Which is superior? GitLab or GitHub? Check it out. The fast-paced world of software development requires version control systems to maintain code repositories, encourage teamwork, and ensure project completion. GitHub and GitLab are powerhouse version control platforms that have transformed developer workflows.

GitHub boasts almost 56 million users compared to GitLab, which has over 31 million users. In contrast, GitLab caters to a specific demographic. Among Java developers, over 35% favor GitLab as their code repository of choice. An impressive array of useful tools is available to GitLab users. GitHub, or GitLab, hosts the source code repositories for many programs. It is reasonable for an OSS-dependent cloud-based environment.

Let's compare GitHub vs GitLab in a structured manner, covering various aspects such as features, price, similarities, differences, and use cases. 

To effectively illustrate the distinction between these two, we need to have a good understanding of Git.

What is Git?

Before comparing GitLab vs GitHub, we must familiarize ourselves with Git.

Git, the underlying technology, is the backbone of GitHub and GitLab. However, numerous other solutions and platforms rely on Git for version control. Understanding Git's role in version control systems can help you make informed decisions.

What specific tasks can you accomplish with Git? We commonly refer to this as a "version control system." At its core, this method enables seamless collaboration among teams on source code without any adverse effects on the rest of the project.

Software development is a continuous process; as a project grows, some components must change while others remain unchanged.

Git is an excellent tool for enabling developers to collaborate on the same project while ensuring the code's security. Trunk-based development is a widely recognized work process, and this property's outstanding quality distinguishes Git as an ideal system.

What is GitLab?

GitLab, an open-source code repository, offers a unique set of features. From free, open, and private repositories to issue tracking and collaborative programming tools, it's a treasure trove for professionals working on large DevOps and DevSecOps projects. GitLab's platform for online code storage and features for issue tracking and CI/CD, along with its vault for various improvement chains and processes, can pique your interest and enhance your productivity.

Free GitLab users can upgrade to the premium version for $4 per client per month for more features.

Advantages of GitLab

  • The system features enhanced authentication and a dynamic user interface.
  • We have improved branch protection and user permission.
  • Open-source platform for managing repository editions
  • Easy server-based repository management
  • Use either Google Code or Bitbucket to import a code repository.
  • Valuable tools for efficient development include group milestones, time tracking, and issue tracking.

Disadvantages of GitLab

  • There is a steep learning curve, with numerous menus and configurations.
  • Many identical workflows need to be clarified.
  • Some close competitors may acquire new capabilities before others.
  • A more specialized ecosystem of third-party tools and apps that collaborate effectively is required.
  • A smaller user base may result in limited community support.
  • Given the emphasis on boards over minor matters, it needs more responsiveness.
  • It is expensive for small teams operating at a lower level.

What is GitHub?

Developers may easily track code alterations on GitHub, the first cloud-based Git platform. Its capabilities have grown into a complete development environment.

GitLab offers a "ready-made" package, but GitHub doesn't. Instead, developers can use the GitHub marketplace for free tools and integrations to enhance their projects. The goal is to let its strong community add the finishing touches.

Advantages of GitHub

  • The majority of projects and users are on GitHub. Because of network effects, GitHub dominates open source.
  • The UI is clean and intuitive, with a focus on Git. Easy to use and locate.
  • Approvals and CI statuses ensure quality for protected branches.
  • Lightweight threaded issues allow for targeted conversations, eliminating the need for extensive tracking.
  • The Getting Started Guidelines and Learning Tools are excellent.
  • GitHub Marketplace provides top-notch integrations for various needs.
  • Simple Git-integrated static web hosting.
  • Enable organized and open-ended discussions.
  • The Early Access Program introduces new functionality to specific user groups.

Disadvantages of GitHub

  • Free users can only do limitless public repos.
  • There is no inheritance or nested groups. Repo members will get set up individually.
  • Newly published GitHub actions are still maturing.
  • Issues emphasized text above work tracking.
  • Duplicated wiki repos require labor.
  • The closed SaaS approach prevents firewalled GitHub usage.
  • GitHub occasionally refrains from breaking workflows too much.

3 Similarities Between GitLab and Github

1. Interfaces

Gitlab offers the capability to include various types of attachments.

GitHub does not support the addition of attachments other than the allowed types.

2. Pricing

Starting Price

GitLab: More expensive, starts at $29 per user/month (Premium plan).

GitHub: More affordable, starts at $4 per user/month (Team plan).

Enterprise Plans

  • GitLab: More expensive, at $99 per user/month (Ultimate plan).
  • GitHub: More affordable, at $21 per user/month (Enterprise plan).
  • However, some advanced security features in GitHub Enterprise might require additional add-ons, increasing costs.

3. Open-Source 

GitHub is a website where users can freely and publicly exchange and access code. GitLab is a code-sharing and version-control solution exclusively available to development teams.

6 Key Differences Between GitLab and Github

Let’s see the major differences between GitHub and GitLab here.

1. Features

GitLab integrates issue tracking, code review, a wiki, and more. This unification streamlines communication and reduces tool usage, boosting productivity.

GitHub offers task management, repository hosting, team management, and access controls.

2. Open-sourced 

As it is open-source, you can host GitLab on your servers. It gives you complete repository control, improving security and personalization. GitLab is flexible in terms of self-hosting.

You can only assume public repositories are open-source and use them without checking. GitHub enables repo owners to license their code for their use.

3. Navigation

GitLab facilitates access to the repository. GitHub's usability allows users to navigate easily.

4. Project Analysis

Unlike GitHub, which does not offer comprehensive project analysis, GitLab lets users examine project development charts.

Though they can view the history of commits, this capability still needs to be added to GitHub.

5. Security

GitLab outperforms GitHub in authentication, access controls, compliance automation, and more, winning over security-focused engineers.

For instance, GitLab can require code reviews before merges based on user responsibilities. GitLab also excels for security-conscious teams with advanced login controls, extensive audit logs, dynamic masking to hide secrets, and dependency scanning.

Code scanning integrations and necessary statuses have improved GitHub's security, but GitLab's controls are robust. GitLab's built-in safeguards help projects fulfill strict enterprise standards without external technologies.

GitLab provides comfort when security-related feature checks emerge in GitHub vs. GitLab scorecards because of its inherent seamless security organization of approvals, access, and awareness.

For equivalent security, GitHub supplies building blocks but requires third-party extensions. GitLab simplifies team integration to ensure safe development life cycles.

6. Attachments

Gitlab offers the capability to include various types of attachments.

GitHub does not support the addition of attachments other than the allowed types.

GitHub vs GitLab: Which is Best?

The decision between GitHub and GitLab really comes down to personal preference. GitLab and GitHub are both powerful tools that may greatly improve your development process. You may make an informed decision that fits your project requirements and team dynamics by being aware of their strengths and drawbacks.

Repository management services are essential to software projects in a competitive marketplace. GitLab and GitHub simplify software development lifecycle change management and encourage developer collaboration. GitHub and GitLab both want DevOps.

Powerful platforms like GitLab and GitHub help improve software development. Their suitability depends on your needs, interests, and projects. GitLab is suitable for teams seeking a complete DevOps solution. At the same time, GitHub's ease of use and significant community support make it ideal for collaborative and open-source projects.

Using distributed version control and source code management, the GitHub public repository hosts and evaluates code, manages projects, and helps build software. GitLab is a web-based repository with DevOps-focused collaborative capabilities and seamless, continuous integration and delivery. 

To easily understand and work with the codebase and for smoother collaboration with others on GitLab or GitHub projects, you can opt for a DevOps Engineer course which will not only enable you to write cleaner and more maintainable code but also help you to understand best practices and coding conventions related to GitLab or GitHub.


1. Who created Gitlab and GitHub?

Valery Sizov and Dmitriy Zaporozhets created GitLab. Scott Chacon, P. J. Hyett, Chris Wanstrath, and Tom Preston-Werner created GitHub.

2. Which platform is more suitable for enterprise use?

GitLab is an excellent choice for development teams and project managers because it offers many features for managing bugs, monitoring progress, and processing feature requests. In addition to its superior project management features, GitHub provides issue tracking.

3. Do both platforms support private repositories in their free plans?

The GitLab website lists the following pricing plans: GitLab Core is free. This plan provides unlimited public and private repositories, collaborators, basic CI/CD functionality, and 400 CI/CD minutes per group each month for individuals, open-source projects, and small teams.

For personal users and organizations, GitHub Free allows you to collaborate with unlimited people on limitless public or private repositories with full or limited features.

4. Which should you choose: GitLab or GitHub?

It varies based on individual needs. Developers widely use and favor GitHub due to its large community and customizable structure. Additionally, GitLab is highly reliable and provides a wide range of plans and features for business owners. If your requirements are flexible and you want to save money, GitLab may be a better choice. Nevertheless, if you trust the expertise of over 40 million developers, GitHub should be your top preference.

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