Defining and Measuring Project Success

About the Webinar

Defining and Measuring Project Success The Sydney Opera House is an imposing civic monument. But the team took nearly twice as long to complete the project as originally planned, and overran the budget that was allocated by around $100 million. Was it a success? In this webinar, William R. Duncan – President of Project Management Partners of Lowell, MA USA – will tell you why product success and project management success are not the same thing. He will also show you how to create and maintain success measures for your projects. William has over forty years of management and consulting experience and has helped clients in North America, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and Europe improve both organizational and individual competence in project management. He was the primary author of the original (1996) version of "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge." He is currently Director of Certification for IPMA-USA.

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