Key Takeaways:

  • In Python, bitwise operators are used for efficient coding by manipulating individual bits of numbers.
  • To optimize code and manipulate bits within numbers, shift operators should be well understood.
  •  Custom classes can specify how they behave with these operators using operator overloading for bitwise operations.
  • Custom classes can also extend the behavior of these operators to other types of data beyond just integers.

Using Python, one can handle individual bits in integers using bitwise operations. These Bitwise operators allow programmers to perform binary operations, leading to more efficient and compact code for specific tasks. Understanding bitwise operators in Python is crucial to optimizing code performance and solving particular problems effectively.

This article will examine the basic principles behind using bitwise operator syntax, usage examples, and typical applications. By thoroughly understanding how Python works with its bitwise operators, the software developers could open doors to new ways of handling complex issues or optimizing their codes. Let's look at examples of each type of bitwise operator in Python with examples and what they can do.

Python's Bitwise Operators

Python also offers some bit-twiddling operators that allow one to manipulate individual bits in integers at the binary level, facilitating efficient and concise code for certain operations.

Bitwise AND operator

Python's bitwise AND operator is represented by the ampersand symbol (&). It compares the binary representation of two numbers and returns a new number, with each bit set to 1 only if they're the same in both operands. Otherwise, it returns 0.

For example, 5 and 3. Taking this as an example, 5 has a binary representation of 101, while three has one of its own, 011; when the bitwise AND operator is applied, it results in "001", which is equal to one when converted into decimal form. This operates logically on integer numbers, taking them back to their original form, thereby allowing them to be extracted from the original number using masking operations.

Bitwise OR operator 

The vertical bar symbol (|) represents Python's bitwise OR operator. This will compare every single binary digit of two numbers and give another number, with each corresponding bit set to one. If any of these digits are ones, then their sum will be zero; otherwise, it will return zero.

To illustrate, let us take the expression 5 | 3. The Binary equivalent of five is one hundred and one, while that for three can be listed as zero hundred and eleven. After getting products such as 111 using operating principles or rules, we get seven. For instance, specific bits in an integer may be set to "1" using this process.

Bitwise NOT operator

In Python, the tilde symbol (~) represents the bitwise NOT operator. It affects all bits, inverting them so that every '1' becomes '0' and vice versa.

For instance, consider ~5. Five appears as "101" when put in terms of binary addition; however, applying bitwise does not give us "010", which translates to (-6) in the method of two's complement. This is useful where bits in an integer need to be flipped.

Bitwise XOR operator

The bitwise XOR in Python is represented by the caret symbol (^). This will compare every binary digit of two numbers and give another number with each corresponding bit set to one. If any of these digits are ones, their sum will be zero; otherwise, they will return zero.

To illustrate, let us take 5 ^ 3 as an example. Since five has a binary representation equal to one hundred and one and three has zero hundred and eleven, we produce "110" after applying the operator, which can be expressed as six in decimal notations. The above technique is highly used for toggling certain bits in an integer.

So developers who want to manipulate individual bits within integers benefit from Python's bitwise operators when performing this and other bitwise operations efficiently. Learning these operators is important since they will help you optimize your code, especially if it involves solving specific problems using bitwise manipulation.

Shift Operators

These are the shift operators used in Python to shift bits of an integer to the left or right. They manipulate the binary representation of integers by moving each bit to a specified number of positions in the designated direction. 

Bitwise right shift

Python's bitwise right shift operator is represented by double greater than (>>). It shifts bits of an integer to the right by certain positions. New bits come in from the left and push out old ones on the right during this process.

For instance, consider 8 >> 2. In binary, 8 would be represented as 1000. By shifting it two places to the right, we have 10, equivalent to decimal 2. Right arithmetic shifts are often used to divide by powers of 2 and extract particular bits from integers.

Bitwise left shift 

Python's bitwise left shift operator is represented with double less than (<<). It shifts bits of an integer to the left by some amount. When performing a left-ward motion towards more significant digits, you discard those that were there from before and use new ones that were not previously there.

For example, please look at this code snippet: print (2 << 2). In a binary number system, 'that' equals ten, so when we move it two places to the beginning or towards the most significant digits, we obtain the decimal value of eight thousand (1000). Left logical shifts are often used for multiplication by powers of two and setting some specific bits in integers equal to zero.

These operators provide important tools for working with binary representations, shifting bits either left or right to increase or decrease values, respectively. Their usage should be considered when developing bitwise operations effectively in the Python programming language.

Bitwise Operator Overloading

In Python, custom classes can determine what happens when these operators are applied to class instances through bitwise operator overloading. A few exclusive techniques include __and__, __or__, __xor__, __invert__, __lshift__ and __rshift__. Python allows developers to write more expressive codes that operate with user-defined data types and objects. By defining custom operations for bitwise operators, they can make their classes more flexible than ever, thus becoming perfect for different environments.


Every coder in Python must know about bitwise operators understood within Python and how they can be employed to enhance code performance and solve specific problems. They are also instrumental in working with binary data and carrying out low-level operations, such as changing individual bits in integers or implementing customized behavior for bitwise operator overloading. Bitwise operations help programmers optimize algorithms, design efficient data structures, and improve the overall performance of applications written in Python by understanding their subtleties. By embracing the adaptability and power of bitwise operations a programmer can come up with the most elegant solutions in Python programming. For gaining deeper insights into Bitwise operators you can opt for a comprehensive Python training course. The course will not only give you detailed knowledge of Python but will also make you jobready in no time.


1. How do bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operations work?

Bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operations function by examining the binary representations of two integers bit by bit.

  •  The operator AND returns a 1 if only both bits are 1.
  •  If at least one bit is 1 in the operation, the OR operator
  • will return a 1 as well.
  •  For the XOR operator to give a result of 1, the corresponding bits should not be the same.

 2. How do the shift operators work?

  • Shift operators (<< and >>) move bits of an integer left or right by a given position count.
  • While << also called left shift adds new repetitive, bits from the left, >> known as the right shift drop off redundant bits on the extreme right. 

 3. Can bitwise operators be used on non-integer types?

No, Python has developed these bitwise operators primarily for integer types; they don't operate directly on non-integer data types such as floats or strings. However, custom classes can define their behavior using these operators when applied to their objects.

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