The ambition or career choices of maximum people change with age. People who always wanted to become an astronaut as a child grow up only to take up engineering as a career option. This happens because most people lack the proper guidance or evaluation of their interests and aptitudes. This is when career assessments or career assessment tests prove to be effective. They are widely valued and accepted in developed countries. Developing countries like India still find them a little uncertain.

What Is Career Assessment?

Career assessment or career assessment tests help individuals find a suitable career choice by identifying and evaluating their personal aspects like skills, expertise, interests, motivations, values, personality traits, etc. It assesses an individual’s potential to work in a particular job role. University career enhancement centers, career counselors, outsourcing companies, human resource staff, career coaches, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and many others rely on career assessment tests in developed countries. It is one of the most convenient ways for any individual to get rid of a career dilemma.

Importance Of Career Assessment 

Although career assessment tests are eyed with a lot of uncertainty in India, they can prove to be extremely beneficial for any individual. Here are some of the reasons why career assessment is crucial-:

  • Personal Improvement

The career choices of most Indian students are based on salary packages. No proper evaluation or assessment of an individual skill set is done before making career choices. This often leads to poor utilization of individual potential and hampers productivity and growth. Career assessment tests allow individuals to choose a career option that aligns with their skill sets and fully utilizes their potential.

  • Varied Career Choices

Students often restrict their career choices to engineering, medical, etc., even when there are over 78 career paths and 12000+ occupations available. Career assessment allows individuals to explore varied career choices based on their skill sets, interests, etc.

  • Saves Time and Effort

With career assessment tests, individuals do not have to spend their time, effort, and money exploring career options. They can easily find suitable job roles.

  • Improves Confidence and Productivity

When you choose a career according to your expertise and skill set, your productivity, success rate, and confidence automatically escalate. 

  • Eliminates frustration

Opting for a career option that does not align with your interests can give you endless headaches and frustration. Career assessment tests save individuals from this frustration.

Types of Career Assessment

Below mentioned are the different types of career assessment tests -:

  • Adaptive Career Assessments
  • Type Career Assessments
  • Game Career Assessments

Career Assessment Tools

Below mentioned are the top 10 Career Assessment Tools -:

1. CareerFitter

CareerFitter identifies and assesses personality strengths to find potential career choices over a test with 60 questions over a duration of 10 minutes.

2. Career Cluster Interest Survey (CAREERwise Education)

 A 5-10 minute test that asks clients to rate activities, personal qualities, school subjects to find suitable career clusters. This should be used as a guidance tool as it might not be statistically reliable.

3. Career Quizzes and Tests (Government of Canada)

A 5-10 minute test available on the federal government’s Job Bank that evaluates interests, abilities, work activities, etc., to find suitable career options.

4. Career Quizzes (WorkBC)

Three career quizzes, namely the Abilities Quiz, the Work Preferences Quiz, the Subjects Quiz, are provided by WorkBC’s Career Compass.

5. Charity Village Career Assessment Questionnaire

This questionnaire provides guiding questions for individuals around career satisfaction, career options, motivation, etc.

6. InSight™ Values / Work Characteristics Inventory (Career Perfect)

This test assesses responses in 10 categories to assist individuals in clarifying and giving importance to values that align with the work world. 

7. Interest Assessment (CareerOneStop)

This test, comprising 30 questions, generates an Interest Profile linked to potential career matches. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labour

8. Keirsey Assessment

This 10-15 minute test identifies and evaluates the temperament of individuals.

9. O*NET Interest Profiler (My Next Move)

This American job classification system helps individuals discover their interest and their relation to the work world.

10. Self-Assessment Package (University of Toronto Scarborough)

This 15-30 minute test involves 4 exercises that evaluate an individual’s skills, qualities, interests, and values.

Career Assessment Tests

  • Adaptive Career Assessments 

Adaptive Career Assessments take the help of digital intelligence to provide questions that are based on an individual’s previous answers. These are shorter than other tests and provide individualized experiences.

  • Type Career Assessments

A few different tests fall under this category, and they are-:

  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - This test, based on extensive research, provides an individual with a four-letter acronym that stands for a pre-defined personality type.
  • The Holland Code -  Developed by Dr. John Holland, this theory-based test identifies six personality types, namely realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (RIASEC)
  • The Clifton Strengthsfinder - This test identifies and enhances an individual’s strengths.
  • The DiSC Model - This model identifies 4 types of behaviors and personalities, namely dominant, inspiring, supportive, and cautious.
  • The Strong Interest Inventory - This is an internet-based test that helps in choosing a career option. 
  • Game Career Assessments 

Game career assessments are engaging tests that mimic gameplay. 

Benefits of Career Assessment Tests

  • They identify an individual’s strengths and weaknesses
  • They point out an individual’s suitable career option
  • They guide individuals to follow their passions
  • They help evaluate an individual’s skills and values
  • They help individuals make an informed career choice.

Shine at Work With Certifications!

A lot of things depend on the career choice you make. The right career choice can make your life successful; on the contrary, a wrong one can fill your life with misery. Making an informed decision regarding your career is very important. Once you have done that, opt for certifications to enhance your resume and shine in your career. Learn necessary skills from SimpliLearn and get yourself certified.