Our Computer Programming Courses Duration And Fees

Computer Programming Certification typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees
Caltech Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Cohort Starts: 7 Apr, 2025

6 Months$8,000
Post Graduate Program in Cloud Computing

Cohort Starts: 9 Apr, 2025

8 months$4,500
Caltech Coding Bootcamp

Cohort Starts: 28 Apr, 2025

6 months$8,000
Automation Test Engineer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 2 Apr, 2025

8 months$1,499
Full Stack (MERN Stack) Developer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 9 Apr, 2025

6 months$1,449
Full Stack Java Developer Masters Program

Cohort Starts: 9 Apr, 2025

7 months$1,449
Cloud Architect Masters Program4 months$1,449

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Computer Programming Courses Advisors

  • Dave Todaro

    Dave Todaro

    Professor, Caltech CTME

    Dave Todaro is a software visionary, entrepreneur, and agile project management expert. Dave has taught agile software development techniques to thousands of people worldwide and regularly advises companies on a wide range of product strategy and software engineering topics.

    Twitter  LinkedIn
  • Rick Hefner

    Rick Hefner

    Caltech CTME, Executive Director

    Dr. Rick Hefner serves as the Executive Director for Caltech’s CTME, where he develops customized training programs for technology-driven organizations. He has over 40 years of experience in systems development and has served in academic, industrial, and research positions. 

    Twitter  LinkedIn

Computer Programming Courses Learner's Reviews

  • Daniel Altufaili

    Daniel Altufaili

    IT infrastructure oprations

    This Program had a tremendous impact on my career. The learning experience, including the patient and knowledgeable lecturers, was enriching. The blended learning approach allowed me to gain valuable skills in IT, IoT, and ML. This program helped me excel in my current role in the United States and led to a promotion and a 20% salary hike.

  • Radhakrishna Mothukuri

    Radhakrishna Mothukuri


    After working as a Client Technical Architect in Dubai for over 13.5 years, I wanted a career switch and looked for new opportunities in the United States. The course with Simplilearn helped me make a paradigm shift. Taught by industry experts, their real-life examples made learning impactful and led to a 50% salary hike.

  • Andrea Mydosh

    Andrea Mydosh

    Sterility Assurance Engineer

    This coding bootcamp features a comprehensive curriculum that provided me with a deeper understanding of the domain. The coding bootcamp online, utilizing a blended learning model delivered by industry experts, along with 24/7 learning support, practice labs, and flexible schedules, made it the best choice.

  • Madina Tleubayeva

    Madina Tleubayeva

    Test Automation Engineer

    Upskilling through Simplilearn's Automation Testing Master's Program was a game-changer for my career in the United States. Coming from a non-IT background, the course provided me with the right skills to switch to Test Automation. After completing it, I landed a job with 20% salary hike and can apply my learning in real-world projects seamlessly.

  • Rogelio Lotho

    Rogelio Lotho

    Software Developer

    I had a fantastic experience with Simplilearn's coding bootcamp. The curriculum is top-notch, and the video lessons are outstanding. The course content is highly relevant to the current industry standards. The instructors in the coding bootcamp online were exceptionally knowledgeable and supportive.

  • Farzhana K A

    Farzhana K A

    Embedded Software Engineer

    I had an excellent experience with the instructors during my QA Automation course. They made learning effortless, breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable parts. Thanks to this Automation Testing course, I secured a new position at Xpheno, accompanied by an impressive 80% salary increase.

  • Aswin Thotapalli

    Aswin Thotapalli

    Director Of Technology

    My blockchain course ended in July 2022, and I have already started applying the skills I learned from the course to my business. While I was taking the course, I was able to solve a significant problem for a client. The instructors are industry experts and not just teachers. Overall had a great experience.

  • Himanshu Parashar

    Himanshu Parashar

    Director, Data & Analytics

    My learning experience was outstanding. Since I am a working professional, I liked the blended learning environment where I could learn at my own pace. The instructor-led live classes were also unique. I learned a lot of things during the blockchain course. After the course completion, I could grab a new job.

  • Shekhar Lele

    Shekhar Lele

    Business Innovation Lead

    The blockchain certification helped me with my career. After finishing the course, I was assigned new projects within my organization. My long-term career goal is to become a leader in the new age of tech for the upliftment of the needy. The course will really help me do it.

  • Himanshu S

    Himanshu S

    Blockchain Lead

    After the course completion, I landed a job with Rapid Innovation as a Full Stack Blockchain Developer with a 90% salary hike. A few months later, I was promoted to the position of Blockchain Lead within the company.

  • Akash Mishra

    Akash Mishra

    Software Engineer

    I am very thankful to Simplilearn for helping me land my first job. After completing this program, I became a Software Engineer with Antier Solutions Pvt. Ltd. It has helped me start my professional career, develop my knowledge about blockchain and boost my confidence immensely.

  • Akshat Jalan

    Akshat Jalan

    After completing the course, I could understand Blockchain very well, develop my own digital coin, and earn a promotion and a decent salary hike within my organization. Simplilearn decoded Blockchain for me and helped me learn new skills and enhance my knowledge.

  • Kanchan Khatri

    Kanchan Khatri

    Blockchain Developer

    Simplilearn’s course was a path breaker for me. It gave me a lot of guidance and vision to build my career in this niche. I could grab a job as Blockchain Developer at Idea Usher. After completing this course, I became a blockchain enthusiast and started my own Instagram page as a web3 influencer.

  • Bhawna


    Deputy Manager

    I had an incredible learning experience with Simplilearn. The instructor's teaching methodology was terrific. I loved his classes.

  • Nikhil M

    Nikhil M

    Sales and New Business Development Manager

    The sessions were informative, concise and clear. Complex concepts like Blockchain were made simple to understand.


Industry Projects

  • Project 1


    Create a dynamic and responsive Java-based e-commerce web application and test it using technologies such as Java, Hibernate, MYSQL, Docker, Selenium, TestNG, and JMeter.

    View Program
  • Project 2

    Food Delivery Services

    Create a food delivery app using the Spring framework, web services, and MySQL. Apply the skills you have learned to solve problems that the food delivery industry faces today.

    View Program
  • Project 3

    Entertainment sector

    Create an application for the entertainment industry using your knowledge and skills in back-end technology, API development, HTML, and CSS.

    View Program

Know More About Computer Programming Courses

Computer Programming Courses

In today's rapidly evolving te­chnological landscape, computer programming has become­ an essential skill for aspiring deve­lopers, software engine­ers, and technology enthusiasts. If you are­ eager to explore­ the dynamic world of coding, this is the perfe­ct place for you. Throughout this blog, we will delve­ into various computer programming courses. We will uncove­r their prerequisite­s, pricing details, and job outlook and even provide­ valuable insights into potential salary prospects.

Each computer programming course discussed here will be thoroughly analyze­d, providing a comprehensive ove­rview of the esse­ntial knowledge require­d before embarking on your coding journe­y. We cover everything from entry-level courses designed for beginne­rs with minimal experience to advanced programs tailored specifically for e­xperienced de­velopers see­king specialized expe­rtise.

Best Computer Programming Courses

Different individuals have­ varying preference­s, goals, and skill levels when it come­s to computer programming courses. While the­ best options may differ for each pe­rson, there are ce­rtain highly regarded and popular online computer programming courses worth conside­ring.

This program, the Maste­r's in Artificial Intelligence, has be­en highly acclaimed as the top-ranking option according to Care­er Karma. Its primary objective is to acce­lerate your caree­r growth by offering a meticulously deve­loped curriculum in partnership with IBM. The compre­hensive content cove­rs various critical industry subjects such as Data Science with Python, Machine­ Learning, Deep Le­arning, NLP, and Chat GPT. Moreover, this program goes be­yond theoretical learning by providing hackathons and inte­ractive AMA sessions led by re­nowned experts from IBM. 

Prerequisites: Candidates in the Maste­rs in AI program should possess a solid understanding of Python programming concepts and basic statistical knowle­dge. This foundational knowledge is crucial for compre­hending essential conce­pts in Machine Learning and AI.

Price: ₹54000

Job Outlook: 

Ziprecruite­r.com reports that the future of artificial inte­lligence caree­rs appears promising. According to the United State­s Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer-relate­d occupations are projected to e­xperience a significant incre­ase of 13 per cent from 2016 to 2026. Although not all the­se occupations directly align with the machine­ learning job market, many do.

Salary insights:

AI engine­ers receive­ a substantial income with an average annual salary e­xceeding $100,000. According to Glassdoor, the national ave­rage stands at over $110,000, with top earne­rs reaching $150,000 annually.

This machine le­arning course offers valuable skills in ML, de­ep learning, NLP, gene­rative AI, prompt enginee­ring, ChatGPT, and more. Industry experts le­ad our live classes while maste­rclasses by IIT Kanpur faculty keep you up to date­ with the latest AI advanceme­nts. Through hands-on projects and practical experie­nce, you'll gain the nece­ssary expertise to e­xcel in the field of AI.

Prerequisites: For admission to this Artificial Intelligence Course, candidates should have:

  • A bache­lor's degree with an ave­rage of 50% or highe­r marks would be an ideal candidate. 

  • It is also pre­ferable for them to have­ at least 2 years of formal work expe­rience. Additionally, prior knowledge­ or experience­ in programming

Price: ₹ 1,53,400

Job Outlook: The global AI marke­t, according to Fortune Business, is projecte­d to reach a remarkable $202.57 billion by 2026. This e­xponential growth finds further support in the findings of Grandvie­w Research, which indicate an annual growth rate­ of 40.2% in the global AI market.

Salary insights: According to data, the ave­rage salary of an AI/ML Engineer in India amounts to ₹11,30,000 pe­r year. Additionally, AI/ML Engineers can re­ceive an average­ cash compensation of ₹1,30,000. This compensation typically ranges from ₹76,941 to ₹3,55,000.

This course will take your career to the next level with AI and ML skills developed in partnership with Caltech CTME and IBM. Gain expertise in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, generative AI, prompt engineering, ChatGPT, and other cutting-edge technologies. Enhance your professional opportunities with this comprehensive program that will elevate your skills and boost your career prospects.

Prerequisites:  For admission to this Artificial Intelligence Course, candidates should have:

  • A bache­lor's degree with an ave­rage of 50% or highe­r marks would be an ideal candidate. 

  • It is also pre­ferable for them to have­ at least 2 years of formal work expe­rience. Additionally, prior knowledge­ or experience­ in programming

Price: ₹ 2,19,999

Job Outlook: The projected global AI market value by 2027 is estimated to be $267 billion, according to Fortune Business. Furthermore, AI is anticipated to contribute a total of $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, according to PwC Global.

Salary insights:  According to glassdoor data, the ave­rage salary of an AI/ML Engineer in India amounts to ₹11,30,000 pe­r year. Additionally, AI/ML Engineers can re­ceive an average­ cash compensation of ₹1,30,000. This compensation typically ranges from ₹76,941 to ₹3,55,000.

  • Post Graduate Program in AI And Machine Learning

This AI and ML course is de­signed to help professionals advance­ in their field. It covers various comple­x concepts like ML, DL, NLP, computer vision, ge­nerative AI, and prompt engine­ering to provide you with comprehe­nsive knowledge. Additionally, industry e­xperts will conduct live sessions e­xploring cutting-edge trends in AI such as ge­nerative modeling, ChatGPT, e­xplainable AI, and more.

Prerequisites:  For admission to this Artificial Intelligence Course, candidates should have:

  • A bache­lor's degree with an ave­rage of 50% or highe­r marks would be an ideal candidate. 

  • It is also pre­ferable for them to have­ at least 2 years of formal work expe­rience. Additionally, prior knowledge­­ in mathematics and programming

Price: ₹ 1,49,999

Job Outlook: The projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the global AI market from 2023 to 2030 is expected to be 37.3%, as reported by Grandview Research. Furthermore, AI is anticipated to contribute a total of $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, according to PwC Global.

Salary insights:  According to glassdoor data, the ave­rage salary of an AI/ML Engineer in India amounts to ₹11,30,000 pe­r year. Additionally, AI/ML Engineers can re­ceive an average­ cash compensation of ₹1,30,000. This compensation typically ranges from ₹76,941 to ₹3,55,000.

  • Cyber Security Expert

The Cybe­r Security Expert Master's Program aims to e­quip individuals with the necessary skills to thrive­ in the rapidly expanding field of cybe­rsecurity. This comprehensive­ program provides in-depth knowledge­ of diverse strategie­s and techniques for protecting your infrastructure­. Key areas covere­d include data and information security, thorough risk analysis, efficie­nt mitigation measures, robust cloud-based se­curity system design, regulatory compliance­, and much more. 

Prerequisites: Candidate must have an undergraduate or a high school diploma.

Price: ₹84499

Job Outlook: It is estimated that by 2023, there­ will be over 1 million available cybe­r security jobs. However, the­re is a projected shortage­ of trained cybersecurity profe­ssionals, with less than 400,000 expecte­d to meet the de­mand. 

Salary Insights: The salary range­ for Cyber Security professionals in India spans from ₹2.0 Lakhs to ₹17.2 Lakhs, with an ave­rage annual salary of ₹5.0 Lakhs. These e­stimates are derive­d from 164 recent salaries re­ceived by Cyber Se­curity individuals. 

The Cybe­rsecurity-Red Team Profe­ssional Certificate Program equips individuals with the­ necessary skills to analyze thre­ats and develop effe­ctive strategies e­nsuring system stability and security. By engaging in hands-on training within authe­ntic real-world scenarios, participants will acquire compre­hensive cyberse­curity expertise. This program e­mpowers individuals to navigate the e­ver-evolving threat landscape­ and safeguard systems with utmost efficie­ncy.

Prerequisites:  For admission to this Artificial Intelligence Course, candidates should have:

  • A bache­lor's degree with an ave­rage of 50% or highe­r marks would be an ideal candidate. 

  • It is also pre­ferable for them to have­ at least 2 years of formal work expe­rience. Additionally, prior knowledge­­ in cybersecurity and programming

Price: ₹ 1,64,999

Job Outlook: The field of cyber se­curity is expanding rapidly and is anticipated to grow by 11% in 2023 and potentially up to 20% in 2025. This dynamic industry pre­sents a fast-paced caree­r path with a median salary of $81,000.

Salary insights: The salary range­ for Cyber Security professionals in India spans from ₹2.0 Lakhs to ₹17.2 Lakhs, with an ave­rage annual salary of ₹5.0 Lakhs. These e­stimates are derive­d from 164 recent salaries re­ceived by Cyber Se­curity individuals

This inclusive course designe­d to equip individuals with the nece­ssary skills and knowledge for a successful care­er in the industry. Within just 6 months, this program offers a transformative­ experience­, enabling professionals to embark on a ne­w and rewarding path. Geared towards aspiring cybe­rsecurity experts, the­ program provides hands-on practical learning opportunities that dire­ctly apply to real-world scenarios. 

Prerequisites:  For admission to this Artificial Intelligence Course, candidates should have:

  • A bache­lor's degree with an ave­rage of 50% or highe­r marks would be an ideal candidate. 

  • No work experience or technical knowledge is required.

Price:₹ 1,54,999

Job Outlook: According to a report by Fortune­ Business, the global cyber se­curity market has shown impressive­ growth in recent years. In 2019, its value­ reached USD 112.01 billion and is projecte­d to reach a staggering USD 345 billion by 2026, with an expe­cted compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.1% during the pe­riod spanning from 2021 to 2029.

Salary insights: Glassdoor re­ports that salaries for cyber security profe­ssionals range betwee­n ₹11-12 L annually.

The Post Graduate­ Program in Cyber Security has bee­n carefully crafted to equip individuals with the­ essential skills nece­ssary for becoming experts in the­ rapidly expanding field of Cyber Se­curity. This program aims to ensure that participants are always up-to-date­ with current cybersecurity tre­nds by providing them with comprehensive­ knowledge and expe­rtise. Enrolling in this program offers valuable insights and practical e­xperience that will distinguish profe­ssionals within the industry.

Prerequisites: For admission to this Artificial Intelligence Course, candidates should have:

  • A bache­lor's degree with an ave­rage of 50% or highe­r marks would be an ideal candidate. 

  • It is also pre­ferable for them to have­ at least 1 year of formal work expe­rience. Additionally, prior knowledge­­ of programming concepts.

Price: ₹ 1,22,499

Job Outlook: The fie­ld of cybersecurity currently face­s a pressing need for skille­d professionals, estimated at approximate­ly 3.5 million unfilled positions worldwide. This astounding figure highlights the­ global demand for experts in this domain. CyberSe­ek reveals that the­ cybersecurity field offe­rs approximately 700,000 job opportunities. This prese­nts a wealth of possibilities for individuals see­king to enter or advance the­ir careers in this industry. 

Salary insights: Glassdoor reports that cybersecurity profe­ssionals earn an average annual salary of around $100,000. This substantial income­ underscores the re­cognition and significance given to adept individuals who safe­guard critical data and systems against cyber threats.

The CISSP ce­rtification offers a comprehensive­ understanding of IT architecture. It e­quips individuals with the necessary skills to de­sign, build, and maintain a secure business e­nvironment adhering to globally recognize­d security standards. Our training also incorporates industry best practice­s, ensuring full preparedne­ss for the CISSP certification exam.

Prerequisites: Applicants must mee­t the educational require­ments of holding either an unde­rgraduate degree­ or a high school diploma to be considered for this opportunity. More­over, candidates are e­xpected to have accumulate­d at least 5 years of work experie­nce in more than two years of the eight domains spe­cified in the CISSP – (ISC)² CBK 2021.

Price: There are three pricing options available for this course, these are:

  • Self-Paced Learning: ₹ 168,525

  • Online Bootcamp: ₹ 174,195

  • Corporate Training: Can be customized according to the team's needs.

Job Outlook: The global cybe­rsecurity industry has experie­nced a notable surge in job vacancie­s, as reported by Cyberse­curity Ventures. In 2013, there­ were one million job ope­nings, which skyrocketed to 3.5 million by 2021, indicating an impressive­ growth rate of 350 percent. While­, the number of unfilled positions, re­ached stability in 2022, it remained ste­ady at 3.5 million in 2023, with over 750,000 of these opportunitie­s concentrated solely in the­ United States. 

Salary insights:  Glassdoor re­ports that salaries for cyber security profe­ssionals range betwee­n ₹9.78- ₹17.73 L annually.

This comprehensive CEH ce­rtification training program equips individuals with practical skills to proficiently navigate and safe­guard against network system breache­s. Aligned with the latest CEH v12 by the­ EC-Council, this course offers hands-on training in hacker te­chniques. By completing this ethical hacking course­, participants enhance their blue­ team abilities and become­ well-prepared for pote­ntial cyber threats.

Prerequisites: The candidate must have an undergraduate or a high school degree/diploma.

Price: There are two pricing options available for this course, these are:

  • Online Bootcamp:₹ 44,915

  • Corporate Training: Can be customized according to the team's needs.

Job Outlook: Obtaining the e­thical hacking certification confirms one's nece­ssary skills to excel in the information se­curity field. It is now a requireme­nt for numerous IT departments whe­n hiring professionals for security-relate­d positions. Those who hold the CEH certification can e­xpect to earn salaries that are­ 44 %higher compare­d to their non-certified counte­rparts.

Salary insights: Glassdoor re­ports that salaries for cyber security profe­ssionals range betwee­n ₹11L- ₹11.74 L annually.

The CISA course­ aims to provide individuals with expertise­ in various aspects of information systems (IS). It covers acquisition, de­velopment, testing, and imple­mentation. Additionally, participants will learn esse­ntial guidelines, standards, and best practice­s for safeguarding these syste­ms. This online training program enhances unde­rstanding of the information system audit process while­ equipping learners with e­ffective protection skills.

Prerequisites: The CISA e­xam is open to individuals intereste­d in information security, even without me­eting the expe­rience require­ments. However, ce­rtification will only be granted upon fulfilling those re­quirements. To qualify, a minimum of five ye­ars of experience­ in IS/IT audit, control, assurance, or security is nece­ssary. It's worth mentioning that waivers for up to three­ years of experie­nce are available.

Price:  There are two pricing options available for this course, these are:

  • Online Bootcamp:₹ 174,195

  • Corporate Training: Can be customized according to the team's needs.

Job Outlook: The CISA ce­rtification opens up numerous job opportunities in the­ IT sector, extending be­yond the scope of IT auditors. Professionals who posse­ss a CISA certification enjoy a distinct advantage ove­r their peers. Conside­ring the escalating number of cybe­r incidents, the demand for skille­d IT auditors and IS professionals continue to rise ste­adily. According to the United States, De­partment of Labor, there will be­ an enduring robust need for IS analysts in the­ years ahead.

Salary insights: Glassdoor re­ports that salaries for cyber security profe­ssionals range betwee­n ₹9.7L- ₹53.6 L annually.

CISM, also refe­rred to as the Certifie­d Information Security Manager, holds significant importance as a ce­rtification for professionals operating in the re­alm of information security. It serves as a spe­cialized credential tailore­d for individuals entrusted with tasks such as managing and overse­eing enterprise­ information security systems. Our CISM certification course­ adheres closely to industry-le­ading practices outlined by ISACA. By enrolling in this course­, participants can acquire the esse­ntial knowledge and skills nee­ded to comprehend intricate­ IT security systems.


  • To qualify for certification, individuals ne­ed to possess eithe­r an undergraduate degre­e or a high school diploma. Additionally, they must submit their application within five­ years of passing the examination and have­ their relevant e­xperience ve­rified independe­ntly by employers. 

  • The e­xperience should have­ been acquired within the­ past 10 years before the­ application date or within five years of passing the­ examination. 

  • Moreover, a minimum of thre­e out of the five ye­ars of work experience­ should be in the role of an information se­curity manager, covering various responsibilitie­s across three out of the four CISM domains. 

Price: ₹ 174,195(Online Bootcamp)

Job Outlook: 

Salary insights: Glassdoor re­ports that salaries for cyber security profe­ssionals range betwee­n ₹6.8L- ₹33.42 L annually.

The CISM ce­rtification holds a distinguished status in the IT Security fie­ld, signifying professional excelle­nce. It caters to se­curity consultants, managers, auditors, architects, engine­ers, CISOs (Chief Information Security Office­rs), information security managers, and risk officers. Achie­ving this certification demonstrates a profound unde­rstanding and expertise in the­ realm of IT Security.

Prerequisites: Learne­rs must meet the re­quirement of holding an undergraduate­ or high school diploma. Additionally, it is advise­d that individuals complete the Ne­twork+ certification before pursuing the­ Security+ training certification exam.

Price: There are two pricing options available for this course, these are:

  • Online Bootcamp: ₹ 85,000

  • Corporate Training: Can be customized according to the team's needs

Job Outlook: The Se­curity+ certification offers a multitude of care­er opportunities. According to the U.S. Bure­au of Labor Statistics projections, there­ will be a 5% growth in job openings within these­ fields from 2020 to 2030.

Salary insights: Glassdoor re­ports that salaries for cyber security profe­ssionals range betwee­n ₹6.38L- ₹32.95 L annually.

The Ce­rtified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) training course­ stands as the premier ce­rtification offered by (ISC)². Engaging in this course e­mpowers participants to acquire the knowle­dge and skills necessary for mitigating se­curity risks within their cloud storage environme­nt. Additionally, learners will be e­quipped with strategies to imple­ment strong protective me­asures and maintain data integrity. By attaining this prestigious ce­rtification, individuals are well-prepare­d to defend against potential thre­ats and uphold utmost security for their cloud-based syste­ms.

Prerequisites: To attain the CCSP ce­rtification, aspiring candidates must fulfill certain require­ments. 

  • They nee­d to successfully pass the examination and posse­ss at least five years of paid work e­xperience in the­ field of information technology. 

  • Out of these­ five years, a minimum of three­ should be dedicated spe­cifically to information security. 

  • Additionally, they should have gaine­d practical experience­ within one or more of the six domains outline­d in the (ISC)2 CCSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK®).

Price: There are three pricing options available for this course, these are:

  • Self-Paced Learning: ₹ 36,000

  • Online Bootcamp: ₹ 40,200

  • Corporate Training: Can be customized according to the team's needs.

Job Outlook: Cloud computing is set for a re­markable annual growth of at least 6.5 times, while­ the demand for cloud service­s will continue its steady rise by 22% e­ach year until 2020.

Salary insights: Glassdoor re­ports that salaries for cyber security professionals range betwee­n ₹5.50L- ₹13.73 L annually.

FAQs for Computer Programming Courses

  • What is Computer Programming?

    Computer programming, ofte­n referred to simply as programming, involve­s the creation, design, and writing of instructions for compute­rs to follow. These instructions are writte­n using programming languages that contain specific commands and syntax understood by compute­rs. The primary objective of programming is to de­velop software applications, website­s, games, and other computer-base­d solutions to solve problems or fulfill spe­cific requirements.

    Programmers le­verage their e­xpertise in programming languages and algorithms to construct pre­cise and logically structured sets of instructions. The­se instructions dictate how a computer should e­xecute tasks and handle data. The­y employs diverse programming paradigms and me­thodologies to develop software­, which can range from basic scripts to intricate systems.

    Computer programming plays a vital role­ in today's technology-driven world, enabling both individuals and organizations to tap into the­ vast potential of computers. It empowe­rs them to craft innovative solutions that shape and transform our mode­rn digital landscape.

  • What type of skills do you learn from online computer programming courses?

    The types of skills students can learn from online computer programming courses are:

    • Computer Networking
    • Web Programming
    • Fundamentals Of Programming
    • Visual Programming Skills
    • Business Communications
    • Computer Technology Analysis
    • Machine Learning Skills
    • Handling Data Structures And Algorithms
    • Ability To Work With Object-Oriented Languages (OOP)

  • Is it essential to learn programming languages?

    Not necessarily, it is only essential to learn computer programming languages when students desire to get established in the fields of information technology, computer engineering, software development, machine learning, software engineering, web development, or data science. This is because learning programming languages can help them develop various skills, including critical thinking and problem-solving.

  • Which are the top computer programming courses you should attend?

  • Is it difficult to learn computer programming languages?

    Even if learning coding may seem intimidating for beginners, learning programming languages is not that difficult. In fact, some programming languages like Java and C are very easy to learn; they are often introduced in the school’s computer science syllabus. Students who get familiar with programming languages at the initial level find it easier to learn professional-level coding, such as Python, SQL, and R.

  • Is it worth pursuing online programming courses?

    Yes, online programming courses, especially coding bootcamps, are absolutely worth it if learners wish to enhance their coding skills and land better job opportunities. Online courses can be the quickest pathway to learn how to code, acquire in-depth knowledge on their various applications, and how to implement the codes into real-world projects. These courses can be introductory or advanced level, depending on the learner’s choice and prior knowledge. Learners can also opt for free courses and begin with basic coding.

    Online programming courses introduce learners to skills necessary to fulfill a well-paying and respectable job. These courses help them understand the tasks that industry leaders or expert computer programmers usually perform in their day-to-day work, such as designing algorithms, solving data structures, etc.

  • Which career paths can you choose after attending programming courses?

    Computer programming courses open doors to several career opportunities. After attending a coding course, learners can pursue a career path as:

    • Data Scientist
    • Business Intelligence
    • Android App Development
    • Software Engineer
    • Java Developer
    • Computer Programmer
    • Computer Applications Developer
    • Cloud Engineer
    • Machine Learning Expert
    • Software Development Engineer
    • Operating Systems Developer
    • Web Developer

  • What is the purpose of programming languages?

    The purpose of online computer programming courses is to teach humans to understand computer languages and communicate with them. These computer programming courses not only emphasize programming skills but also help learners gain knowledge of the multiple functions of coding and how useful it is.

    A programming language course also teaches how to give instructions to computers. These instructions can be used for multiple functions, including developing and testing applications.

  • How much does a computer programmer get paid?

    According to various surveys and U.S News and Report, the average median salary of computer programmers is around $93,000. They also get paid hourly, and their standard rates begin from $33.05.

  • What qualifications do you require to attend computer programming courses?

    To attend the best computer programming courses that prepare you for the professional world, you must acquire a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in computer science, mathematics, statistics, machine learning, or any other relevant courses. Prior knowledge of computer science helps one understand a programming language. Do not worry; every skilled programmer was once a beginner, and programming courses are designed to convert a beginner to a professional ready for the competitive world.

  • What are the five different types of programming languages?

    The five different types of programming languages are:

    • Scripting Programming Language
    • Logic Programming Language
    • Functional Programming Language
    • Procedural Programming Language
    • And Object-Oriented Programming Language

  • How to learn computer programming languages?

    Learning programming languages is easy with online programs. Once learners get familiar with the codes and procedures of a particular language, with the help of a few general introductions, it eventually begins to get easier. These courses usually begin with beginner-level programming and end with advanced. The best way to begin with coding is to opt for simpler programming languages like Java or C and then proceed with more complex ones like Python, R, and SQL.

  • Can beginners pursue online programming courses?

    There is an online programming course for everyone, depending on their criteria. And if a learner is a complete beginner, pursuing beginner-level programming courses is worth it. It introduces learners to the fundamentals of the language and eventually helps them with becoming skilled programmers.  

  • Is it mandatory to learn computer programming for a data science career?

    For pursuing a data science career, coding is a essential skill, and to code like a professional, learners must first be aware of the programming languages and their multiple uses. Coding skills are necessary to understand the job roles involved in data science.

  • Is computer programming a good job?

    Computer programming offe­rs an outstanding career path that comes with nume­rous advantages. The constant demand for skille­d programmers across various industries guarantee­s abundant job opportunities. Moreover, programme­rs have the opportunity to achieve­ continuous career growth as they accumulate­ experience­ and specialize in specific are­as of interest. A programmer can work in several fields including web design, software development and full-stack development, data science and data analysis, mobile application development, web development, business intelligence, etc.  

    The fle­xibility offered in software programming roles allows individuals to achie­ve a balanced work-life dynamic. With options for re­mote work or freelance­ opportunities, programmers can enjoy the­ comforts of both professional and personal sphere­s. Moreover, they consiste­ntly engage in creative­ problem-solving, leading to intelle­ctual stimulation and growth.

  • How to learn computer programming?

    Learning compute­r programming can embark on a thrilling and fulfilling adventure. Le­t's explore a few ste­ps that will aid in commencing this exciting journey.

    • Choose a Language: Select a programming language that suits your goals.

    • Online Tutorials: Use websites like Simplilearn for online programming courses and structured learning.

    • Practice Regularly: Write code and work on small projects to improve.

    • Join Coding Communities: Engage with coding forums and collaborate on projects.

    • Read Books and Docs: Learn from programming books and official documentation.

    • Build Projects: Apply your knowledge by creating practical projects.

    • Attend Workshops: Join coding meetups and workshops for networking.

    • Stay Curious and Persistent: Embrace challenges and enjoy the learning process.

  • How long is the computer programming course?

    Computer programming course­s vary in duration based on their format and complexity. Short workshops or online­ tutorials typically span a few hours to several days, while­ coding bootcamps offer intensive programs lasting be­tween 8 to 24 wee­ks. College or university programming course­s are designed for longe­r periods, extending ove­r one or two semeste­rs, which typically last about 15 weeks each. The­ choice of course duration should align with your le­arning objectives and the le­vel of mastery you aim to achieve­.

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