarize yourself with the company and its products.
  • Secondly, practice your problem-solving skills.
  • Lastly, be honest and be yourself.

5. What are the questions asked in a Zoho interview?

Zoho interviews assess a candidate’s skills and abilities in a specific role. Questions will vary depending on the interview position but may include problem-solving, coding, software design, and customer service. To help you prepare, we’ve discussed a list of some of the most commonly asked Zoho interview questions.

6. Can I use Python in a Zoho interview?

Yes, you can use Python in a Zoho interview. Python SDK allows you to create client-python apps that are integrated into CRM. The SDK allows easy access to and use of the required CRM APIs. It acts as a wrapper to the REST APIs and makes it easier for users to use Zoho CRM’s services.

7. What language does Zoho use?

The short answer is that Zoho uses a proprietary programming language called Deluge. Deluge is a powerful scripting language that enables businesses to create custom workflows and automate various business processes.

8. What is the highest salary package of a Zoho employee?

The highest salary package of a Zoho employee is $180,000. The company released this figure in 2019 and has remained the same since then.

9. How do I apply for a job in Zoho?

Zoho Corp Careers ( www.zohorecruit.com) or LinkedIn can be used to apply for a position at the company. It is recommended to ask for Referrals if you are in touch with someone who already works for the company.

10. What are the perks of being a Zoho employee?

Zoho is a great place to work for several reasons. First and foremost, they offer a competitive salary and benefits package. They also offer employees a number of perks, such as flexible work hours, a relaxed dress code, and the opportunity to work from home. Additionally, Zoho has several employee development programs, such as leadership development and mentorship programs. Also, they offer a fun and collaborative work environment.

11. Does Zoho have a dress code?

Zoho has no dress code, so you are free to wear whatever you want.

12. What are the working hours at Zoho?

Flexible working hours are offered by Zoho Corporations. Flexible work hours allow employees to choose the working hours. While it is recommended to keep consistent work hours, this is not a requirement.

13. What is the cool-off period for Zoho?

The "cool-off" period is defined in terms of recruitment policy as the time a candidate cannot reapply at a company after being rejected during an interview. Like most Product-based companies, the cool-off period at Zoho is six months.

14. Is Zoho good for freshers?

Yes, there are many reasons to consider joining Zoho as a fresher. For one, the company proliferates and offers ample career growth opportunities. Additionally, Zoho provides excellent training and development resources to help you get up to speed quickly. And finally, the company culture is very supportive and collaborative, which is perfect for freshers starting their careers.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Zoho interview questions test candidates’ knowledge of the company’s products and services. They are also designed to test candidates’ ability to think critically and solve problems. To prepare for these questions, candidates should familiarize themselves with the Zoho products and services and practice solving problems.

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