Getting Started with AI in the Cloud

By Matthew DavidLast updated on Jul 2, 2022890
  • Why you should run AI in the cloud
  • Tools and services in AWS and Azure
  • Use of AI in AWS and Azure

About the eBook

There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changer for businesses. The ability to take millions of records, isolate patterns, and predict future outcomes enables organizations to make data-driven decisions. In this ebook, you will come to understand the value of leveraging AI, why it makes sense to run AI in the cloud, explore what Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft’s Azure cloud businesses are delivering to make it easy for you to build AI solutions, and, finally, what skills you need to develop AI solutions on cloud platforms. 

About the Author

Matthew DavidMatthew David

Matt is a Digital Leader at Accenture. His passion is a combination of solving today's problems to run more efficiently, adjusting focus to take advantage of digital tools to improve tomorrow and move organizations to new ways of working that impact the future.

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