An arithmetic operator is a mathematical function that takes two operands and calculates anything with them. Common arithmetic uses them, and the majority of programming languages provide a set of these operators that may be employed in equations to carry out various kinds of sequential calculations. 

Suppose you are shopping for food at a store with a significant discount. While waiting in line, you hastily take out your phone to determine how much discount you should receive. In practical application, calculators are invaluable tools.

However, what makes these computations?

It's easy to figure out: operators!

Python has simple mathematical operations, which include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and floor. These operations can be carried out using a calculator. Similar to this, arithmetic operators in Python save the day and simplify our work when it comes to coding!

Arithmetic Operators in Python: Key Things to Know

  1. Python's arithmetic operators are very versatile and useful for doing complex and simple mathematical operations. Python arithmetic operators also demonstrate how versatile the language is in handling a variety of data types, as they may be used with lists and tuples, strings for concatenations, and other data structures for the calculations.
  2. Writing accurate and clean code requires a deep understanding of the precedence and associativity of arithmetic operators for developers or coders . This order in which operations are executed in Python is determined by the BODMAS rules for doing a calcluations
  3. Arithmetic operators have both numerical and non-numerical uses, even though they are most frequently connected to mathematical operations involving numbers. Examples of the operators' versatility with respect to various data types are the addition operator's ability to concatenate strings and the multiplication operator's ability to replicate lists.
  4. Common mistakes like division by zero must be avoided when utilising arithmetic operators, particularly division (/ and //) and modulus (%). In order to elegantly manage and handle such mistakes, Python has methods like exception handling (try-except blocks), which ensures software stability and dependability.

Types of Python Arithmetic Operators

Different types of Python arithmetic operators include: 


The  Addition operator is used to add the 2 values. Addition operator is helps to adding a large values this operator is very useful in python programming language

Let’s see the code for this operator:


fistValue = 10
SecondValue = 10
//Now adding the values 
addition = fistValue + SecondValue

print("The addition of",fistValue,"and",SecondValue,"is:",addition)


The addition of 10 and 10 is: 20


A subtraction operator is used for subtracting the values and it will give a difference between the values. The sign of the substratiaction operator is “ - “.


print("The subtract value between",val1,"and",val2,"is:",subtract)


The subtract value between 30 and 10 is: 20


Multiplication is used to multiply the values of and return the result. The sign of this operator is “*”. 

Let’s see the code snippet for a better understanding-


multiplication =val1 * val2

print("The multiplication of",val1,"and",val2,"is:",multiplication )


The multiplication of 50 and 30 is: 200

4. Division

The sign of the division operator is “/” . It divides the two values. This operator finds the quotient when the first operand is divided by the second.

Let’s see how we can code it for better understaning-


print("division of",val1,"and",val2,"is:",quotient)


Division of 50 and 30 is: 1.6666666666666667

5. Modulus

In Python, the division operator is the "%" operator. This allows us to calculate the remaining when we divide the first operand by the second.

Look at this example of code implementation:


remainder =val1%val2
print("The remainder of",val1,"and",val2,"is:",remainder )


The remainder of 50 and 30 is: 20

6. Exponentiation

The symbol "**" in Python represents the exponentiation operator. It is employed to increase the first operand's power to equal the second operand's power.

To further grasp this, let's look at the following sample of code:


print("exponentiation of",first,"and",second,"is:",expo)


exponentiation of 10 and 7 is: 10000000

7. Floor Division

Floor is  doing mathematical operations in python . The symbol or sign of floor "//" is used in Python to indicate it. When the first operand is divided by the second, we use it to calculate the floor of the quotient.


first_number  = 10
second_number = 7
floor_operator = first_number // second_number 
print("The floor division between",first_number ,"and",second_number ,"is:",floor_operator )


The floor division between 10 and 7 is: 1


The arithmetic operators in Python are very essential tools for developers  and developers use these mathematical operations and modifying data inside of programs and solve complex calculations using numeric operators in python. Developers can be used for non-mathematical activities like string concatenation and list replication, in addition to standard numeric operations. Learners can enhance their proficiency and understanding by taking up a comprehensive Python training certification course and becoming familiar with arithmetic operators. 

The story has now come to an end! Let's review what we have covered thus far: 

  • We now know what Python arithmetic operators are.
  • The various varieties of Python arithmetic operators were discussed.
  • We saw how their codes were implemented.

You are now prepared to use Python's arithmetic operators on your own. Have fun with coding!


1. What are the basic arithmetic operators in Python?

 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus are the basic arithmetic operators in python programming language.

2. How does division work in Python for integers and floating-point numbers?

A  single forward slash (/) performs floating-point division for both integers and floating-point numbers and double forward slash (//)  performs an integer division, truncating any fractional part.

3. What is the difference between / and // in Python?

The / is performs a standard division and // it performs a division and it will return the largest integer that is equal and greater than the division results.

4. How do I handle division by zero in Python?

To handle the division by zero in Python by using a exception handling methods.

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